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Trouble Writing Data To Access Database

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I am writing the results of each call to an Access Database table called call record. This had been working successfully. However, I wanted to log wav file play modules and track which modules timed out. I upgraded versions, but now my Insert Into statement isn't executing correctly. I get the following error message. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


100253.68 10 timer clear

100253.68 10 [updateCallRecord] DB Query

100253.70 10 db Jet mode used (To use ODBC mode specify ODBC Connect string)

100253.89 10 rv replace start (strlen>500)

100253.90 10 rv ns [PathSysVoice]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptsPath]{J:\IVR\VoiceGuide\AspirinandDiabetes\Scripts\}[scriptPath]{J:\IVR\VoiceGuide\AspirinandDiabetes\Scripts}[$RV_STARTTIME]{3/28/2005 9:59:37 AM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{10}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}[setIncomingCall_Input]{1}[setIncomingCall]{1}[isIncomingCal



[GetPatientInfo_3_1]{555555555}[GetPatientInfo_4_1]{555}[scriptEnd_Time]{3/28/2005 9:59:57 AM}[scriptEnd_Goto_Script]{\\Rmregfile004\Research\IVR\VoiceGuide\AspirinandDiabetes\Scripts\AspirinandDiabetes.vgs}[scriptEnd_Goto_Module]{Intro1}[scriptStart_Time]{3/28/2005 9:59:57 AM}[scriptStart_CalledFrom_Script]{J:\IVR\VoiceGuide\AspirinandDiabetes\Scripts\IncomingInitCallValidate2HRN.vgs}[scriptStart_CalledFrom_Module]{GetPatient

nfo}[scriptsPath]{\\Rmregfile004\Research\IVR\VoiceGuide\AspirinandDiabetes\Scripts\}[intro1]{timeout}[GetNowValue_Input]{Now}[GetNowValue]{3/28/2005 10:00:28 AM}[NewNowValue]{3/28/2005 10:00:28 AM}[Activity]{-1}[DaysofActivity]{0}[TotalTime]{0}[Aspirin]{-1}[ReasonNoAspirin]{-1}[Allergic]{-1}[bloodThinner]{-1}[OtherProblems]{-1}[ReasonsNoAspirin]{-1}[Forget]{-1}[TooManyMeds]{-1}[WontBenefit]{-1}[sideEffects]{-1}[MoreInfo]{-1}[Congratulations]{-1}[strategies]{-1}[Concerns]{-1}[Recommendation]{-1}[GoodJob]{-1}[HeartTrouble]{-1}[ChestPains]{-1}[Dizzy]{-1}[HighBP]{-1}[JointArthritis]{-1}[PhysicalReason]{-1}[Over65]{-1}[TalktoDr]{-1}[safelyExercise]{-1}[sGrecs]{-1}[GetHurt]{-1}[DontEnjoy]{-1}[NoTime]{-1}[NoPlace]{-1}[FindingTime]{-1}[ExerciseSafe]{-1}[ExCount]{0}[NoBarriers]{-1}[ModerateOK]{-1}[ThankYou]{0}[Re-SetRVs_ResultReturn]{success}[Activity]{1}[DaysofActivity]{3}[TotalTime]{30}[Asp


lConditions_Input]{(2 = 2) AND (2 = 2) AND (2 = 2)}[MedicalConditions]{True}[medicalconditionspath]{True}[RecommendAspirin]{2}[R


2}[MoreInfo]{2}[EvaluateforStrategies_Input]{(2 = 2) AND (2 = 2)}[EvaluateforStrategies]{True}[EvalStrategies]{True}[EvaluateforConcerns_Input

{(2 = 2) AND (2 = 2) AND (2 = 2)}[EvaluateforConcerns]{True}[EvalConcerns]{True}[EvalNoAspirinBarriers_Input]{

True = True) AND (True = True)}[EvalNoAspirinBarriers]{True}[EvalnoABarrier]{True}[Recommendation]{timeou


100253.91 10 db About to execute a Modify type operation [iNSERT INTO CallRecord (StudyID, CallDateTime, IsIncomingCall, Activity, DaysofActivity, TotalTime, Aspirin, ReasonNoAspirin, Allergic, BloodThinner, OtherProblems, ReasonsNoAspirin, Forget, TooManyMeds, WontBenefit, SideEffects, MoreInfo, Congratulations, Strategies, Concerns, Recommendation, GoodJob, HeartTrouble, ChestPains, Dizzy, HighBP, JointArthritis, PhysicalReason, Over65, TalktoDr, SafelyExercise, SGrecs, GetHurt, DontEnjoy, NoTime, NoPlace, FindingTime, ExerciseSafe, ExCount, NoBarriers, ModerateOK, ThankYou) VALUES (555, #3/28/2005 10:00:28 AM#, 1, 1, 3, 30, 2, -1, 2, 2, 2, timeout, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, -1, -1, timeout, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 2);]

100253.98 10 ERROR 5.2.3072 DB Execute: 3061,Too few parameters. Expected 1.

100253.99 10 rv lg add [updateCallRecord_RowCount]{0}

100254.02 10 db DBEngine.Error 3061:Too few parameters. Expected 1.:DAO.Database

100254.05 10 path {0} not found

100254.07 10 path {} not found

100254.09 10 rv lg add [Hangup Time]{3/28/2005 10:02:54 AM}

100254.09 10 Hanging up call... [GoNextVgm_Boolean fail]

100254.10 10 RecSoundStop ok

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The problem does seem to be that the SQL statement fails to be correctly interpreted by the database.


I'd try debugging the SQL statement by first simplifying it and then gradually expanding it to see at which stage it fails.

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I pasted the sequel statement into an Access query and ran it. Even though the access fields are text fields. The program is hanging on the RV's with 'timeout' as the datastring. When I put single quotes around the word time out each time it occurs, the SQL executes correctly. Any suggestions on how to program voice guide so I can take the RV with "timeout" as the result and insert that into a call record? Steve

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Any suggestions on how to program voice guide so I can take the RV with "timeout" as the result and insert that into a call record?

One approach would be to set up all the database fields as "text" instead of "number" and then just put quotes around all of the RVs specified in the query.


Another way would be to point the timeout path in each input module to an Evaluate Expression module which resets the RV to a different value.

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