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Outbound Dial Stops

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I have 4.4.85 and when I que up 100 numbers to dial, it will make the first call on each line ( out of 4) proerply, but then sometimes 3, or 2 of the other lines will stop dialing out, and now they all stopped.


Running win XP & Dialogic 4 port card. there is no ther software installed other then Adobe Audition to edit sound files, raw install full updates.


Below is the log, Sorry for the length, thought it was important to see many calls instead of 1, notice the

84578 7 tapi Reply 65572 LINEERR_RESOURCEUNAVAIL [8000004B]

Error messages......






19171 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

20531 7 tapie callstate CONNECTED 65879,1,0

20531 7 WorkingModeTAPI=

20531 7 WorkingModeScript=

20546 0 DELETE FROM CallQue WHERE ID=89;

20562 7 [Answer (Person)] Playing

20562 7 [Answer (Person)] Playing (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Introduction.wav)

20734 7 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Introduction.wav]

20750 7 RunModule PLAY end

21203 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

23203 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

25234 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

27265 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

29296 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

31328 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

33359 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

35390 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

37421 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

39468 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

39718 7 wb(72057800)

39781 7 Play End line[7] (id=720578)

39796 7 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

41484 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

42984 7 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

43000 7 [Answer (Person)] Playing (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Introduction.wav)

43046 7 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Introduction.wav]

43531 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

44750 7 tapie callstate DISCONNECTED 65879,0,0


44843 7 PlaySoundStop ok

44859 7 Hanging up call...

44859 7 PlaySoundStop ok

44890 7 fnHangupCall end

44921 7 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

44937 7 tapie callstate IDLE 65879 0 0

44953 7 WorkingMode@Idle=

44968 7 tapi Reply 65708 0

45562 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)


46031 7 Initialise telephony (due to IDLE)

46046 7 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:65879) 0

46171 7 Waiting for a call...

46187 7 hLine=65691

47593 0 Ready To DialOut : 64 (out of 64)

47625 7 Dialing: 2764563

47640 7 MakeCall => 65913

47640 7 TapiCbTrigSet 65913 7002

48156 7 tapi Reply 65913 0

48171 7 TapiCbTrigClear

48187 7 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

48203 7 tapie callstate DIALTONE 66255 0 0

48218 7 tapie callstate DIALING 66255 0 0

48234 7 tapie callstate PROCEEDING 66255 0 0

48250 7 tapie callinfo CALLEDID

48250 7 tapie callinfo REASON

48265 7 Lev_CallerID [0000,]

48281 7 tapie callinfo ORIGIN

49671 0 Ready To DialOut : 63 (out of 63)

51718 0 Ready To DialOut : 63 (out of 63)


51750 0 DELETE FROM CallQue WHERE ID=90;

51765 6 Hanging up call...

51781 6 PlaySoundStop ok

51796 6 Waiting for a call...

51812 6 fnHangupCall end

51859 6 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

51875 6 tapie callstate IDLE 65725 0 0

51890 6 WorkingMode@Idle=

51906 6 tapi Reply 66204 0


52906 6 Initialise telephony (due to IDLE)

52921 6 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:65725) 0

53062 6 Waiting for a call...

53078 6 hLine=66375

53843 0 Ready To DialOut : 63 (out of 63)

53875 6 Dialing: 2764562

53890 6 MakeCall => 65760

53890 6 TapiCbTrigSet 65760 7002

53921 6 tapi Reply 65760 LINEERR_RESOURCEUNAVAIL [8000004B]

53937 6 Hanging up call...

53953 6 PlaySoundStop ok

53953 6 Waiting for a call...

53968 6 fnHangupCall end

53984 6 TapiCbTrigClear

56015 0 Ready To DialOut : 62 (out of 62)

56093 6 Hanging up call...(2)

56109 6 PlaySoundStop ok

56109 6 Waiting for a call...

56125 6 fnHangupCall end



56171 0 DELETE FROM CallQue WHERE ID=88;

56187 8 Hanging up call...

