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Call routing of incoming VoIP/SIP calls

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i would like to know is there a possibility to configure the script based on SIP number using SIP Trunk


If I receive a call on SIP Number 201 its should played script 1

If I receive a call on SIP Number 202 its should played script 2

if this can be done then please let me know the process.

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This is "DNIS based call routing" and is supported.

To perform DNIS (indial number) based call routing you would look at the value stored in $RV_DNIS and then use paths to go to different scripts depending on what value was stored in $RV_DNIS for that call.


From: https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/resultvariables.htm



Telephone number called by the caller. This information is usually only provided on VoIP and ISDN lines, and is usually used when multiple numbers are terminated on the trunk.

$RV_DNIS is often used to determine which script should handle the call. This is done by using the Evaluate Expression module to jump to different scripts based on $RV_DNIS value.



An Evaluate Expression module can be used to determine what module to jump to based on $RV_DNIS. This is the expression to evaluate:


(note the double quotes around the $RV_DNIS)

Then the path to jump to another module would be:

on {201} goto [c:\myscript_1.vgs|]
on {202} goto [c:\myscript_2.vgs|]

note the "|" character at end of the script filename.

To specify the module of each script to stat at you would name the module after the "|", like this:

on {201} goto [c:\myscript_1.vgs|my_begin_module]
on {202} goto [c:\myscript_2.vgs|some_other_module]


More information on the Evaluate Expression module: https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/modevalexpr.htm

More information on Paths from any module:  https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/paths.htm

(see the "Branching to other scripts and calling subscripts" section)


If you need more advanced routing then you can use a Run Script module and use $RV_DNIS in the JavaScript/VBScript to give you more flexibility in designing your routing logic.

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