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v5.2.1 install LIBEXPAT.DLL Registration Error

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As a happy customer just purchased VG this week, I am seeking help again via this forum ...


I got the following error when I tried to uninstall 5.2.0 and then install 5.2.1:


Following files did not self-register:

1. C:\WINNT\system32\libexpat.dll

The specified procedure could not be found.


VG still seems to run afterwards. But can I just ignore this error message?? Kindly advise as I am trying to build it on a production system. I just don't want to find that some issues come out 'later on' because of this error and I'm sure then it would be harder to spot the issue.



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You can ignore this error message. There was a problem with the install trying to register this DLL when there is not need to register it.


The install .exe has now been updated to remove this error message.


You can download the new install .exe from:


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hola, yo creo que tengo un problema parecido:

sin saber porque [y creo que ha sido tras instalar algún programa]

cada veZ que inicio windows me da una ventana de error en la cual dice:

Error al iniciar el programa, no se encontro el archivo reçquerido LIBEXPAT.DLL

Esto creo que no me supone mas que cerrar dichosa vetana cada vez enciondo el PC.

Pero bueno aveces mis supociones no son acertadas... por ser sincero nose ni que programa me ocasionó este error...

y bueno he ido al enlace que usted ponia arriba per0o no se que he de hacer?

Podria decirme exactamente que tengo que hacer alli para quitar este aviso?

muxxisimas Gracias!

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