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Outbound Calls Stop Working

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Hi Support,


We have a server that is setup to primarily make outbound calls. Recently we have been having a lot of issues where the lines stop making calls out. Once this problem happens, all lines stop making calls out.


070929.166 5 vgEngine version : 7.3.4391.19239 (RELEASE Build)
070929.166 5 created on : 2012-01-09 10:41:19.48
070929.166 5 AssemblyLocation : C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\vgEngine.dll
070929.166 5 LastWriteTime : 2012-01-09 10:45:04


Looking through vgEngine log file we found this:


210312.405 7 22 7 ev generic: ktTel_Completion 10000 0,Completion_MakeCall, crn=ffffffff, -1,0,0,0402826835,,Function is not supported in the current state|Invalid state
210312.405 7 22 7 q scr add evktTelCompletion 0 Completion_MakeCall
210312.405 6 22 7 q scr run evktTelCompletion sCode=[Completion_MakeCall] iActionID=0, crn=0[-1|0|0|0|0][0402826835||Function is not supported in the current state|Invalid state|||]
210312.405 6 22 7 OnCompletion_ktTel_MakeCall sRet=[Function is not supported in the current state|Invalid state]
210312.405 6 22 7 ktTel_MakeCall failed. sRet=Function is not supported in the current state|Invalid state
210312.405 6 22 7 Roll back retries update. iDialoutID=785308
210312.405 6 22 7 ktTel_MakeCall failed for reason other then inbound call
210312.405 6 22 7 state Waiting for a call...


I have attached logs, the calls were working at the start of the vgEngine log, then stopped.


Your assistance is appreciated.





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The version of VoiceGuide running on this system is over 5 years old.


This free support Forum is for support of current versions of VoiceGuide only.


(support for older versions of software is available if a paid Support Plan has been maintained for those systems).


We would be able to assist through this free support Forum if system is upgraded to current version of VoiceGuide.


Otherwise, the only thing we can suggest is to look at what has recently changed that could have affected this system's operation recently, and change it back to however it was for the 5 years that system was running beforehand.

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We have upgraded Voiceguide to latest version, but continue to have this issue. In fact it appear to be much worse now, and we end up with all lines on the server being locked out.


I have attached a log file where 2 lines have locked out and will not take or make any further calls. You can see the two lines highlighted in the screenshot of the Status Monitor.


If we set the lines out of service and back in service, they start taking calls again.






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On both ports 1 and 3 the outgoing calls were not answered and system received a DISCONNECTED message back from ISDN network about 25 seconds after the call was made.


Traces show the call dropping and releasing on the two lines that showed a 'Current Script' was performed as usual from the Dialogic/VoiceGuide side.

Same as for the other dozen or so calls handled by the system and included in supplied traces.

From Dialogic/VoiceGuide point of view all ports on system were in a state ready to receive and make further calls.



The 'Current Script' field continuing to show a script filename even after call ended is a minor bug. It does not indicate that the line is 'blocked' in any way.

The 'Current Script' field display bug now occurs in some cases when a longer VoiceGuide script is used as one of the 'After Call' scripts (instead of a single .vbs or .bat etc).

We will fix this status display bug in next version of VoiceGuide v7.



The traces do not show any calls being loaded afterwards, so cannot see what happens when new calls are attempted on ports 3 and 1 again.


Have you tried loading more calls afterwards and observed that those calls are made on other lines only? If so then can you please post the traces that include those outgoing calls attempts.


Also, traces show only one incoming call, about an hour beforehand, at 10:02:52 AM

