We have run into an issue where the run module returns a fail when it should return a success. The run module is set to wait for program to finish. The program details are as follows:
c:\sox-14-3-2\sox.exe c:\vgtemp\it_msg\1.wav c:\vgtemp\it_msg\1.mp3
The program simply takes a wav file and converts it to mp3. The sox program being called executes successfully and creates the mp3 file. So we added the result file at the end of the command giving us this:
c:\sox-14-3-2\sox.exe c:\vgtemp\it_msg\1.wav c:\vgtemp\it_msg\1.mp3 > "c:\program files\voiceguide\data\VGRUNRESULT_$RV_LINEID.TXT"
this results in a timeout. With no VGRUNRESULT being created.
We also have a php script that we call like so:
c:\php\php.exe c:\voicescripts\it-msg-rpc\vm-ticket-req.php $RV_LINEID
this php creates a file named VGRUNRESULT_$RV_LINEID.TXT in voiceguide\data that contains [variable]{12345}. This still results in the timeout path being taken. Why is the run module not returning success?