SupportTeam Report post Posted 04/24/2020 07:37 AM Question was asked about how to record into separate files when it is known that the sound spoken on the line will have silences in it. In answer: this is easily achieved by just setting the silence length, and then recording as usual. The "on {silence} goto [...]" path will be taken when silence is encountered. The "on {silence} goto [...]" path can just point to another Record module to continue recording into new file after the silence. Here is a sample script created to demonstrate how this is done: Here is the .VGS file itself (open .VGS in VoiceGuide Script Editor): test1.vgs The above demo script sets the silence length to be 1 second, and then records up to 4 sound files with script moving to next record module whenever a 1 second silence is heard. To test this a call was placed into the system and this sound file was played when the "test1.vgs" script answered: count_1_to_16_with_1sec_pauses.wav The sound file is a recording of a person saying 1 to 16, with 1.1 second silence gap after each 4th number spoken. When tested, the system detected the 1 second silence gaps and as expected recorded this into 4 separate sound files. Here is the vgEngine trace capturing the call: test1_vgengine.txt and here are the 4 sound files recorded: 0424121608_225_73_.wav 0424121611_225_73_.wav 0424121614_225_73_.wav 0424121617_225_73_.wav Here is one of the files opened in Audacity: Share this post Link to post Report post Posted 04/27/2020 12:46 PM script not forwarding to rec 2, not detecting silence. Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 04/27/2020 10:41 PM Please post the vgEngine trace capturing the call, and the recording made by [rec 1] module. Share this post Link to post Report post Posted 04/28/2020 07:56 AM vgEngine file attached Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 04/28/2020 09:42 AM Please also post the sound file recorded by the 'record' type module. Trace shows it is this file: C:\callrecord\1.wav Share this post Link to post Report post Posted 04/28/2020 10:01 AM I send new files because next connection overwrote previous record. 1.wav Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 04/28/2020 12:10 PM We played the supplied 1.wav file on a call made to the test1.vgs script and it correctly split up the recordings on each silence. Attaching the created files and vgEngine trace: 0428220239_225_73_.wav 0428220243_225_73_.wav 0428220245_225_73_.wav 0428220247_225_73_.wav 0428_vgEngine_test1.txt Can you post the ktTel trace capturing VoiceGuide service startup and your call? Share this post Link to post Report post Posted 06/01/2020 07:18 AM Hi, I still have problem with silence detection in record module. VG each time terminating with timeout parameter, not silence detection. vg.ini [PlayRecordConfig] RecFormat=ALaw RecEditor=SNDREC32.EXE RecCut_EndRecDueTo_ToneDisconnect=30 RecCut_EndRecDueTo_ToneDtmf=2 RecCut_EndRecDueTo_DlgcDE_LCOF=10 RecLengthMin=1 RecLengthMax=3600 PlayEndPauseDialogic=0 PlayVolume=100 SilenceDetectLength=30 SilenceDetectLevel=75 log file restart including: 090905.737 9 [PlayRecordConfig]:SilenceDetectLength = [30] => 30 090905.753 9 [PlayRecordConfig]:SilenceDetectLevel = [75] => 75 Record Sound File module paths section including: on {timeout 10} gosub [ad_asr.vgs|] return [call_theme] on {silence} gosub [ad_asr.vgs|] return [call_theme] log: 090946.337 22 5 1 1 find_next_vgm module title is=[call_theme_record] (trigger_used={timeout) 090946.337 22 5 1 1 t timer clear force=False(RunModule_begin) 090946.338 22 5 1 1 RunModule start Record, [call_theme_record], iModuleIdx=196, previous: vgm=199, vgs=3:3 090946.338 22 5 1 1 [call_theme_record] VGMTYPE_REC run start 090946.338 22 5 1 1 rv replace start [$RV[call_record_file]] 