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Incorrect "human" Detection

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A particular client is receiving a human recording on the answer machine. I've noticed that the client's particular voice mail recording starts off with "Please leave a message for", lags for ~ 2 seconds, then says "first name last name". The delay between the first and second parts of the message could be causing Dialogic to detect a false human response.


I've played around with silence detection settings, increased the AM_SilenceDetectLength from 20 up to 30, then 40. I've also lowered AM_SilenceDetectLevel from 30 to 20, and to 15 with no success. How can this issue be resolved??


Dialogic card D/480JCT-2T1.




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A particular client is receiving a "human" message on their voice mail, which is an issue. After some research, I've found the client's voice mail message to have a pause between "Please leave a message for", and "person name". During the pause is when Dialogic might falsely detect a human answer.


I've increased the AM_SilenceDetectLength level in hopes to lengthen the time Dialogic uses to detect answer machine. Also, I've reduced the AM_SilenceDetectLevel to 15 to reduce sensitivity. These changes do not accomplish the objective. I've recognized a possibility to prompt recipients for a key press to listen to the human script, otherwise default to the machine script. The key press option is not a proper solution, perhaps a last recourse. Please advise.


Dialogic: D/480JCT-2T1


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AM_SilenceDetectLength and AM_SilenceDetectLevel settings are only used once the Dialogic card has advised that call has been answered by answering machine.

Then these settings are used to determine when the answering machine message finishes.


In this case it looks like the Dialogic card is saying that call was answered by human - in which case the 'human' script/message is then started immediately.


If this is happening all the time for this customer then you should use a script for this customer that further verifies whether caller is human by asking them to press a telephone key.

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