110406.519  23  11   3 ev    CallState GCEV_DIALING, crn=603000b, iEvent=0 ,16,0,16, s1:, s2:, s3:]. build_date: 2017-06-06 11:21:09.99
110406.519  23  11   3       q_scr +     evCallState 0 GCEV_DIALING
110406.519  10  11   3       q_scr run   evCallState sCode=[GCEV_DIALING] iActionID=0, crn=603000b [16|0|16|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:3|00:00:00.2060118
110406.519  10  11   3       callstate crn_event=603000b 0|GCEV_DIALING state=16|Dialing calldirection=0 gcCallState=16 [||], ScriptState=LS_WAITAFTERDIALINGOUT
110406.519  10  11   3       LineEvCallState L1_current=Dialing crn_event=603000b,ev=0,GCEV_DIALING,0, sParam1=
110406.519  10  11   3       LineEvCallState LINECALLSTATE_DIALING begin
110406.519  10  11   3 state Dialing (auto) 0411075951 ..
110406.519  10  11   3 t     timer set   120 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERDIALING_AWAIT
110409.493  23  11   3 ev    Dialogic 2081,GCEV_ALERTING, crn=603000b, 2081,0,0,,,
110409.493  23  11   3       rvns  add   OutDial_Result|NOANSWER
110409.493  23  11   3       L1_set Alerting (iState=LS_WAITAFTERDIALINGOUT)
110409.493  23  11   3 state Dialing (auto) 0411075951 ...
110409.493  23  11   3       q_scr +     evScriptEvent 2081 GCEV_ALERTING
110409.493  10  11   3       q_scr run   evScriptEvent sCode=[GCEV_ALERTING] iActionID=0, crn=603000b [2081|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:3|00:00:00.2060118
110409.493  10  11   3       se    GCEV_ALERTING 2081  2081|0|0  || LineState=LS_WAITAFTERDIALINGOUT
110409.493  10  11   3       LsWaitAfterDialingOut : 2081,603000b,GCEV_ALERTING,2081,0,0,,,
110409.493  10  11   3 t     timer clear (force=False)
110409.493  10  11   3 t     timer set   120 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERALERTING_AWAIT
110432.487  23  11   3 ev    CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED, crn=603000b, iEvent=0 ,16384,0,64, s1:, s2:, s3:]. build_date: 2017-06-06 11:21:09.99
273 110432.487  2772  11 ev    GCEV_DISCONNECTED crn=603000b
274 110432.487  2772  11       Event_CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED iLineCallState=16384, hCall=603000b|100859915 m_pktTelProxyClient=002629A8
275 110432.487  2772  11 r     CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED
276 110432.528  2492  11 fn    DropCall(sLineId=11, sXMLOptions=[], crn=603000b)
277 110432.528  2492  11       TelDriver_DropCall sXMLOptions=[], crn_in=603000b hli->crn=603000b
278 110432.528  2492  11       clearing sDTMFsReceivedBeforeCallAnswer in TelDriver_DropCall
279 110432.528  2492  11       CleanAllDelayedPlayRecQueues
280 110432.528  2492  11       gc_DropCall iCrnToDrop=603000b cause=16:GC_NORMAL_CLEARING (zero_len)
281 110432.528  2492  11       gc_DropCall ok
282 110432.662  2772  11       ev idx=188 : evttype=805(805)=2053(2053) metaevent.crn=603000b, data=046832F0(0E6CF750), len=20(20) q: 0/7
283 110432.662  2772  11 ev    GCEV_DROPCALL crn=603000b
284 110432.662  2772  11       this dropcall is for outgoing call that failed (hli->crn_lastMakeCall==crn)
285 110432.662  2772  11       Event_CallState GCEV_DROPCALL iLineCallState=1, hCall=603000b|100859915 m_pktTelProxyClient=002629A8
286 110432.662  2772  11 r     CallState GCEV_DROPCALL
287 110432.668  2492  11 fn    ReleaseCall(sLineId=11, crn=603000b, Param1=0)
288 110432.668  2492  11       gc_ReleaseCallEx crn=603000b (hli->crn=603000b) in TelDriver_ReleaseCall
289 110432.668  2492  11       gc_ReleaseCallEx ok
290 110432.672  2772  11       ev idx=189 : evttype=859(859)=2137(2137) metaevent.crn=603000b, data=04683360(0E6EBFA0), len=16(16) q: 0/7
291 110432.672  2772  11 ev    GCEV_RELEASECALL crn=603000b
292 110432.672  2772  11       Event_CallState GCEV_RELEASECALL iLineCallState=0, hCall=603000b|100859915 m_pktTelProxyClient=002629A8
293 110432.672  2772  11 r     CallState GCEV_RELEASECALL