090946.338 22 5 1 1 rv replace end [theme.wav] 090946.338 22 5 1 1 rv add call_theme_record|theme.wav 090946.339 22 5 1 1 RecSoundStart [C:\callrecord\ID20200601_090936_150_1_50011_theme.wav] call beep=True 090946.339 22 5 1 1 state [call_theme_record] Recording theme.wav | 090946.340 22 5 1 1 q_tel + cmd_SilenceDetectSet 0 [] [30,75,0,0,0,0,0,0][|||||||] 090946.340 23 5 1 1 q_tel run cmd_SilenceDetectSet 0 0 [] 0 max:1|0 090946.346 22 5 1 1 rec_start strRecordOptionsXml=[] 090946.347 22 5 1 1 q_tel + cmd_RecordFileStart 1668617233 theme.wav [] 090946.347 22 5 1 1 rec_start [C:\callrecord\ID20200601_090936_150_1_50011_theme.wav] ok 090946.347 23 5 1 1 q_tel run cmd_RecordFileStart 0 1668617233 [] 0 max:1|0 090946.347 22 5 1 1 t timer set 10 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE 090946.347 22 5 1 1 RunModule finish 090956.281 18 5 1 1 timer EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE 090956.281 18 5 1 1 q_scr + evScriptEvent 9002 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE 090956.281 22 5 1 1 q_scr run evScriptEvent 9002 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE action_id=0, crn=0 [0|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:1|178,6237 090956.282 22 5 1 1 evscr EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE 9002 0|0|0 || LineState=LS_REC_RECORDING 090956.292 22 5 1 1 LsRecRecording EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE,EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE 0|0|0 || 090956.292 22 5 1 1 path {EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE} not found 090956.294 22 5 1 1 rec_stop begin trunc100ms=0, sCaller=EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE, lRecId=1668617233 090956.294 22 5 1 1 rec_stop lRec_Id_InProcessOfStopping=1668617233, lRecId=0 090956.295 22 5 1 1 q_tel + cmd_RecordStop [0,0,0,0,0][||||] 090956.295 23 5 1 1 q_tel run cmd_RecordStop 0 0 [] 0 max:1|0 090956.297 22 5 1 1 rv rec length: call_theme_record_RecLen100ms = 99 090956.297 22 5 1 1 rv add call_theme_record_RecLen100ms|99 090956.297 22 5 1 1 rv add call_theme_record_EndRecCause|timeout 090956.297 22 5 1 1 find_next_vgm module title is=[ad_asr.vgs|] (trigger_used={timeout) 090956.298 22 5 1 1 gosub directive found 090956.298 22 5 1 1 return directive found: call_theme Can You help? Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 06/01/2020 07:44 AM Please post the full ktTel trace and the " C:\callrecord\ID20200601_090936_150_1_50011_theme.wav" file. We can the see what has happened on the syetem ad advise. Please .ZIP up the traces before posting. Share this post Link to post Report post Posted 06/01/2020 09:54 AM Hi KtTel was attached in previous post. ID20200601_090936_150_1_50011_theme.wav Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 06/01/2020 10:30 AM Please post the full ktTel trace that includes the system startup.. If system startup was done on different day then please stop the VoiceGuide service, then start the VoiceGuide service, then repeat the test, and then post both the full ktTel trace and the .WAV file. Share this post Link to post Report post Posted 06/01/2020 11:08 AM Hi! in line 662 You find system startup data. 007 090907.972 210776 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 008 090907.972 210776 DLL ktTel_sr271 v7.6.21, Mar 26 2020 18:58:32 009 090907.972 210776 start at 0601 090907.972 Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 06/01/2020 12:47 PM Can you try updating that system to latest version of VoiceGuide and running the record test again? Share this post Link to post Report post Posted 06/01/2020 06:15 PM VG updated to 200844.584 9 vgEngine : 7.6.25 - 7.6.7454.39618 200844.584 9 compiled : 2020-05-29 22:00:34.23 200945.154 17 5 1 1 find_next_vgm module title is=[call_theme_record] (trigger_used={timeout) 