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Can't dial ',9,' first before making outbound call and set voiceGuide within 5 rings

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I would like to ask why can't dial ',9,' first before making outbound call and set voiceGuide  within 5 rings? The Voiceguide should treat the call result as not answered. Please refer to the attachment.




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You can dial ",9," or similar before dialing the destination number/extension, and the traces you posted show that this was done from a "Transfer Call" type module and the card dialed the hookflash and then the ",9,27099137" number it as instructed:

323 110514.027  9268   1   1 fn    Dial(iLineId=1, hTask=0, strDigitsToDial=,9,27099137, in_PamdPvdMethodToUse=, 0,0,,)
329 110514.028  9268   1   1       dx_dial (1,[,9,27099137],call progress OFF) (ca_intflg=2)
330 110514.028  9268   1   1       dx_dial (1,,9,27099137) ok
331 110518.135   440   1   1 ev    TDX_DIAL (Dial Completed)

Note that most PBXs do not let you do hookflash transfers to outside numbers, only to local PBX extensions.

Also, many PBXs require that destination number answers before the party doing the transferring can hangup. The "Monitored" transfer must be used for those cases.


The traces did not show any outgoing calls from the Outbound Call Loader - and the posted Outbound Call Loader screenshot does not have ",9," as part of the number to be dialed.

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