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Caller ID not captured

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Hi!  I am trying to update the table by inserting the CallerID into the record.  I was able to insert a record as I used the db function to automatically capture the current time as start time. However, CLI was not captured and inserted into the record.  I used $RV_CIDNUMBER and $RV_CIDNAME, but they didn't work.

Please assist as I am not sure if I am doing this correctly.  Thanks!

Note:  Attached logs for your reference... 


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The attacehd .ZIP file is 100 bytes long.

Please .ZIP up the trace and upload it again.

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We have solved the problem by changing the Dialogic card, seems the problem is caused by a malfunctioning hardware.

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Sorry for the wrong post.  The issue resolved by the malfunctioning hardware is the capturing of DTMF and not caller ID. 

As for this issue, I checked the VGEngine log and seems there's nothing in the CIDName or CIDNumber.  Attached files for your reference.  Kindly advise if it's due to the wrong parameter I used or CLI was not captured by the dialogic card we are using.



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Try answering the call after the second Ring.

On analog lines the CallerID is usually sent between the first and second ring, so you need to wait until second ring before answering the call.

If you do not see the CallerID even when answering the call after the second ring then you should confirm with the service provider that they are in fact sending the CallerID.

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Noted with thanks.

May I know where and how to configure the system to answer the call on second ring?  The system was setup by another colleague and I am responsible for the IVR design, hence, I am not so sure where this setup is.... kindly advise... Thanks!

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Number of Rings Before Answer is set in VoiceGuide's Config.xml file.

The Config.xml file is in VoiceGuide's \conf\ subdirectory.

Make sure that each <Channel> entry has this setting:




If you are still having problems then please .ZIP up your Config.xml file and post it here and we can check to make sure that it is set correctly.


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Thanks for your advice.  I have configured the value of RingsBeforeAnswer in config.xml file but the caller ID is still not captured.  I will check if there's any way to check if the service provider is actually providing it...



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