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Strange Log Error

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I found something like this:


114345.737 7 158 53 q_scr run evScriptEvent sCode=[OTHER_LEG_1] iActionID=0, crn=0 [0|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:15|00:00:02.5191441
114345.737 7 158 53 se OTHER_LEG_1 49 0|0|0 || LineState=LS_XFER_9_WAITENDCALL_DialingSide
114345.738 7 158 53 ct calltrack_set ID=0, guid=e320eb1d-d018-4ca2-8575-1e1b5e6a97ff
114345.738 7 158 53 ct calltrack_set sql UPDATE calltrack SET Outcome='Answered_Live_Key', History='key_1@114345, ', TimeDTMFpressed='2014-03-12 11:43:45' WHERE (QueID=0 OR QueGUID='e320eb1d-d018-4ca2-8575-1e1b5e6a97ff');
114345.738 7 158 53 LsXfer_9_WaitEndCall_OutLeg : [49:OTHER_LEG_1] 0,0,0,,,
114345.738 5 db PerformWork_RunCoreSql assign sql
114345.738 5 db PerformWork_RunCoreSql ExecuteNonQuery call: UPDATE calltrack SET Outcome='Answered_Live_Key', History='key_1@114345, ', TimeDTMFpressed='2014-03-12 11:43:45' WHERE (QueID=0 OR QueGUID='e320eb1d-d018-4ca2-8575-1e1b5e6a97ff');
114345.744 5 ERROR v7.4.5157.32691 (2014-02-13 18:09:42.05) DbProcessQueue_DoQueuedWork_RunCoreSql : ERROR: 42P01: relation "calltrack" does not exist

at Npgsql.NpgsqlState.<ProcessBackendResponses_Ver_3>d__a.MoveNext()
at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextResponseObject()
at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextRowDescription()
at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.NextResult()
at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader..ctor(IEnumerable`1 dataEnumeration, CommandBehavior behavior, NpgsqlCommand command, NotificationThreadBlock threadBlock, Boolean synchOnReadError)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.GetReader(CommandBehavior cb)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at ktlib.vgDb.vgDb_ProviderInvariant.DbProcessQueue_DoQueuedWork_RunCoreSql(Object sender, ProcessingQueueEventArgs`1 args)
114345.744 5 ex cmd_CoreSql.CommandText=UPDATE calltrack SET Outcome='Answered_Live_Key', History='key_1@114345, ', TimeDTMFpressed='2014-03-12 11:43:45' WHERE (QueID=0 OR QueGUID='e320eb1d-d018-4ca2-8575-1e1b5e6a97ff');
114345.857 20 13 5 ev dtmf 1 (44565196,49,0) ConfOtherLeg=158
114345.857 20 13 5 q_scr + evScriptEvent 49 1
114345.857 20 158 53 q_scr + evScriptEvent 49 OTHER_LEG_1
114345.857 7 13 5 q_scr run evScriptEvent sCode=[1] iActionID=0, crn=0 [0|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:15|00:00:02.5191441
114345.857 7 13 5 se 1 49 0|0|0 || LineState=LS_PLAY_PLAYMSGFINISHED
114345.857 7 13 5 LsPlayMsgFinished 1,1, [ ], [ ], []
114345.857 7 13 5 path {1} not found
114345.857 7 158 53 q_scr run evScriptEvent sCode=[OTHER_LEG_1] iActionID=0, crn=0 [0|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:15|00:00:02.5191441
114345.857 7 158 53 se OTHER_LEG_1 49 0|0|0 || LineState=LS_XFER_9_WAITENDCALL_DialingSide
114345.857 7 158 53 ct calltrack_set ID=0, guid=e320eb1d-d018-4ca2-8575-1e1b5e6a97ff
114345.857 7 158 53 ct calltrack_set sql UPDATE calltrack SET Outcome='Answered_Live_Key', History='key_1@114345, key_1@114345, ', TimeDTMFpressed='2014-03-12 11:43:45' WHERE (QueID=0 OR QueGUID='e320eb1d-d018-4ca2-8575-1e1b5e6a97ff');
114345.857 7 158 53 LsXfer_9_WaitEndCall_OutLeg : [49:OTHER_LEG_1] 0,0,0,,,


What's thisan error?

calltrack table?

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This is an error returned from the database (or from the Data Provider).


VoiceGuide is just reporting what the returned error was.

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calltrack is an optional database table used by default to store the summary of progress of outgoing calls made using the Dialer.


It looks like you are not using the default database and have created your own external database (using PostgeSQL).


If you create the calltrack table in your database then VoiceGuide will save the outbound call outcome summaries there.


Db_Create files in VG's \system\setup\ show calltrack table schema (structure)


The software should have at load time determined whether calltrack table exists in database or not - so seeing this error is a bit puzzling. Cam you post the entire vgEngine trace capturing system startup and the outgoing call and table update error?

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