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Vbscript Includes

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Does the VBS module support VBScript includes?

I wrote a vbs class and saved it in an external file.

How can I include this file into a VBS module?


Thanks in advance.

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In WSH, the "easiest" is to just write a function called "Include()" which has the following code:


Sub Include(cNameScript)

 Dim oFS, oFile, sCwd

 sCwd = Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, InStrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName , "\"))
 Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
 Set oFile = oFS.OpenTextFile(sCwd & cNameScript)
 ExecuteGlobal oFile.ReadAll()

 Set oFile = Nothing
 Set oFS = Nothing

End Sub


Call Include with the path/name to your script and it will execute it

in the currently-running script's namespace, loading any classes etc.


There are several other ways. See:



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Thanks for your reply.


I tried the 2nd method from the page that you provided, but VoiceGuide seems to be rejecting the script tag.


Could you provide an example of how I can include scripts within a VBS module using script tags?


I believe that this would be the most effective method because, if successful, it will require the fewest lines of code.



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I think that the example that you are referring to was intended for ASP based implementations.


For Run VB Script modules - which basically run the VB Script function in the same way as using the Wscript interpreter - the recommended way is using the "Include()" function as described before.

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