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Database Query Module

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I'm unable to have VG evaluate the resulting db query module correctly if the number of rows is above 99. $RV[Example_1_99] is fine, but once it hits $RV[Example_1_100] or higher, it's unable to evaluate the express and returns it as null

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VoiceGuide limits returned information returned by the Database Query module and saved as Result Variables to 100 rows...


It was thought unlikely that any application would want to read out more then 100 retrieved entries to the caller, and some limit had to be set on the number of retrieved rows, so it was pegged at 100…


If you need to manipulate more then 100 rows of data you may use a VB Script module to query the database from within the VB script and work with the retrieved data there...


(What sort of app are you creating that requires more then 100 rows of database entries to be made available as individual Result Variables?)

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i have a customers database with 200+ entries, there's also a binary field for each customer that i use to determine if they have a new message. There's a portion of my script that resets everyone's field when there's a new message that all customers should read, i have to do this manually for each row. Is there a way to mass change a certain field that will take effect on everyone using SQL?

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There's a portion of my script that resets everyone's field when there's a new message that all customers should read, i have to do this manually for each row. Is there a way to mass change a certain field that will take effect on everyone using SQL?

You should be able to use a single SQL statement to set the selected field for all the entries in the database... use the UPDATE type SQL statement and just do not specify a WHERE part of the statement - that way all the rows in the database should be updated...


The 100 row limit (which is changeable in VG.INI filwe anyway) is only for the amount of data which is to be read into VG's Result Varaibles when retrieving info using VGs DB Query module.


You can change it to whatever value you need. See section [moduleDBQuery] of VG.INI file (needs v5.1.8 and higher).

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