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Suddenly Vg Stop Creating Call Record Files

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Yesterday and today in this same time stop creating call record files.

It happen at 15:00.


I attached today's log file.


To check file exists I use [check_file] module and after I send sms to my mobile.




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Attached trace shows that the module "check_file" uses a VBScript to test for existence of a WAV file, and sometimes the VBScript returns that it has fund the file, and sometimes the VBScript ends without calling the Run_ResultReturn function.

153352.012 14  37  13 state [check_file] type: Script_VBScript, iRunWait=1
153352.012 14  37  13       rv    replace start
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists ("c:\callrecord\$RV[session_id].wav") then
fileexistschecker= "1"
end if

set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
vg.Run_ResultReturn $RV_LINEID, "[CheckRecordFileExists]{" & fileexistschecker & "}"
set vg = Nothing
153352.012 14  37  13       rv    replace end   [Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists ("c:\callrecord\ID201307021530141713.wav") then
fileexistschecker= "1"
end if

set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
vg.Run_ResultReturn 37, "[CheckRecordFileExists]{" & fileexistschecker & "}"
set vg = Nothing]
153352.012 14  37  13       script will be ran from file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_37_2.vbs
153352.012 14  37  13       on hold file: , iModuleIdx=791
153352.012 14  37  13       delete existing: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_37_2.vbs
153352.013 14  37  13       current objVbsOrExeProcess=
153352.013 14  37  13       RunVBScriptFile [wscript][C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_37_2.vbs][] timeout=60 (vbsPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp), start (new Process)
153352.013 14  37  13       objVbsOrExeProcess.Start call
153352.030 14  37  13       RunVBScriptFile just started. Handle=6548, Id=4840, StartTime=2013-07-02 15:33:52, HasExited=False
153352.033 14  37  13       VBScript started [C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_37_2.vbs], ProcessHandle=[6548], VbsOrExeProcess.WorkingSet=[1613824]
153352.033 14  37  13       RunModule_Script_AfterScriptStarted start
153352.033 14  37  13       Run Script waiting. iRunWait=1 (process:6548)
153352.033 14  37  13 t     timer set   1 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
153352.033 14  37  13       moh file not specified
153352.526 24               LoadAnyUpdatedScripts vgsidx 13 marked as superseeded. Still loaded as it is actively used.
153353.055 24  37  13 timer EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
153353.055 24  37  13       q scr add   evScriptEvent 9007 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
153353.055  6  37  13       q scr run   evScriptEvent sCode=[EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE] iActionID=0, crn=0[0|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:5|00:00:00.3910224
153353.055  6  37  13       scriptevent EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE  0|0|0  || LineState=LS_RUN_WAITTILLFINISHED
153353.055  6  37  13       LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE lCode2Str=EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
153353.055  6  37  13       Process.HasExited is false (awaiting process end or COM function call) handle=6548, id=4840, StartTime=2013-07-02 15:33:52
153353.056  6  37  13       .ExitTime returned error.
153353.056  6  37  13       LsRunWaitTillFinished: process still running
153353.056  6  37  13 t     timer set   1 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
153353.090 12               remoting link constructor activated: vgServices_CommandLink
153353.092 12  37  13 rem   Run_ResultReturn [[CheckRecordFileExists]{1}] 26
154429.401 24  13   5 state [check_file] type: Script_VBScript, iRunWait=1
154429.401 24  13   5       rv    replace start
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists ("c:\callrecord\$RV[session_id].wav") then
fileexistschecker= "1"
end if

set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
vg.Run_ResultReturn $RV_LINEID, "[CheckRecordFileExists]{" & fileexistschecker & "}"
set vg = Nothing
154429.402 24  13   5       rv    replace end   [Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists ("c:\callrecord\ID20130702154127175.wav") then
fileexistschecker= "1"
end if