56203 8 PlaySoundStop ok

56218 8 Waiting for a call...

56234 8 fnHangupCall end

56281 8 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

56296 8 tapie callstate IDLE 65777 0 0

56312 8 WorkingMode@Idle=

56328 8 tapi Reply 66341 0


57328 8 Initialise telephony (due to IDLE)

57343 8 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:65777) 0

57468 8 Waiting for a call...

57484 8 hLine=66136

58046 0 Ready To DialOut : 62 (out of 62)

58062 8 Dialing: 2764561

58078 8 MakeCall => 66307

58093 8 TapiCbTrigSet 66307 7002

58109 8 tapi Reply 66307 LINEERR_RESOURCEUNAVAIL [8000004B]

58125 8 Hanging up call...

58140 8 PlaySoundStop ok

58156 8 Waiting for a call...

58171 8 fnHangupCall end

58171 8 TapiCbTrigClear

58312 7 tapie callstate CONNECTED 66255,1,0

58328 7 WorkingModeTAPI=

58343 7 WorkingModeScript=

58359 0 DELETE FROM CallQue WHERE ID=87;

58390 7 [Answer (Person)] Playing

58406 7 [Answer (Person)] Playing (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Introduction.wav)

58468 7 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Introduction.wav]

58484 7 RunModule PLAY end

60187 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

60359 8 Hanging up call...(2)

60375 8 PlaySoundStop ok

60390 8 Waiting for a call...

60406 8 fnHangupCall end


62234 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

64250 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

66296 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

68312 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

70343 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

72375 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

74406 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

76437 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

77484 7 wb(75842100)

77546 7 Play End line[7] (id=758421)

77562 7 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

78484 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

78734 7 tapie monitordigits 50 2

78750 7 LsPlayMsgFinished [2]

78765 7 [DB List Responded] Run Program

78781 7 RVreplace start: [command.com /c echo $RV_MONTH/$RV_DATE/2004,$RV_HOUR:$RV_MINUTE,LINE: $RV_DEVICEID,$RV_CALLEDNUMBER,$RV[Answer (Person)],$RV[No Response] >> c:\VGLOG\Respond.txt]

78796 7 RVreplace end: [command.com /c echo 3/23/2004,14:43,LINE: 7,2764563,2,$RV[No Response] >> c:\VGLOG\Respond.txt]

78843 7 Run Program continuing...

78875 7 [Good Bye (Not Interested)] Playing

78906 7 [Good Bye (Not Interested)] Playing (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Goodbye.wav)

79093 7 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Goodbye.wav]

79156 7 RunModule PLAY end

80500 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

82546 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

83515 7 Play End line[7] (id=778921)

83531 7 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

83546 7 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

83562 7 Hanging up call...

83578 7 PlaySoundStop ok

83593 7 fnHangupCall end

83640 7 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

83656 7 tapie callstate IDLE 66255 0 0

83671 7 WorkingMode@Idle=

83687 7 tapi Reply 66477 0

84562 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)


84703 7 Initialise telephony (due to IDLE)

84734 7 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:66255) 0

84859 7 Waiting for a call...

84875 7 hLine=66459

86593 0 Ready To DialOut : 61 (out of 61)

86625 7 Dialing: 2764560

86640 7 MakeCall => 66409

86656 7 TapiCbTrigSet 66409 7002

87171 7 tapi Reply 66409 0

87187 7 TapiCbTrigClear

87187 7 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

87203 7 tapie callstate DIALTONE 66017 0 0

87218 7 tapie callstate DIALING 66017 0 0

87234 7 tapie callstate PROCEEDING 66017 0 0

87250 7 tapie callinfo CALLEDID

87265 7 tapie callinfo REASON

87281 7 Lev_CallerID [0000,]

87296 7 tapie callinfo ORIGIN

88671 0 Ready To DialOut : 60 (out of 60)

90687 0 Ready To DialOut : 60 (out of 60)

92734 0 Ready To DialOut : 60 (out of 60)

94765 0 Ready To DialOut : 60 (out of 60)

96828 0 Ready To DialOut : 60 (out of 60)

98859 0 Ready To DialOut : 60 (out of 60)

00968 0 Ready To DialOut : 60 (out of 60)

01984 7 tapie callstate DISCONNECTED 66017,16,0


02015 7 Answering Machine or Fax Detected

02031 7 Dialing: Answering machine detected [NONE]

02046 0 DELETE FROM CallQue WHERE ID=84;

02062 7 Hanging up call...