200945.154 17 5 1 1 t timer clear force=False(RunModule_begin) 200945.154 17 5 1 1 RunModule start Record, [call_theme_record], vgm=196, previous_vgm=199 200945.154 17 5 1 1 [call_theme_record] VGMTYPE_REC run start 200945.154 17 5 1 1 rv replace start [$RV[call_record_file]] 200945.155 17 5 1 1 rv replace end [ID20200601_200935_150_1_50011_theme.wav] 200945.155 17 5 1 1 rv add call_theme_record|C:\callrecord\ID20200601_200935_150_1_50011_theme.wav 200945.155 17 5 1 1 RecSoundStart [ID20200601_200935_150_1_50011_theme.wav] call beep=True 200945.155 17 5 1 1 state [call_theme_record] Recording C:\callrecord\ID20200601_200935_150_1_50011_theme.wav | 200945.156 17 5 1 1 q_tel + cmd_SilenceDetectSet 0 [] [30,75,0,0,0,0,0,0][|||||||] 200945.157 18 5 1 1 q_tel run cmd_SilenceDetectSet 0 0 [] 0 max:1|0,9974 200945.162 17 5 1 1 rec_start strRecordOptionsXml=[] 200945.163 17 5 1 1 q_tel + cmd_RecordFileStart 1784478201 ID20200601_200935_150_1_50011_theme.wav [] 200945.163 17 5 1 1 rec_start [C:\callrecord\ID20200601_200935_150_1_50011_theme.wav] ok 200945.163 18 5 1 1 q_tel run cmd_RecordFileStart 0 1784478201 [] 0 max:1|0,9974 200945.164 17 5 1 1 t timer set 10 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE 200945.164 17 5 1 1 RunModule finish 200955.098 12 5 1 1 timer EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE 200955.098 12 5 1 1 q_scr + evScriptEvent 9002 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE 200955.098 17 5 1 1 q_scr run evScriptEvent 9002 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE action_id=0, crn=0 [0|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:1|173,0027 200955.099 17 5 1 1 evscr EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE 9002 0|0|0 || LineState=LS_REC_RECORDING 200955.109 17 5 1 1 LsRecRecording EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE,EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE 0|0|0 || 200955.109 17 5 1 1 path {EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE} not found 200955.111 17 5 1 1 rec_stop begin trunc100ms=0, sCaller=EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE, lRecId=1784478201 200955.111 17 5 1 1 rec_stop lRec_Id_InProcessOfStopping=1784478201, lRecId=0 200955.111 17 5 1 1 q_tel + cmd_RecordStop [0,0,0,0,0][||||] 200955.112 18 5 1 1 q_tel run cmd_RecordStop 0 0 [] 0 max:1|0,9974 200955.114 17 5 1 1 rv rec length: call_theme_record_RecLen100ms = 99 200955.114 17 5 1 1 rv add call_theme_record_RecLen100ms|99 200955.115 17 5 1 1 rv add call_theme_record_EndRecCause|timeout ID20200601_200935_150_1_50011_theme.wav Share this post Link to post Report post Posted 06/03/2020 01:34 PM Hi, now VG working properly: 150032.300 35 5 1 1 ev Silence 150032.301 35 5 1 1 q_scr + evScriptEvent 9300 EV_SILENCE_DETECTED 150032.301 35 5 1 1 ev Dialogic 130,TDX_RECORD, crn=6000005, 0,0,0,TM_MAXSIL,, 150032.301 17 5 1 1 q_scr run evScriptEvent 9300 EV_SILENCE_DETECTED action_id=0, crn=0 [0|0|0|0|0][|||||] 00:00:00 max:1|175,0008 150032.301 35 5 1 1 q_scr + evScriptEvent 130 TDX_RECORD 150032.301 17 5 1 1 evscr EV_SILENCE_DETECTED 9300 0|0|0 || LineState=LS_REC_RECORDING 150032.310 35 5 1 1 ev RecEnd 1833338246 || 150032.310 35 5 1 1 q_scr + evScriptEvent 8003 EV_REC_FINISHED 150032.311 17 5 1 1 LsRecRecording EV_SILENCE_DETECTED,EV_SILENCE_DETECTED 0|0|0 || 150032.312 17 5 1 1 path {EV_SILENCE_DETECTED} not found 150032.314 17 5 1 1 rec_stop begin trunc100ms=30, sCaller=EV_SILENCE_DETECTED, lRecId=1833338246 150032.314 17 5 1 1 rec_stop lRec_Id_InProcessOfStopping=1833338246, lRecId=0 150032.314 17 5 1 1 q_tel + cmd_RecordStop [3000,0,0,0,0][||||] 150032.315 18 5 1 1 q_tel run cmd_RecordStop 0 0 [] 0 max:1|0 150032.316 17 5 1 1 rv rec length: call_theme_record_RecLen100ms = 64 150032.316 17 5 1 1 rv add