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Does Voiceguide Script Has A Bug?

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Hello Support,


I am testing the voice guide script to make an IVR system for our sales department but I cannot give them our product because I am not satisfied with this.


Instead of getting 1 email, the system is sending me 2 emails. The emails are the same.


If a caller press 0 for example, the system is sending 2 emails with the same message and then the systen hans up.

When you press 8, the system is sending 1 message and then it is going to the voicemailbox menu


This is the VmLm.vgs script.




'Script : vmLm.vgs

'Module : VmLmMenu



sPathSysVoice = "$RV[PathSysVoice]"

sPathDataVm = "$RV[PathDataVm]"

sVmMsgCurr_Path = "$RV[PathDataVm]VmSave\"

sVmbId = "$RV[VmbId]"

sVmLmRec = "$RV[VmLmRec]"


set VG = CreateObject("VoiceGuide.CommandLink")

set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")




select case "$RV_LastKeyPress"

case "$RV[Key_VmLmStopRecAndPlay]" '{1}

'Stop recording and play the recorded message

VG.Script_Goto iLineId, "", "VmLmRecPlay", ""


case "$RV[Key_VmLmDelRecRecAgain]" '{2}

'Delete the recorded message and start recording again

on error resume next

DeleteFile sVmLmRec

VG.Script_Goto iLineId, "", "VmLmStart", "[VmLmRec]{}" 'clear the name of the last recorded message


case "$RV[Key_VmLmSaveAndPlayGreeting]" '{3}

'Save the recorded message and play the greeting message for this voicemail box again

ProcessRecordedVmMsg iLineId, sVmbId, sVmLmRec

VG.Script_Goto iLineId, "", "VmLmStart", "[VmLmRec]{}" 'clear the name of the last recorded message


case "$RV[Key_VmLmDeleteGoGroupPrevious]" '{4}

'Delete the recorded message and group browse to the previous voicemail box

'and play it's greeting message


on error resume next

DeleteFile sVmLmRec

VG.Script_Goto iLineId, "", "VmLmStart", "[VmLmRec]{}" 'clear the name of the last recorded message


case "$RV[Key_VmLmDeleteAndPlayGreeting]" '{5}

'Delete the recorded message and play the greeting message for this voicemail box again

on error resume next

DeleteFile sVmLmRec

VG.Script_Goto iLineId, "", "VmLmStart", "[VmLmRec]{}" 'clear the name of the last recorded message


case "$RV[Key_VmLmDeleteGoGroupNext]" '{6}

'Delete the recorded message and group browse to the next voicemail box

'and play it's greeting message


on error resume next

DeleteFile sVmLmRec

VG.Script_Goto iLineId, "", "VmLmStart", "[VmLmRec]{}" 'clear the name of the last recorded message


case "$RV[Key_VmLmSaveGoVmLogin]" '{8}

'Save the recorded message and go to Voicemail Login Menu

ProcessRecordedVmMsg iLineId, sVmbId, sVmLmRec

VG.Script_Goto iLineId, "vmLogin.vgs", "VmLoginStart", "[VmLmRec]{}" 'clear the name of the last recorded message


case "$RV[Key_VmLmSaveVmExit]" '{0}

'Save the recorded message and exit the voicemail system

'return to wherever the return path was defined to.

ProcessRecordedVmMsg iLineId, sVmbId, sVmLmRec

VG.Script_Return iLineId, "[VmLmRec]{}" 'clear the name of the last recorded message


case "$RV[Key_VmLmSaveGoLmRecMsgMenu]" '{#}

'Stop recording and play the menu which speaks the options listed above

VG.Script_Goto iLineId, "", "VmLmMenuPlay", ""


case "timeout"

'only happens here after the "Max Rec Length" announcement is played

VG.Script_Goto iLineId, "", "VmLmMenuPlay", ""


case else

'unknown - just play the menu then...

VG.Script_Goto iLineId, "", "VmLmMenuPlay", ""


end select


Set VG = Nothing

set Fso = Nothing



sub ProcessRecordedVmMsg(iLineId, sVmbId, sVmLmRec)

if sVmLmRec = "" then

exit sub

end if

if (FileMoreThenMinLength(sVmbId, sVmLmRec)) then

VG.Vm_Event iLineId, "FORWARD", sVmbId, sVmLmRec, "", ""


VG.Admin_TraceLogAdd iLineId, 2, "vm msg too short, deleting: " & sVmLmRec

DeleteFile sVmLmRec

end if

end sub


function FileMoreThenMinLength(sVmbId, sFilename)

if "$RV[VmLmRec_RecLen100ms]" = "" then

'[VmLmRec_RecLen100ms] not set...

VG.Admin_TraceLogAdd iLineId, 1, "vm RV[VmLmRec_RecLen100ms] not set."

FileMoreThenMinLength = True

exit function

end if

on error resume next

iRecLen100ms = Clng($RV[VmLmRec_RecLen100ms])

iFileLength = iRecLen100ms / 10

iMinLength = Cint(VG.Vm_VmbConfig_Get(sVmbId, "MsgLenMin"))

if iMinLength = "" then

'min length undefined - return true

FileMoreThenMinLength = True

exit function

end if

on error resume next

if iFileLength >= iMinLength then

FileMoreThenMinLength = True


VG.Admin_TraceLogAdd iLineId, 2, "vm SoundFileLength=" & iFileLength & ", MsgLenMin=" & iMinLength

FileMoreThenMinLength = False

end if

end function


sub DeleteFile(sFname)

'starts a VBScript which is designed to make repeated attempts to delete the file.

on error resume next

Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

ws.run "wscript ""$RV[PathVgSys]vm\vm_deletefile.vbs"" """ & sFname & """", 0

Set ws = Nothing

end sub




Can something be done with this script to do the wright things?


