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I'm trying to do a insert into a table. I need to store a date field. What is the best way to get the date from Voiceguide that will work in the insert sql command?

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Do you know in what format your database expects the date/time expression to be provided to it as part of the SQL statement?


Current Date/Time values can be obtained/built using these Result Variables ($RVs).


from http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/resultvariables.htm :

Current Date/Time Result Variables$RV_WEEKDAYTakes on a value between 1 and 7, depending on what day it is. 1 is a Monday and 7 is a Sunday. Can be used in Evaluate Expression modules to allow you to switch to different areas on the script depending on the day of the week.$RV_DDTakes on a 2 digit value between "01" and "31", depending on what day of the month it is. Can be used in Evaluate Expression modules to allow you to switch to different areas on the script depending on what day of the month it is.$RV_MMTakes on a 2 digit value between "01" and "12", depending on what month it is. Can be used in Evaluate Expression modules to allow you to switch to different areas on the script depending on the current month.$RV_YYTakes on a 2 digit value of current year (eg: "03"). Can be used in Evaluate Expression modules to allow you to switch to different areas on the script depending on the current year.$RV_HHTakes on a 2 digit value between "00" and "23", indicating the hour of the current time. Can be used in Evaluate Expression modules to allow you to switch to different areas on the script depending on the time of day.$RV_NNTakes on a 2 digit value between "00" and "59", indicating the minute of the current time. Can be used in Evaluate Expression modules to allow you to switch to different areas on the script depending on the time of day.$RV_SSTakes on a value between "00" and "59", indicating the second of the current time. Can be used in Evaluate Expression modules to allow you to switch to different areas on the script depending on the time of day.$RV_MSTakes on a value between "000" and "999", depending on the millisecond fraction of the current time.Other Time Related RVsThe following $RVs are also available. They are pretty self-explanatory:$RV_MONTHNAME, $RV_HOUR, $RV_MINUTE, $RV_SECOND, $RV_TimeStamp_Long, $RV_TimeStamp_Short, $RV_DateStamp_Long, $RV_DateStamp_Short $RV_MONTH, $RV_YEAR, $RV_DATEeg. use this expression to create a date and time 'timestamp' :$RV_YY$RV_MM$RV_DD$RV_HH$RV_NN$RV_SS.$RV_MS

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