set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
vg.Run_ResultReturn 13, "[CheckRecordFileExists]{" & fileexistschecker & "}"
set vg = Nothing]
154429.402 24  13   5       script will be ran from file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_13_2.vbs
154429.402 24  13   5       on hold file: , iModuleIdx=791
154429.402 24  13   5       delete existing: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_13_2.vbs
154429.403 24  13   5       current objVbsOrExeProcess=
154429.403 24  13   5       RunVBScriptFile [wscript][C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_13_2.vbs][] timeout=60 (vbsPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp), start (new Process)
154429.403 24  13   5       objVbsOrExeProcess.Start call
154429.420 24  13   5       RunVBScriptFile just started. Handle=6368, Id=7512, StartTime=2013-07-02 15:44:29, HasExited=False
154429.423 24  13   5       VBScript started [C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_13_2.vbs], ProcessHandle=[6368], VbsOrExeProcess.WorkingSet=[147456]
154429.423 24  13   5       RunModule_Script_AfterScriptStarted start
154429.423 24  13   5       Run Script waiting. iRunWait=1 (process:6368)
154429.423 24  13   5 t     timer set   1 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
154429.423 24  13   5       moh file not specified
154430.209 14  13   5 timer EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
154430.209 14  13   5       q scr add   evScriptEvent 9007 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
154430.209  6  13   5       q scr run   evScriptEvent sCode=[EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE] iActionID=0, crn=0[0|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:1|00:00:00.0090005
154430.209  6  13   5       scriptevent EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE  0|0|0  || LineState=LS_RUN_WAITTILLFINISHED
154430.209  6  13   5       LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE lCode2Str=EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
154430.209  6  13   5       Process.HasExited is true (System.Diagnostics.Process (wscript))
154430.209  6  13   5       task completed. vgm=791, iRunWait=1, iRunWait_ExeResult_NextVgm=0=[]
154430.209  6  13   5       moh not stopping play, bDoNotStopMoh==true
154430.209  6  13   5       ExeResult_NextVgm has not been set. check for Result file.
154430.209  6  13   5       no result file returned from program (VGRUNRESULT_13.TXT).
154430.209  6  13   5       FindNextVgmTitleInPathList: next module title is=[jest plik?]
154430.209  6  13   5       q tel add   cmd_PlayStop [0,0,0,0,0][||||]
154430.209  6  13   5       play  PlaySoundStop ok
154430.209  6  13   5       task completed LsRunWaitChooseNext iNextVgm=790
154430.209  7  13   5       q tel run   cmd_PlayStop 00:00:00 max:1|00:00:00.0130007
154430.210  6  13   5 t     timer clear (force=False)
154430.210  6  13   5       RunModule start Evaluate, [jest plik?], iModuleIdx=790, previous: vgm=791, vgs=15:15
154430.210  6  13   5 state [jest plik?] Evaluate [$RV[CheckRecordFileExists]]
154430.210  6  13   5       rv    replace start [$RV[CheckRecordFileExists]]
154430.210  6               rv    dbg   rv_retrieve did not find [CheckRecordFileExists] ( 43 68 65 63 6b 52 65 63 6f 72 64 46 69 6c 65 45 78 69 73 74 73)
154430.210  6  13   5       rv    replace end   []
154430.210  6  13   5       eval  []

Looking at the second case closer:

154201.644 24  13   5 state [nagranie rozmowy fa] type: Script_VBScript, iRunWait=0
154201.644  6  13   5       scriptevent EV_PLAY_FINISHED  229050|0|0  || LineState=LS_MODULE_TRANSITION
154201.644 24  13   5       rv    replace start
set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start($RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "C:\callrecord\$RV[session_id].wav", "")
set vg = Nothing

154201.644 24  13   5       rv    replace end   [set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start(13, 13, 86, "C:\callrecord\ID20130702154127175.wav", "")
set vg = Nothing]

154201.644 24  13   5       script will be ran from file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_13_1.vbs
154201.644 24  13   5       on hold file: , iModuleIdx=394

154201.644 24  13   5       delete existing: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_13_1.vbs

154201.644 24  13   5       current objVbsOrExeProcess=
154201.644 24  13   5       RunVBScriptFile [wscript][C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_13_1.vbs][] timeout=60 (vbsPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp), start (new Process)
154201.644 24  13   5       objVbsOrExeProcess.Start call