I will appreciate it very much because I cannot give our department such a system.



Thank you.


I have the log file


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If a caller press 0 for example, the system is sending 2 emails with the same message and then the system hangs up.

When you press 8, the system is sending 1 message and then it is going to the voicemailbox menu


Trace shows caller was taken to a voicemail box and started recording a message at 16:00:09:


160009.70 3 state [VmLmRec] Recording C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1113160009_1_3_451300_.wav


The recording was ended by caller pressing the # key about 5 seconds later:


160014.83 3 tw dtmf # (3,35,35)


Which results in caller being taken to the "Record Message Menu", which lets caller listen to recorded message etc.


160014.91 3 state [VmLmMenuPlay] Playing (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\RecMsgMenu.wav)


aller presses the 0 key while listening to that menu to indicate they wish to exit the Voicemail system:


160016.70 3 tw dtmf 0 (3,48,48)


which causes the call to be hung-up as no return path was specified when jumping to voicemail scripts.


The recorded voicemail file (0001_1113160009_1_3_451300_.wav) is forwarded as soon as the 0 key is pressed:


160016.77 3 vm frwrd vmb 0001 email to 107@tocmail.com (wav attached)


but then upon call being hung up the 'On Hangup' script sends the email again (!)


160017.88 3 vm frwrd vmb 0001 email to 107@tocmail.com (wav attached)


This is a bug. We'll look into this and should come back with an answer in a few hours.

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Please place the attached .VGS files into VoiceGuide's \system\vm\ subdirectory. These file will be used when running the software in either the Evaluation mode or the Enterprise mode.


Please try the scenario as before (press 0 while in recorded message menu and then hangup) and please advise if the duplicated forwarding still occurs.


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Hello Support,


Thanks for the files.


When the caller press 1 it it OK. The caller can listen to his/her spoken message

When the caller press 2 it it OK. The caller can record again

This should be good for a system thats let people leave their problems.


The option to save the message and exit was when you press the key 0. The system should save the message and exit. (very good)


But the problem was that the system was sending 2 emails of the same.

Now with the file you send, VG is existing the system but it's sends no email and no message.


I am getting a message at my screen telling me that the system want to send a message. If I press "yes" no message is sending.


The only problem whas that the system was sending 2 emails.


When the caller press 8, the system send 1 email (very good) but it is going to voicemailbox menu.



Can I leave it so to make the caller press 8 and then hang up? (It is not nice if the caller hear the message regarding voicemail)



It is a problem reporting system. (I am sending you the logs)


log1.zip when I press 8

log2.zip when I press 0


I hope you can help.




It should be good




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When the caller press 8, the system send 1 email (very good) but it is going to voicemailbox menu.
Yes, that's what it should be doing... see the voicemail menu specifications for the Leave Message Menu: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/html/voicemailMenus.htm


Now with the file you send, VG is existing the system but it's sends no email and no message.

We can see in the "es" trace that the email sending was attempted, but did not work as in this case it looks like there was a problem with the recorded sound file:

124410.61 0 smtp SendFailed The file you tried to attach does not exist

which is a bit strange as in tw log we can see that it was created:

124406.156 conv out [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1115124358_1_3_421270_.wav]
Can you check if file C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1115124358_1_3_421270_.wav is on your system?


The forwarding is done at the time DTMF 0 is pressed:

124408.98 3 tw dtmf 0 (3,48,48)


124409.05 3 cl Vm_Event 3, FORWARD, 0001, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1115124358_1_3_421270_.wav, ,


124409.06 3 vm frwrd vmb 0001 email to 107@tocmail.com (wav attached)

124409.06 0 email sent as plain text as "<HTML" not present in body text (not set to HTML format).

124409.06 3 vm frwrd vmb 0001 end

When the sending though your toc-ftpmail SMTP server fails due the the email sender not being able to find the file on the system, the email sender then looks at the backup sending method - which you've set to be Outlook. And looks like the Outlook installed on this system has protection enabled on it to stop 3rd party applications from sending emails using it... you would need to disable that protection on Outlook.


So the real question is why was the Email sender unable to find the file when sending it through the SMTP server in that case, while it worked in another case (with the same function being used to send the email message)...


I attach a new VgEmailSender.exe to this post. Please place this .exe on your VG directory and reproduce the problem and then send post the "es" trace file (.ZIPed). This new .exe has more tracing in the relevant area to let us see what is happening.


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Hi Support Team,


I think that I have fixed it.


The caller can press 1 to hear his/her message,

2 to speak again his/her message and

3 to confirm his message and then the system is greating and then end the call.


This is only for the Problem report service system.


If the caller press other keys the system must not response. I have to disable any other key

So I think if I want to use the system for an other service than I have to............use an other script (with the same name) but now it is working.



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If the caller press other keys the system must not response. I have to disable any other key

Just edit the voicemail script(s) to remove the other options then.

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I had never think about that option.


I will do that.


Thank you

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Have found the cause of "The file you tried to attach does not exist" error.


It was caused by the voicemail scripts supplied previously.


The attached voicemail scripts resolve this issue.


Please place attached .vgs files in VG's \system\vm\ subdirectory.


Then stop VG, delete file EmailQue.mdb from VG's \data\ subdirectory (if the file is there), and then start VG again.


VG will now use the new voicemail script files and the email forwarding should result in only one email being sent.


The VG for Dialogic available for download now (v6.0.3190 and onwards) has these latest voicemail script files included as part of it's download.


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