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Voiceguide Did Not Hang Up A Call...

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Dear support,


I got a call from one of our clients saying they cannot call to their IVR.


When I checked the line status (they use only one line of port at this time), I noticed the line was kind of stuck, showing "Hanging up call...(2)" on the status field.


I wonder at this point why the call could not be disconnected after the "trying to hang up."

I tried to disconnect calls after restart, and Voiceguide worked fine after that...


I am attaching the call log. Please see at the end of the log with "Hanging up call...(2)" message.


Please let me know what had caused this error.




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We are looking into this and have an answer and a fix for you soon.


At this stage it looks like the issue has something to do with the use of a Script_Goto COM command from within a VBScript, and how this command behaves when the call is ended (on analog lines) at the same time this COM command is ran.


from traces we can see that module [ReturnToMainMenu] currently has just:


Option Explicit

Dim vg

Set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Script_Goto $RV_LINEID, "Login.vgs","GetMainMenu", ""

Set vg = Nothing


A solution to this issue would be instead of using a " goto [ReturnToMainMenu]" path, just use a " goto [Login.vgs|GetMainMenu]" this will make the script jump straight to the module GetMainMenu in script Login.vgs, and you will not use the separate VBScript module to perform the jump.


You can use a text editor (eg. notepad) to do a search/replace of the gotos in the .vgs file as described above, and then just delete the [ReturnToMainMenu] module.

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