154201.653 24  13   5       RunVBScriptFile just started. Handle=6692, Id=8704, StartTime=2013-07-02 15:42:01, HasExited=False
154201.655 24  13   5       VBScript started [C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_13_1.vbs], ProcessHandle=[6692], VbsOrExeProcess.WorkingSet=[1896448]
154201.655 24  13   5       RunModule_Script_AfterScriptStarted start
154201.655 24  13   5       Run Script continuing...
154201.655 24  13   5       FindNextVgmTitleInPathList: next module title is=[czy RICOH]
154201.655 24  13   5 t     timer clear (force=False)
154201.655 24  13   5       RunModule start Evaluate, [czy RICOH], iModuleIdx=404, previous: vgm=394, vgs=6:6
154201.655 24  13   5 state [czy RICOH] Evaluate [$RV[ID_projektu]=534]
154201.655 24  13   5       rv    replace start [$RV[ID_projektu]=534]
154201.655 24  13   5       rv    replace end   [548=534]
154201.655 24  13   5       eval  [548=534]
154201.655 24  13   5       eval  InvokeMember Eval returned
154201.655 24  13   5       Eval Expr result:[False]
154201.656 24  13   5       path {False} found (at offset 59)
154201.656 24  13   5       FindNextVgmTitleInPathList: next module title is=[connecting result fa= connected rch]
154201.656 24  13   5 t     timer clear (force=False)
154201.656 24  13   5       RunModule start Database Query, [connecting result fa= connected rch], iModuleIdx=392, previous: vgm=404, vgs=6:6

So looks like for some reason the script that calls Record_2Lines_Start does not start the call recording.


Is anything using the C:\callrecord\ directory that would prevent the call recording from beginning?


You say this problems occurred at same time today and yesterday. Does anything happen on the system at around that time ? What is the CPU usage at around that time?


Would recommend setting the module [nagranie rozmowy fa] to 'wait until module completes' - currently the script does not do this.


When module [nagranie rozmowy fa] is set to 'wait until module completes' then you can use Admin_TraceLogAdd ( http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/com_admin_tracelogadd.htm ) in the script to better track what happens in that module.

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Today it's happen again.


I set 'wait until module completes' but how to add vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 0, 0, "This trace was printed from an external VB Script"

to record VG module?

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Please change :

set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start($RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "C:\callrecord\$RV[session_id].wav", "")
set vg = Nothing


set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] call"

strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start($RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "C:\callrecord\$RV[session_id].wav", "")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] returned"

vg.Run_ResultReturn $RV[Conf_LineId_1], "success"

set vg = Nothing

and post vgEngine traces that capture about 10 or so calls that do the call recording enabled.

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It hapen on second server too. I updated VB script in third server too. maybe in 3rd it happen too.


Where I find Admin_TraceLogAdd data?

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Where I find Admin_TraceLogAdd data?



Admin_TraceLogAdd adds entries to the vgEngine log.

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typically I see log like this:


123857.127 24 4 2 rv replace start
set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] call"
strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start($RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "C:\callrecord\$RV[session_id].wav", "")
vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] returned"
vg.Run_ResultReturn $RV[Conf_LineId_1], "success"
set vg = Nothing
123857.127 24 4 2 rv replace end [set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 4, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130703123840162 call"
strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start(4, 4, 133, "C:\callrecord\ID20130703123840162.wav", "")
vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 4, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130703123840162 returned"
vg.Run_ResultReturn 4, "success"
set vg = Nothing]



It's properly? what happen when call record file will not be created?

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We need to see the vgEngine extract covering whole call. then we can see the Admin_TraceLogAdd generated entries in the log file, and see the Record_2Lines_Start calls etc.

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again some cases from yesterday.


after few hours work suddenly it happen again.


files: ID20130703201920178.wav and ID20130703201955177.wav


but VB script not returned any result. So I added today TimeOut parameter.



Files ID20130703202527179.wav and ID20130703202728178.wav were not created.