call_theme_record_RecLen100ms|64 150032.316 17 5 1 1 rv add call_theme_record_EndRecCause|silence 150032.317 17 5 1 1 path {silence} found (at offset 104) 150032.317 17 5 1 1 find_next_vgm module title is=[asr.vgs|] (trigger_used={silence}) 150032.317 17 5 1 1 gosub directive found but wav file is cuted on the end ( last 3 seconds declared as silence) and in this case SST lost last word. Adding 1 second on the end of call record solve problem. Can VG leave whole call record without cutting off "silence" part of record , only detecting silence? ID20200603_145408_150_1_50011_theme.wav Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 06/09/2020 10:08 AM The reason why silence was not detected in ID20200601_200935_150_1_50011_theme.wav file was due to too much background noise after the main speech recording. Here is the plot of that file. The noise at end is visible: In the D20200603_145408_150_1_50011_theme.wav recording the silence was detected. In cases where silence is detected while recording, that silence is by default deleted from the end of recording. In D20200603_145408_150_1_50011_theme.wav this looks like resulted in a bit too much of the end of the sound file being deleted. To allow better control over how much the recording is shortened by when silence is detected, the setting RecCut_EndRecDueTo_Silence has been added to VG.INI, section [PlayRecordConfig]. You can add this to your existing VG.INI, section [PlayRecordConfig]: ;How much should be trimmed from the end of recorded file if silence is detected. In 100ms units ;30 = 3 seconds trimmed off the end of the recording ;0 = no sound data trimmed from end of the recording ;-X = length trimmed is equal to "SilenceDetectLength - (X*100ms)" ;eg: -3 results in truncation of: SilenceDetectLength - 300ms ;eg: if SilenceDetectLength=30, the setting of -3 will result in 2700ms trimmed from end of recording. RecCut_EndRecDueTo_Silence=-3 This setting will be available in v7.6.28 onwards. Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 06/09/2020 10:19 AM The setting RecCut_EndRecDueTo_Silence can also be set during the call, by setting a value of this Result Variable: $RV[ini_PlayRecordConfig_RecCut_EndRecDueTo_Silence] eg: this will set RecCut_EndRecDueTo_Silence to a value of 20, which will result in 2 seconds cut off the end of recording if recording ends due to silence being detected: Share this post Link to post Report post Posted 06/09/2020 10:37 AM Question is how to disable silence detection in case of call recording? During call record called from VB Script: set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink") vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] call" vg.Record_Start $RV[Conf_LineId_1], "$RV[session_id]_$RV_HH$RV_NN$RV_SS_L.wav", 0 vg.Record_Start $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "$RV[session_id]_$RV_HH$RV_NN$RV_SS_P.wav", 0 vg.Admin_TraceLogAdd $RV[Conf_LineId_1], 0, "rec_2lines $RV[session_id] returned" vg.Run_ResultReturn $RV[Conf_LineId_1], "success" set vg = Nothing call recording is docked in empty play module with paths: on {success} goto [Hangup the Call] on {timeout 3600} goto [Hangup the Call] on {LineEvCallState_DISCONNECTED} goto [Hangup the Call] but VG stop recording when silence was detected (call wasn't terminated). Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 06/09/2020 10:59 AM To disable silence detection this setting should be set to 0. SilenceDetectLevel That setting is in VG.INI, in section [PlayRecordConfig] SilenceDetectLevel can also be set during the call, by assigning a value to this Result Variable: $RV[SilenceDetectLevel] eg: or from Run Script module like this: vg.RvSet $RV_LINEID, "SilenceDetectLevel", "0" or vg.RvSet_RvList $RV_LINEID, "[SilenceDetectLevel]{0}" etc. Share this post Link to post