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Query Database Issue

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I am trying to connect to an Oracle database. I am using Win 2008 R2 64bit. I've installed Oracle 11.1 32 bit client and the 11.2 64 bit client. The backend database for VG seems to connect and work fine. I can see the callque table in Oracle.

When I try to use the query database module in VG I get an immediate hangup. I've tried each of the two following methods. They are indicated separately in the attached log files.

Please advise as to the issue.


Driver={Oracle in OraClient11g_home1};Server=sct;Dbq=prod;Uid=uimsmgr_01;Pwd=somepass;




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Would recommend searching on google for more information on the "The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application" error that the ODBC drivers are returning here.


A number of hits come up for this and it seems to have something to do with using the right ODBC administration applet to set up the ODBC data source.




from vgEngine traces:

235158.479  6   2   1 state [DB1] DB Query
235158.479  6   2   1       rv    replace start [select uimsmgr_01.f_call_calcarbalance('$RV[Cust]','$RV[Prem]') bal from dual;]
235158.485  6   2   1       rv    replace end   [select uimsmgr_01.f_call_calcarbalance('300221','1002763') bal from dual;]
235158.485  6   2   1       db    strDatabaseName=[] strDbConnectString=[Driver={Oracle in OraClient11g_home2};Server=topaz;Dbq=prod;Uid=uimsmgr_01;Pwd=u_;] sAdoNetFactoriesAvailable=[|System.Data.Odbc|System.Data.OleDb|System.Data.OracleClient|System.Data.SqlClient|System.Data.SQLite|Npgsql|]
235158.485  6   2   1       db    did not find ado.net data provider :
235158.485  6   2   1       db    PlayOnHoldFile
235158.488  6   2   1       moh file not specified
235158.488  6   2   1       db    using ado.net ODBC data provider : OdbcConnection/OdbcCommand/etc
235158.488  6   2   1       db    suggested ODBC connect string format if System DSN defined: DSN=ddd;Uid=xxx;Pwd=yyy;
235158.492  6   2   1       db    odbc  RunQuery_Odbc [DB1], db=[], connect=[Driver={Oracle in OraClient11g_home2};Server=topaz;Dbq=prod;Uid=uimsmgr_01;Pwd=u_;], sql=[select uimsmgr_01.f_call_calcarbalance('300221','1002763') bal from dual;]
235158.493  6   2   1       odbc  DSN not specified, using a DSN-less ODBC connection.
235158.493  6   2   1       db    odbc  thread init (threadpool)
235158.493  6   2   1       db    odbc  thread started (threadpool)
235158.493  6   2   1 t     timer set   30 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP
235158.494  7   2   1       q tel run   cmd_PlayStop 00:00:00.0160000 max:24|00:00:01.3370000
235158.500  4   2   1       db    odbc  connection create call.
235158.503  4   2   1       db    odbc  connection open call.
235158.514 18   2   1 ev    PlayEnd 2 481617
235158.514 18   2   1       play  end   id=481617, (current id). Setting .lPlayId=0
235158.514 18   2   1       q scr add   evScriptEvent 8001 EV_PLAY_FINISHED
235158.514  6   2   1       q scr run   evScriptEvent sCode=[EV_PLAY_FINISHED] iActionID=0, crn=0[481617|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:1|00:00:00.0080000
235158.514  6   2   1       scriptevent EV_PLAY_FINISHED  481617|0|0  || LineState=LS_DBQUERY
235158.517  6   2   1       LsDbQuery EV_PLAY_FINISHED,EV_PLAY_FINISHED
235158.517  6   2   1       play  end   id=481617, iRunWait_MohPlayWasStarted=0. ignoring
235158.622  4   2   1 ERROR v0.0.0.0 (2013-06-13 22:27:05.23) ConnectAndRun_Odbc init : ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

235357.939  6   2   1 state [DB1] DB Query
235357.939  6   2   1       rv    replace start [select uimsmgr_01.f_call_calcarbalance('$RV[Cust]','$RV[Prem]') bal from dual;]
235357.945  6   2   1       rv    replace end   [select uimsmgr_01.f_call_calcarbalance('1300221','1002763') bal from dual;]
235357.945  6   2   1       db    strDatabaseName=[] strDbConnectString=[Dsn=prod;Dbq=prod;Uid=uimsmgr_01;Pwd=u_] sAdoNetFactoriesAvailable=[|System.Data.Odbc|System.Data.OleDb|System.Data.OracleClient|System.Data.SqlClient|System.Data.SQLite|Npgsql|]
235357.945  6   2   1       db    did not find ado.net data provider :
235357.945  6   2   1       db    PlayOnHoldFile
235357.948  6   2   1       moh file not specified
235357.948  6   2   1       db    using ado.net ODBC data provider : OdbcConnection/OdbcCommand/etc
235357.948  6   2   1       db    suggested ODBC connect string format if System DSN defined: DSN=ddd;Uid=xxx;Pwd=yyy;
235357.952  6   2   1       db    odbc  RunQuery_Odbc [DB1], db=[], connect=[Dsn=prod;Dbq=prod;Uid=uimsmgr_01;Pwd=u_], sql=[select uimsmgr_01.f_call_calcarbalance('1300221','1002763') bal from dual;]
235357.953  6   2   1       odbc  DSN not specified, using a DSN-less ODBC connection.
235357.953  6   2   1       db    odbc  thread init (threadpool)
235357.953  6   2   1       db    odbc  thread started (threadpool)
235357.953  6   2   1 t     timer set   30 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP
235357.954  7   2   1       q tel run   cmd_PlayStop 00:00:00.0150000 max:24|00:00:01.3830000
235357.960 21   2   1       db    odbc  connection create call.
235357.963 21   2   1       db    odbc  connection open call.
235357.985 21   2   1 ERROR v0.0.0.0 (2013-06-13 22:27:05.23) ConnectAndRun_Odbc init : ERROR [IM014] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application

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Duh. So I went back to my conf.xml to see how I connected to the callque and used that exactly and it works.


Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=aaa)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=aaa)));User Id=somesuer;Password=somepass;


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