0703_2017_vgEngine VG.zip

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For ID20130703201920178.wav and ID20130703201955177.wav the called VB script did return a result - we can see this in the traces:

201925.565  4  22   8 state [nagranie rozmowy fa] type: Script_VBScript, iRunWait=1
201925.565  4  22   8       rv    replace start
set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] call"

strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start($RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "C:\callrecord\$RV[session_id].wav", "")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] returned"

vg.Run_ResultReturn $RV[Conf_LineId_1], "success"

set vg = Nothing
201925.565  4  22   8       rv    replace end   [set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 22, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130703201920178 call"

strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start(22, 22, 77, "C:\callrecord\ID20130703201920178.wav", "")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 22, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130703201920178 returned"

vg.Run_ResultReturn 22, "success"

set vg = Nothing]
201925.565  4  22   8       script will be ran from file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_22_1.vbs
201925.565  4  22   8       on hold file: , iModuleIdx=314
201925.565  4  22   8       delete existing: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_22_1.vbs
201925.566  4  22   8       current objVbsOrExeProcess=
201925.566  4  22   8       RunVBScriptFile [wscript][C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_22_1.vbs][] timeout=60 (vbsPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp), start (new Process)
201925.566  4  22   8       objVbsOrExeProcess.Start call

201926.657 24  22   8 comlg rec_2lines ID20130703201920178 call
201926.659 24  22   8 rem   Record_2Lines_Start [22,22,77,C:\callrecord\ID20130703201920178.wav] options=[]
201926.659 24  22   8       CallExistsOnLine TRUE crn=2840178
201926.659 24  22   8       q tel add   cmd_SilenceDetectSet [1000,0,0,0,0][||||]
201926.659 24  22   8       q tel add   cmd_RecTwoLinesStart [22,77,121593,6,0][dxxxB2C4|dtiB2T8|dtiB3T26|C:\callrecord\ID20130703201920178.wav|]
201926.659  7  22   8       q tel run   cmd_SilenceDetectSet 00:00:00 max:2|00:00:00.0270015
201926.659  7  22   8       q tel run   cmd_RecTwoLinesStart 00:00:00 max:2|00:00:00.0270015
201926.659 24  22   8       Record_2Lines_Start [C:\callrecord\ID20130703201920178.wav] ok
201926.662 24  22   8 comlg rec_2lines ID20130703201920178 returned
201926.664 24  22   8 rem   Run_ResultReturn [success] 7
201926.664 24  22   8       q scr add   cmdRun_ResultReturn 0
201926.664  6  22   8       q scr run   cmdRun_ResultReturn sCode=[] iActionID=0, crn=0[0|0|0|0|0][success|||||] 00:00:00 max:4|00:00:00.0740043
201926.664  6  22   8       rv    add   start nagranie rozmowy fa_ResultReturn|success
201926.664  6  22   8       rv    add   success
201926.664  6  22   8       path {success} found (at offset 3)
202000.692 21  19   7 state [nagranie rozmowy fa] type: Script_VBScript, iRunWait=1
202000.693 21  19   7       rv    replace start
set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] call"

strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start($RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "C:\callrecord\$RV[session_id].wav", "")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] returned"

vg.Run_ResultReturn $RV[Conf_LineId_1], "success"

set vg = Nothing
202000.693 21  19   7       rv    replace end   [set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 19, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130703201955177 call"

strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start(19, 19, 89, "C:\callrecord\ID20130703201955177.wav", "")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 19, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130703201955177 returned"

vg.Run_ResultReturn 19, "success"

set vg = Nothing]
202000.693 21  19   7       script will be ran from file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_19_1.vbs
202000.693 21  19   7       on hold file: , iModuleIdx=314
202000.693 21  19   7       delete existing: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_19_1.vbs
202000.694 21  19   7       current objVbsOrExeProcess=
202000.694 21  19   7       RunVBScriptFile [wscript][C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_19_1.vbs][] timeout=60 (vbsPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp), start (new Process)
202000.694 21  19   7       objVbsOrExeProcess.Start call

