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Buen día,

En días anterior pudieron ayudarme con la configuración para registrar as extensiones con la central telefónica asterisk lo cual valoro mucho, ahora estoy intentando cambiar la voz del IVR a español, para lo cual instale el programa loqueando el cual utilizo para mi IVR actual v5.

El problema es que al momento de lanzar la llamada la voz no cambia, esta es la configuración que la realice en el archivo de configuración VG, por fvor su ayuda



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Good day,

In previous days they were able to help me with the configuration to register extensions with the asterisk telephone exchange which I value a lot, now I am trying to change the IVR voice to Spanish, for which I installed the program loqueando which I use for my current IVR v5.

The problem is that when the call is launched, the voice does not change, this is the configuration that you make in the VG configuration file, for your help

TTSEngine = SAPI
SAPI_Engine = Soledad

TTSspeed = 0
TTSvolume = 100


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Please .ZIP up and post all trace files from VoiceGuide's \log\ subdirectory.

We can then see how this system is set up and advise.

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MIl gracias. ya lo logre.... me falto poner [TTS] Y LUEGO TTSEngine = SAPI 
SAPI_Engine = Soledad; despues de la sentencia [SAPI].


mil gracias por responder

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Thank you. I already achieved it .... I lacked to put [TTS] AND THEN TTSEngine = SAPI
SAPI_Engine = Soledad ; after the sentence [SAPI].


thank you very much for answering

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Ahora tengo una Novedad, como puedo configurar para que la voz no sea tan rapida, es decir bajar un poco la velocidad de la voz del ivr... existe la configuración para poder modular la voz ..????

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Now I have a Novelty, how can I configure so that the voice is not so fast, that is to say to lower the speed of the voice of the ivr a bit ... there is the configuration to be able to modulate the voice .. ????

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Most TTS engines support SSML tags or other similar notation.

Please see here for SSML specs: https://www.w3.org/TR/speech-synthesis/

Please check your TTS engine documentation to see what is supported, and how the control tags can be used.


Your TTS could also support SAPI tags:


SAPI Tags:


The Volume tag controls the volume of a voice. The tag can be empty, in which case it applies to all subsequent text, or it can have content, in which case it only applies to that content. The Volume tag has one required attribute: Level. The value of this attribute should be an integer between zero and one hundred. Values outside of this range will be truncated.


<volume level = “50”>
This text should be spoken at volume level fifty.
</volume><volume level = “100”>
This text should be spoken at volume level one hundred.
</volume><volume level = “40”/>
All text which follows should be spoken at volume level forty.



One hundred represents the default volume of a voice. Lower values represent percentages of this default. That is, 50 corresponds to 50% of full volume.



The Rate tag controls the rate of a voice. The tag can be empty, in which case it applies to all subsequent text, or it can have content, in which case it only applies to that content. The Rate tag has two attributes, Speed and AbsSpeed, one of which must be present. The value of these attributes should be an integer between negative ten and ten. Values outside of this range may be truncated by the engine (but are not truncated by SAPI). The AbsSpeed attribute controls the absolute rate of the voice, so a value of ten always corresponds to a value of ten; a value of five always corresponds to a value of five.


<rate absspeed = “5”>
This text should be spoken at rate five.
</rate><rate absspeed = “-5”>
This text should be spoken at rate negative five.
</rate><rate absspeed = “10”/>
All text which follows should be spoken at rate ten.





The Speed attribute controls the relative rate of the voice. The absolute value is found by adding each Speed to the current absolute value. The value of this attribute should be an integer between negative twenty and ten.


<rate speed = “5”>
This text should be spoken at rate five.
</rate><rate speed = “-5”>
This text should be spoken at rate zero.



Zero represents the default rate of voice, with positive values being faster and negative values being slower.



The Pitch tag controls the pitch of a voice. The tag can be empty, in which case it applies to all subsequent text, or it can have content, in which case it only applies to that content. The Pitch tag has two attributes, Middle and AbsMiddle, one of which must be present. The value of both of these attributes should be an integer between negative ten and ten. Values outside of this range may be truncated by the engine ( but are not truncated by SAPI). The AbsMiddle attribute controls the absolute pitch of the voice, so a value of ten always corresponds to a value of ten, a value of five always corresponds to a value of five.


<pitch absmiddle = “5”>
This text should be spoken at pitch five.
</pitch><pitch absmiddle = “-5”>
This text should be spoken at pitch negative five.
</pitch><pitch absmiddle = “10”/>
All text which follows should be spoken at pitch ten.



The Middle attribute controls the relative pitch of the voice. The absolute value is found by adding each Middle to the current absolute value.


<pitch middle = “5”>
This text should be spoken at pitch five.
</pitch><pitch middle = “-5”>
This text should be spoken at pitch zero.



Zero represents the default middle pitch for voice, with positive values being higher and negative values being lower.



The Emph tag instructs the voice to emphasize a word or section of text. The Emph tag cannot be empty. The following word should be emphasized.


<emph>boo </emph>!



The method of emphasis may vary from voice to voice.



The Spell tag forces the voice to spell out all text, rather than using its default word and sentence breaking rules, normalization rules, and so forth. All characters should be expanded to corresponding words (including punctuation, numbers, and so forth). Spell tag cannot be empty.


These words should be spelled out.
These words should not be spelled out.





The Silence tag inserts a specified number of milliseconds of silence into the output audio stream. This tag must be empty, and must have one attribute, Msec.


Five seconds of silence <silence msec= “5000”/> just occurred.





The Pron tag inserts a specified pronunciation. The voice will process the sequence of phonemes exactly as they are specified. This tag can be empty, or it can have content. If it does have content, it will be interpreted as providing the pronunciation for the enclosed text. That is, the enclosed text will not be processed as it normally would be. The Pron tag has one attribute, Sym, whose value is a string of white space separated phonemes.


<pron sym=“h eh l l ow & w er l l d ”/>
<pron sym=“h eh l l ow & w er l l d “/> hello world</pron>





The ParOfSp tag provides the voice with the part of speech of the enclosed word(s). Use this tag to enable the voice to pronounce a word with multiple pronunciations correctly depending on its part of speech. The PartOfSp tag cannot be empty. The PartOfSp tag has one attribute, Part, which takes a string corresponding to a SAPI part of speech as its attribute. Only SAPI defined parts of speech are supported – “Unknown”, “Noun”, “Verb”, “Modifier”, “Function”, “Interjection”.


<partofsp part= “noun”> A </partofsp> is the first letter of the alphabet
Did you <partofsp part= “verb”> record </partofsp> that <partofsp part= “noun”> record</partofsp>?



Note: The PartOfSp tag is not supported by Cepstral’s Premium Voices Diane and David.



The Context tag provides the voice with information which the voice may then use to determine how to normalize special items, like dates, numbers, and currency. Use this tag to enable the voice to distinguish between confusable data formats (see the example, below). The Context tag cannot be empty. The Context tag has one attribute, Id, which takes a string corresponding to the context of the enclosed text. Several contexts are defined by SAPI and are more likely to be recognized by SAPI compliant voices, but any string may be used.


<context id= “date_mdy”> 03/04/01 </context> should be March fourth, two thousand one.
<context id= “date_dmy”> 03/04/01 </context> should be April third, two thousand one.
<context id= “date_ymd”> 03/04/01 </context> should be April first, two thousand three.

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