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detect suddenly hang up the call

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I would like to ask can VoiceGuide detect suddenly hang up the call, when a caller use the callflow? I want to use vb script to put it in text file?

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Thank you. I would like to ask can any result Variable can store the caller use the modules in callflow  before detect suddenly hang up the call? It is because I need to write in a text file.


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Thank you. But how I do it? Can you provide me an example of Result Variables from the script which was handling the call are available to the 'Cleanup' script ?

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In the VoiceGuide callflows that you posted here: https://www.voiceguide.com/forums/topic/13192-vb-script-cant-go-to-next-script/

The Get Numbers type module that is titled "GetMemberId" will store the number entered by caller in this $RV:


So you can use that $RV in any callflow that runs for the remainder of the call, and during the "After-Hangup" callflow.

I see that you are already using that $RV to retrieve data from a database in module "ValidMemberID", using this SQL query:

SELECT member_id FROM basic_info WHERE member_id='$RV[GetMemberId]'

Using that $RV in the After-Hangup" callflow would be no different then using in in calflows that are ran while the call is still connected.

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