202001.784 24               remoting link constructor activated: vgServices_CommandLink
202001.789 24  19   7 comlg rec_2lines ID20130703201955177 call
202001.790 24  19   7 rem   Record_2Lines_Start [19,19,89,C:\callrecord\ID20130703201955177.wav] options=[]
202001.790 24  19   7       CallExistsOnLine TRUE crn=284017a
202001.790 24  19   7       q tel add   cmd_SilenceDetectSet [1000,0,0,0,0][||||]
202001.791 24  19   7       q tel add   cmd_RecTwoLinesStart [19,89,156724,6,0][dxxxB2C3|dtiB2T7|dtiB3T30|C:\callrecord\ID20130703201955177.wav|]
202001.791  7  19   7       q tel run   cmd_SilenceDetectSet 00:00:00 max:2|00:00:00.0270016
202001.791  7  19   7       q tel run   cmd_RecTwoLinesStart 00:00:00 max:2|00:00:00.0270016
202001.791 24  19   7       Record_2Lines_Start [C:\callrecord\ID20130703201955177.wav] ok
202001.793 24  19   7 comlg rec_2lines ID20130703201955177 returned
202001.795 24  19   7 rem   Run_ResultReturn [success] 7
202001.795 24  19   7       q scr add   cmdRun_ResultReturn 0
202001.795  6  19   7       q scr run   cmdRun_ResultReturn sCode=[] iActionID=0, crn=0[0|0|0|0|0][success|||||] 00:00:00 max:4|00:00:00.0740043
202001.795  6  19   7       rv    add   start nagranie rozmowy fa_ResultReturn|success
202001.796  6  19   7       rv    add   success
202001.796  6  19   7       path {success} found (at offset 3)
202001.796  6  19   7       FindNextVgmTitleInPathList: next module title is=[czy RICOH]

For ID20130703202527179.wav and ID20130703202728178.wav it looks like the VBScript (vbs_25_1.vbs and vbs_22_1.vbs respectively) did not run at all.

Traces show that script was started but next time status was checked this task was finished - so the VoiceGuide script continues.


Are there any errors in Windows event logs from this time?


Is this system running a Server version of Windows (ie. Win2003 or Win2008/Win2008R2) or a desktop version of Windows?

202532.716 21  25   9 state [nagranie rozmowy fa] type: Script_VBScript, iRunWait=1
202532.716 21  25   9       rv    replace start
set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] call"

strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start($RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "C:\callrecord\$RV[session_id].wav", "")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] returned"

vg.Run_ResultReturn $RV[Conf_LineId_1], "success"

set vg = Nothing
202532.716 21  25   9       rv    replace end   [set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 25, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130703202527179 call"

strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start(25, 25, 86, "C:\callrecord\ID20130703202527179.wav", "")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 25, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130703202527179 returned"

vg.Run_ResultReturn 25, "success"

set vg = Nothing]
202532.716 21  25   9       script will be ran from file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_25_1.vbs
202532.716 21  25   9       on hold file: , iModuleIdx=314
202532.716 21  25   9       delete existing: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_25_1.vbs
202532.717 21  25   9       current objVbsOrExeProcess=
202532.717 21  25   9       RunVBScriptFile [wscript][C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_25_1.vbs][] timeout=60 (vbsPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp), start (new Process)
202532.717 21  25   9       objVbsOrExeProcess.Start call
202733.304  4  22   8 state [nagranie rozmowy fa] type: Script_VBScript, iRunWait=1
202733.305  4  22   8       rv    replace start
set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] call"

strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start($RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "C:\callrecord\$RV[session_id].wav", "")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] returned"

vg.Run_ResultReturn $RV[Conf_LineId_1], "success"

set vg = Nothing
202733.305  4  22   8       rv    replace end   [set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 22, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130703202728178 call"

strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start(22, 22, 83, "C:\callrecord\ID20130703202728178.wav", "")

vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 22, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130703202728178 returned"

vg.Run_ResultReturn 22, "success"

set vg = Nothing]
202733.305  4  22   8       script will be ran from file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_22_1.vbs
202733.305  4  22   8       on hold file: , iModuleIdx=314
202733.305  4  22   8       delete existing: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_22_1.vbs
202733.306  4  22   8       current objVbsOrExeProcess=
202733.306  4  22   8       RunVBScriptFile [wscript][C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_22_1.vbs][] timeout=60 (vbsPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp), start (new Process)
202733.306  4  22   8       objVbsOrExeProcess.Start call

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System running on windows 7 proff. Windows no returning any errors.