111302.961  23   5   1 ev    CallState GCEV_DIALING, crn=6040005, iEvent=0 ,16,0,16, s1:, s2:, s3:]. build_date: 2017-06-06 11:21:09.99
111302.961  23   5   1       q_scr +     evCallState 0 GCEV_DIALING
111302.961  10   5   1       q_scr run   evCallState sCode=[GCEV_DIALING] iActionID=0, crn=6040005 [16|0|16|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:3|00:00:00.2060118
111302.961  10   5   1       callstate crn_event=6040005 0|GCEV_DIALING state=16|Dialing calldirection=0 gcCallState=16 [||], ScriptState=LS_WAITAFTERDIALINGOUT
111302.961  10   5   1       LineEvCallState L1_current=Dialing crn_event=6040005,ev=0,GCEV_DIALING,0, sParam1=
111302.961  10   5   1       LineEvCallState LINECALLSTATE_DIALING begin
111302.961  10   5   1 state Dialing (auto) 0411075951 ..
111302.961  10   5   1 t     timer set   120 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERDIALING_AWAIT
111305.201  23   5   1 ev    Dialogic 2081,GCEV_ALERTING, crn=6040005, 2081,0,0,,,
111305.201  23   5   1       rvns  add   OutDial_Result|NOANSWER
111305.201  23   5   1       L1_set Alerting (iState=LS_WAITAFTERDIALINGOUT)
111305.201  23   5   1 state Dialing (auto) 0411075951 ...
111305.201  23   5   1       q_scr +     evScriptEvent 2081 GCEV_ALERTING
111305.201  10   5   1       q_scr run   evScriptEvent sCode=[GCEV_ALERTING] iActionID=0, crn=6040005 [2081|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:3|00:00:00.2060118
111305.201  10   5   1       se    GCEV_ALERTING 2081  2081|0|0  || LineState=LS_WAITAFTERDIALINGOUT
111305.201  10   5   1       LsWaitAfterDialingOut : 2081,6040005,GCEV_ALERTING,2081,0,0,,,
111305.201  10   5   1 t     timer clear (force=False)
111305.201  10   5   1 t     timer set   120 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERALERTING_AWAIT
111328.938  23   5   1 ev    CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED, crn=6040005, iEvent=0 ,16384,0,64, s1:, s2:, s3:]. build_date: 2017-06-06 11:21:09.99
535 111328.938  2772   5 ev    GCEV_DISCONNECTED crn=6040005
536 111328.938  2772   5       Event_CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED iLineCallState=16384, hCall=6040005|100925445 m_pktTelProxyClient=002629A8
537 111328.938  2772   5 r     CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED
538 111328.945  2492   5 fn    DropCall(sLineId=5, sXMLOptions=[], crn=6040005)
539 111328.945  2492   5       TelDriver_DropCall sXMLOptions=[], crn_in=6040005 hli->crn=6040005
540 111328.945  2492   5       clearing sDTMFsReceivedBeforeCallAnswer in TelDriver_DropCall
541 111328.945  2492   5       CleanAllDelayedPlayRecQueues
542 111328.945  2492   5       gc_DropCall iCrnToDrop=6040005 cause=16:GC_NORMAL_CLEARING (zero_len)
543 111328.945  2492   5       gc_DropCall ok
544 111329.078  2772   5       ev idx=208 : evttype=805(805)=2053(2053) metaevent.crn=6040005, data=04683BF0(0E6CF650), len=20(20) q: 0/7
545 111329.078  2772   5 ev    GCEV_DROPCALL crn=6040005
546 111329.078  2772   5       this dropcall is for outgoing call that failed (hli->crn_lastMakeCall==crn)
547 111329.078  2772   5       Event_CallState GCEV_DROPCALL iLineCallState=1, hCall=6040005|100925445 m_pktTelProxyClient=002629A8
548 111329.078  2772   5 r     CallState GCEV_DROPCALL
549 111329.080  2492   5 fn    ReleaseCall(sLineId=5, crn=6040005, Param1=0)
550 111329.080  2492   5       gc_ReleaseCallEx crn=6040005 (hli->crn=6040005) in TelDriver_ReleaseCall
551 111329.080  2492   5       gc_ReleaseCallEx ok
552 111329.083  2772   5       ev idx=209 : evttype=859(859)=2137(2137) metaevent.crn=6040005, data=04683C60(0E6EBFA0), len=16(16) q: 0/7
553 111329.083  2772   5 ev    GCEV_RELEASECALL crn=6040005
554 111329.083  2772   5       Event_CallState GCEV_RELEASECALL iLineCallState=0, hCall=6040005|100925445 m_pktTelProxyClient=002629A8
555 111329.083  2772   5 r     CallState GCEV_RELEASECALL