02078 7 PlaySoundStop ok

02093 7 Waiting for a call...

02109 7 fnHangupCall end

02125 7 RecSoundStart err[3]

02156 7 Hanging up call...

02156 7 PlaySoundStop ok

02171 7 Waiting for a call...

02187 7 fnHangupCall end

02203 7 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

02218 7 tapie callstate IDLE 66017 0 0

02234 7 WorkingMode@Idle=

02250 7 tapi Reply 66221 0

02250 7 tapi Reply 66000 LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE [8000001C]

03031 0 Ready To DialOut : 60 (out of 60)

03250 7 LsDialoutRecAnswerMachineWelcMsg EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

03250 7 Initialise telephony (due to IDLE)

03265 7 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:66017) 0

03390 7 Waiting for a call...

03406 7 hLine=66153

05078 0 Ready To DialOut : 60 (out of 60)

05093 7 Dialing: 2764559

05109 7 MakeCall => 65640

05125 7 TapiCbTrigSet 65640 7002

05640 7 tapi Reply 65640 0

05656 7 TapiCbTrigClear

05656 7 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

05671 7 tapie callstate DIALTONE 65811 0 0

05687 7 tapie callstate DIALING 65811 0 0

05703 7 tapie callstate PROCEEDING 65811 0 0

05703 7 tapie callinfo CALLEDID

05718 7 tapie callinfo REASON

05734 7 Lev_CallerID [0000,]

05750 7 tapie callinfo ORIGIN

07140 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

09156 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

11171 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

13203 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

15250 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

17281 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

19312 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

19640 7 tapie callstate CONNECTED 65811,1,0

19656 7 WorkingModeTAPI=

19671 7 WorkingModeScript=

19687 0 DELETE FROM CallQue WHERE ID=83;

19718 7 [Answer (Person)] Playing

19718 7 [Answer (Person)] Playing (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Introduction.wav)

19796 7 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Introduction.wav]

19812 7 RunModule PLAY end

21343 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

23375 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

25406 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

27437 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

29468 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

31500 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

33515 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

35546 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

37593 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

38812 7 Play End line[7] (id=819734)

38828 7 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

39625 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

41656 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

42109 7 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

42125 7 [Answer (Person)] Playing (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Introduction.wav)

42171 7 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Introduction.wav]

43687 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

45703 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

47750 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

49765 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

51812 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

53843 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

55875 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

57890 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

59937 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

61156 7 wb(84214000)

61234 7 Play End line[7] (id=842140)

61250 7 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

61968 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

64000 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

64453 7 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

64468 7 [No Response] Playing

64484 7 [No Response] Playing (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\No Response.wav)

64531 7 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\No Response.wav]

64546 7 RunModule PLAY end

66031 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

68062 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

70093 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

72140 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

74171 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

74625 7 wb(86450000)

74687 7 Play End line[7] (id=864500)

74703 7 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

76203 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

77906 7 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

77921 7 [DB List Responded] Run Program

77921 7 RVreplace start: [command.com /c echo $RV_MONTH/$RV_DATE/2004,$RV_HOUR:$RV_MINUTE,LINE: $RV_DEVICEID,$RV_CALLEDNUMBER,$RV[Answer (Person)],$RV[No Response] >> c:\VGLOG\Respond.txt]

77953 7 RVreplace end: [command.com /c echo 3/23/2004,14:44,LINE: 7,2764559,$RV[Answer (Person)],$RV[No Response] >> c:\VGLOG\Respond.txt]

77984 7 Run Program continuing...

