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  1. After downloading full Arabic package including ‘Display’ ‘Text to speech’ and ‘Keyboard’ subcomponents we would like to make VoiceGuide read ‘arabic’ sentences. However, it seems that ‘Arabic’ characters written and retrieved from any Microsoft software (Word, Wordpad, Notepad) or other third parties text editor (Notepad++) cannot be interpreted and displayed on any ‘VoiceGuide’ UI text editor interface (Text Box input field). The Unicode format (seems to be ‘UTF8’) related gets displayed in unreadable characters that cannot be processed by the Arabic TTS_Engine. (Please refer to the attached image for full details) We did confirm though, that numerical characters (1, 2 …) are well spelled and pronounced in arabic. Can you please let us know whether there any specific setting that need to be enabled in the Voiceguide or any additional plugins to be added in order to make the Voiceguide VB text editor to display correctly Arabic characters, words and full sentences. Please find in the attachment a snapshot of the Voice guide VB Script editor window along with the logs captured Arabic sentence interpretation testing. Thanks for your support. Attach: log file + screenshot log.zip