When I set for some line status: "Out of service" and calls start on next channels then they working properly.


after windows restart VG working properly several hours.

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What are the specification of the system (CPU/Memory/etc)?


Are any other applications installed/running on this system apart from Dialogic drivers and VoiceGuide?


What are the memory usage and CPU usage levels at the time when these problems start occurring?



NB. Looks like you are running multiple E1 cards on this system and most deployments that run that may ports use Server class Windows versions.

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Until Monday we have no problems with VG and recording calls. VG working on each system software properly with one or two Dialogic cards.


it happen at Monday and on different servers ( 1 x XP (2xE1 card, WIN7proff 2xE1 card, WIN7proff 1 x 2E1 & 1 x 1E1 cards)


I've no idea about reason.


No updates, no new software installation.


to scan memory usage i installed Process Explorer.


Any other suggestion?

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The trace supplied seems to show that the Windows Scripting Host (WSH) processes that run the supplied VBScirpt exit immediately after being started by the "Run VBScript" type module are not being started.


For the system from which the traces were supplied can you please advise:


- Specification of the system (CPU/Memory/etc).

- Are any other applications installed/running on this system apart from Dialogic drivers and VoiceGuide?

- What are the memory usage and CPU usage levels at the time when these problems start occurring?

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  • Computer HP Compaq Elite 8300 MT 4GB RAM, INTEL CORE i5-3470 3.20 GHz, 3.20 GHZ WINDOWS 7 professional
  • no other applications (process explorer today installed)
  • CPU usage below 10% (I forgot analyzing memory usage )


it happen now again. needed windows restart.

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Is there any anti-virus installed on this system? Some anti-virus will block Windows Scripting Host (WSH) processes.


Suggest changing the script so that you immediately catch when the VBScript module does not return a "success" - and then find the created .vbs file and confirm that it contains a correctly formatted VBScript.

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How to get temporary vbs filename as variable to copy in next step this file to other localization?

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I found something.


100230.302 6 10 4 ex: ScriptIo.VGMTYPE_EVALEXPR [1] could not be converted to boolean. Take Success path as string non-empty.
100230.302 6 10 4 FindNextVgmTitleInPathList: next module title is=[nagranie rozmowy fa]
100230.302 6 10 4 matching path found (Boolean True)
100230.302 6 10 4 t timer clear (force=False)
100230.302 6 10 4 RunModule start Run VB Script, [nagranie rozmowy fa], iModuleIdx=784, previous: vgm=758, vgs=14:14
100230.302 6 10 4 t timer set 5 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE
100230.303 6 10 4 QueueUserWorkItem scrmod_RunVbs.RunModule call
100230.303 22 10 4 state [nagranie rozmowy fa] type: Script_VBScript, iRunWait=1
100230.303 22 10 4 rv replace start
set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] call"
strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start($RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_1], $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "C:\callrecord\$RV[session_id].wav", "")
vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] returned"
vg.Run_ResultReturn $RV[Conf_LineId_1], "success"
set vg = Nothing
100230.303 22 10 4 rv replace end [set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 10, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130705100059174 call"
strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start(10, 10, 86, "C:\callrecord\ID20130705100059174.wav", "")
vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 10, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130705100059174 returned"
vg.Run_ResultReturn 10, "success"
set vg = Nothing]
100230.303 22 10 4 script will be ran from file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_10_3.vbs
100230.303 22 10 4 on hold file: , iModuleIdx=784
100230.303 22 10 4 delete existing: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_10_3.vbs
100230.304 22 10 4 current objVbsOrExeProcess=
100230.304 22 10 4 RunVBScriptFile [wscript][C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_10_3.vbs][] timeout=5 (vbsPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp), start (new Process)
100230.304 22 10 4 objVbsOrExeProcess.Start call
100230.321 22 10 4 RunVBScriptFile just started. Handle=6608, Id=5132, StartTime=2013-07-05 10:02:30, HasExited=False
100230.326 22 10 4 VBScript started [C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_10_3.vbs], ProcessHandle=[6608], VbsOrExeProcess.WorkingSet=[1646592]
100230.326 22 10 4 RunModule_Script_AfterScriptStarted start
100230.326 22 10 4 Run Script waiting. iRunWait=1 (process:6608)
100230.326 22 10 4 t timer set 1 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
100230.326 22 10 4 moh file not specified
100231.261 22 10 4 timer EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
100231.261 22 10 4 q scr add evScriptEvent 9007 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE
100231.261 22 71 24 timer EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT
100231.261 22 71 24 q scr add evScriptEvent 9013 EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT
100231.261 6 10 4 q scr run evScriptEvent sCode=[EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE] iActionID=0, crn=0[0|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:6|00:00:00.0500029
100231.261 6 10 4 scriptevent EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE 0|0|0 || LineState=LS_RUN_WAITTILLFINISHED
100231.261 6 10 4 Process.HasExited is true (System.Diagnostics.Process (wscript))
100231.261 6 10 4 task completed. vgm=784, iRunWait=1, iRunWait_ExeResult_NextVgm=0=[]
100231.262 6 10 4 moh not stopping play, bDoNotStopMoh==true
100231.262 6 10 4 ExeResult_NextVgm has not been set. check for Result file.
100231.262 6 10 4 no result file returned from program (VGRUNRESULT_10.TXT).
vbs_10_3.vbs include (modification time is: 10:02:30):
set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 10, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130705100059174 call"
strRet = vg.Record_2Lines_Start(10, 10, 86, "C:\callrecord\ID20130705100059174.wav", "")
vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd 10, 0, "rec_2lines ID20130705100059174 returned"
vg.Run_ResultReturn 10, "success"
set vg = Nothing
No file created.
We need help urgently.


