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Vbscript Dsn-odbc-queries

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I have an ODBC connection set up to point to an Access Database which I can connect to with a Query Database module. However, I want to execute an access query directly and my understanding is that I need to use a VBScript module to do it. I have a VBScript module set up with the following code but I keep getting a "Object Required" error message. 'ADProd' is my ODBC connection name and "TestInsertQuery" is my query name. What am I doing wrong?


'Declare Vars

dim cmdCommand, prmParameter, rsRecordset, cnConnection, sParam


'Open Your Connection

set cnConnection= "DSN=ADProd;"



'Initialize Input Parameters

sParam = "My Param"


set cmdCommand= server.createobject("adodb.command")

set prmParameter= server.createobject("adodb.parameter")

set rsRecordset= server.createobject("adodb.recordset")


With cmdCommand

'Prepare Command

set .ActiveConnection = cnConnection

.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

.CommandText = "TestInsertQuery"



set prmPartyView = .CreateParameter("@SPParameter", adVarChar, _

adParamInput,255,sParam )

.Parameters.Append prmParameter


'Execute Stored Procedure and return Recordset if needed.


set rsRecordset= cmdCommand.execute

End With

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I keep getting a "Object Required" error message.

On which line does this error occur?


Best to just get the VBScript working first (save it in a .VBS file and run it direct) and then when it's working then place it in the 'Run VBScript" module.

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