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Please find updated log and screenshots attached.


The lines where the Current Script continues to display, are the ones that seem to lock out and no more calls go out on them. However we noted that one of them did seem to recover, but the other 2 in this example (lines 2 and 5) did not, and multiple calls out skipped these lines. If we left it running over night, eventually all lines would lock out like this and no more calls would go out until VG is reset.





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These traces better show what is happening.


Looks like If a VoiceGuide script is used for the "OnHangup" and "OnNotAnswered" etc. then if any modules in that script are set to "Wait until Program/Database/VBS Completes" then this can occasionally interfere with how the line state is reset.


So if you change all the "Database Query" type modules in the "OnNotAnswered" script to operate on "Do Not Wait for SQL Command to Complete" basis then this should stop this issue from occurring.



We will release a version that fixes this bug soon.

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Please try updating your system to this version of VoiceGuide:


[old link removed]


This update should fix the issue that was present on your system.

If you still encounter any issues then please post traces as before.


To change from one release of VoiceGuide v7 to another:

1. Stop VoiceGuide Service and exit all VoiceGuide programs. (eg Script Designer, Voicemail Manager, etc) and all other programs.

2. Run the VoiceGuide install and install into same directory as existing installation. (Do NOT uninstall the previous VoiceGuide installation).

3. Start VoiceGuide service.

Running a VoiceGuide install over the top of an existing install will NOT overwrite existing configuration or license files (Config.xml, ConfigLine.xml, VG.INI, VmBoxList.xml, etc) and will not remove any of users script or sound files, and will not remove any log files etc.

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We updated to new version yesterday and retested. Unfortunately, the problem is still happening. Please find screen shots and logs attached again.


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Traces show that the system was not updated to the version provided yesterday.


Traces show:

070254.235   6               ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
070254.235   6               vgEngine : 7.5.6366.22235 RELEASE options75
070254.235   6               Compiled : 2017-06-06 11:21:09.99
070254.235   6               Location : C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\vgEngine.dll
070254.238   6               Written  : 2017-06-06 11:44:58
070254.238   6               trace lvl=10, encoding=System.Text.ASCIIEncoding (ASCII)
070254.238   6               ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
007 070258.305  3408           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
008 070258.306  3408           ktTel_SR60vista DLL v7.5.9, created: Jun  6 2017, 11:21:35
009 070258.306  3408           start at 0714 070258.306
010 070258.306  3408           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please ensure the VoiceGuide service is fully stopped and all VoiceGuide applications are exited before running the new version install.


Once system is updated to new version you should see this in the traces:

155159.945   6               ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
155159.960   6               vgEngine : 7.5.6403.37704
155159.960   6               Compiled : 2017-07-13 19:56:47.66
155159.960   6               Location : C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\vgEngine.dll
155159.960   6               Written  : 2017-07-13 19:59:26
155159.960   6               trace lvl=10, encoding=System.Text.UnicodeEncoding (Unicode)
155159.960   6               ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
007 155204.008  5284           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
008 155204.008  5284           ktTel_SR60vista DLL v7.5.10, created: Jul 12 2017, 14:39:55
009 155204.008  5284           start at 0714 155204.008
010 155204.008  5284           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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New version now installed. However lines are hanging on after hangup script in database modules and never clearing. Logs attached.




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The vgEngine log file ends at 16:36

Screenshot was taken at 16:42


Can you please post log file that includes traces up to 16:42

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Please try updating your system to this version of VoiceGuide:

[old link removed]

If you encounter any issues then please post traces as before.

To change from one release of VoiceGuide v7 to another:

1. Stop VoiceGuide Service and exit all VoiceGuide programs. (eg Script Designer, Voicemail Manager, etc) and all other programs.

2. Run the VoiceGuide install and install into same directory as existing installation. (Do NOT uninstall the previous VoiceGuide installation).

3. Start VoiceGuide service.

Running a VoiceGuide install over the top of an existing install will NOT overwrite existing configuration or license files (Config.xml, ConfigLine.xml, VG.INI, VmBoxList.xml, etc) and will not remove any of users script or sound files, and will not remove any log files etc.

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This version appears to be working a lot better, we are not getting all lines locking up now.


However we have noticed 1 line locking out, and we are seeing a module staying on the VG monitor after the call ends. It does not appear to be stopping future calls going out on that line.


I have attached a screen shot of both occurrences along with corresponding logs.


Also, will future versions of VG include the change you made to fix this issue or are we likely to encounter it again if we update to future releases?





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Looks like there was another bug that occurred when a VoiceGuide script is used as the "OnNotAnswered" event handler, and multiple "Database Query" modules are used in that "OnNotAnswered" handler.


Please try the version below. The version below makes a change to how the "AfterHangup"/"OnNotAnswered"/etc. scripts are ran. VoiceGuide will no longer wait for the Database Query modules to complete in those scripts. The 'Success' path will be taken immediately.


ie. it forces the "Do not wait to complete" mode of operation in all modules in VoiceGuide scripts that are ran as "AfterHangup"/"OnNotAnswered"/etc.



[old link removed - please use latest version available from Downloads page]


If you encounter any issues then please post traces as before.

To change from one release of VoiceGuide v7 to another:

1. Stop VoiceGuide Service and exit all VoiceGuide programs. (eg Script Designer, Voicemail Manager, etc) and all other programs.

2. Run the VoiceGuide install and install into same directory as existing installation. (Do NOT uninstall the previous VoiceGuide installation).

3. Start VoiceGuide service.

Running a VoiceGuide install over the top of an existing install will NOT overwrite existing configuration or license files (Config.xml, ConfigLine.xml, VG.INI, VmBoxList.xml, etc) and will not remove any of users script or sound files, and will not remove any log files etc.

Also, will future versions of VG include the change you made to fix this issue or are we likely to encounter it again if we update to future releases


This change will be in all future versions.

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