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Hi, any suggestions how to find a source of problem?


Today VG start to work not properly at 18:14 and to 20:30:


calls: 30

detected BY VBS unsuccessful recordings: 24

not recorded calls: 14


We have lucky because it wan not in rush hours.







successful: 38



We have inserted file checking after recordings and some files exists but VBS not detect them.

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Something strange happens.


I found today call record 2 files created yesterday at 21:26 (length 7:54) and 21:31(length 8:56) but modified today morning at 07:48.

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today's case:



I found interesting case.

My VG script record call and in termination script I check if record file exists.


I see that files in folder witch are created and modified long time later for example:

  • ID20130707155257172.wav created at 2013-07-07 15:55 last modified at 18:09 (port no2).
  • ID20130707155823171.wav created: 15:58 modified: 18:09 (port no 1)
  • ID20130707155833174.wav created: 15:58 modified 18:09 (port no 4)



How to check what happen with vbs?

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today one of our VG server after re-install older version: created on : 2013-04-13 0:21:21.29

and VG not started record calls.


re-install version created on : 2013-05-02 23:45:07.90 working,

but this version witch we used before.

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I found something else.


now at 18:45 was 1 active connection and 135 wscript.exe processes shown in Process Explorer (in vgIvrService.exe tree)

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Today I kill wscript and ffmpeg processes manually and VG working properly (recording calls).

Problems are rare on two of servers (xp and HP-w7 proff) - several too long-lived processes, but on one server (HP-w7 proff) are an enormous amount of not closed VBS processes.

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It sounds like these systems are running a large number of calls to VBScript modules. Looks like each of these systems is controlling two E1 trunks (ie. 60 channels).


For T1/E1 systems we recommend using a Server class version of Windows.


We would advise to first change the OS on these systems to Win2008R2, and if this issue is still occurring under Win2008R2 we can then analyze further what is happening.


(memory on each system should be at least 4GB)

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problem is not in System version. First server (15) working under WIN XP with two E1 (used 60 channels) without problems. main problem I have with server with server under win7 and only use 30 channels on 1 x 2E1 + 1x1E1 cards.


Problem is because most of wscript.exe processes not stopping after 60 seconds as should after declared time(//T:60). This same problem I have with ffmpeg.exe processes. Some processes working properly some still occupying System.


Today I still killing manually wscript.exe processes and it helps, whole day VG working properly without any call recording problems.


Have You any idea how to repair wscript processes terminating?

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yesterday we updated windows (only few latest updates) in all servers and main problem is gone.

Only ffmpeg.exe process sometimes working longer as expect.

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