78015 7 [Good Bye (Not Interested)] Playing

78031 7 [Good Bye (Not Interested)] Playing (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Goodbye.wav)

78234 7 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Spring 2004\Goodbye.wav]

78281 7 RunModule PLAY end

78406 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

80437 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

82484 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

82640 7 Play End line[7] (id=878109)

82656 7 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

82671 7 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

82687 7 Hanging up call...

82703 7 PlaySoundStop ok

82718 7 fnHangupCall end

82765 7 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

82781 7 tapie callstate IDLE 65811 0 0

82796 7 WorkingMode@Idle=

82812 7 tapi Reply 65794 0


83828 7 Initialise telephony (due to IDLE)

83859 7 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:65811) 0

83984 7 Waiting for a call...

84000 7 hLine=66271

84515 0 Ready To DialOut : 59 (out of 59)

84531 7 Dialing: 2764558

84546 7 MakeCall => 65572

84562 7 TapiCbTrigSet 65572 7002

84578 7 tapi Reply 65572 LINEERR_RESOURCEUNAVAIL [8000004B]

84593 7 Hanging up call...

84609 7 PlaySoundStop ok

84625 7 Waiting for a call...

84640 7 fnHangupCall end

84656 7 TapiCbTrigClear

86687 0 Ready To DialOut : 58 (out of 58)

86750 7 Hanging up call...(2)

86750 7 PlaySoundStop ok

86765 7 Waiting for a call...

86781 7 fnHangupCall end


88703 0 Ready To DialOut : 58 (out of 58)

90750 0 Ready To DialOut : 58 (out of 58)

92781 0 Ready To DialOut : 58 (out of 58)

94828 0 Ready To DialOut : 58 (out of 58)

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Have you just recently installed this system or have you been using this system for the last 2 years (when v4.4.85 was released)?


If you have been using this for the last 2 years then maybe you should first start looking into what was changed with the system (drivers/configuration) to make the problems start appearing now...

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I used it before, I don't think it was 2 years old, probably 18 months, I used it for a while. I'm not using it for inbound calls at all, just outbound calls. I only used 2 lines before, and now i am using 4. The hardware is all the same. The only think different is that it is XP and not windows 2000 advanced server for the operating system.


1 year ago...

I did have a similar issue when i used the two lines, where one line would stop dialing some time during the day, and when I rebooted, it would work fine for 1 or 2 days. I wwould get an error about virtual memory being low. Back then I had alot of software on that computer, and thought that would be the issue, so thats why this is now a standalone system that does the outbound dialing.


After I posted the first message in this thread, I re-installed 4.4.85, I did not install the 4.4.47 updtae that was released back then. I qued up 1000 numbers and all 4 lines dialed out for at least 2 hours, Yes, I watched. I went out, and came back, the remainder of the 1000 were done, but I qued up 10 more numbers to see if all the lines would dial out, and only B1C1 ( Board 1 Channel 1 ) would dial, the other three channels would not dial. ( I only have the 1 4 port board installed, no modems, no other PCI cards other then the video card.)


Should I install the 4.4.47 Update? Is there an issue with that version with XP? Should I intsall win2K again?


How does upgrading work? is there some sort of credit for the version i have now? I am not keen on upgrading, since I do not require a very extensive use of the software, It will never be used for incoming calls, but, unlike VG dialer, thats not an option :)

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Can you please email support@voiceguide.com with your registration details (name/company).


If you wish to upgrade to latest version you get a 50% credit for the v4.4 license you own - ie: upgrading to latest version is at half the price of the license.

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I do not see why i should have to upgrade to fix the problem... Is there a solution for this, or is this a known bug in the version I have?

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Can you please email support@voiceguide.com with your registration details (name/company).


When this information is received and registration details are confirmed the bug fix patch will be issued for free


In your previous post you asked a question how much it would be to upgrade to latest version - that's why the answer on how to upgrade was provided as well. It was not implied that you must upgrade... it was just an answer to your question.

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v4.4 is no longer available for download (it's two years old).

Why do you wnat this old version? Just download the current version from our WWW.

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