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calling somewhere

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Hi i use very simple outdial script
it reports that it calls out and shows even "human answer"
what happens? Number shown is mine! No missed calls I can call carrier but I am curios where it called?
and where it calls?
11.thumb.jpg.ec11209d6942289195fb70e7853aadc7.jpg Number shown 

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Can you please do this call again, but for the script that is ran when the call is answered specify a script that just has a single record module in it. This way you will get  a recording of what is heard by the system after the call is detected as answered - and that recording may be useful in determining  what happened to that outgoing call.

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SCRIPT IS very simple 


It says it calls and shows "human answer"
Nothing comes my phone

where I can see in log what number really was dial;ed?

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Create a VoiceGuide script that consists of just a single Record module. See screenshot below, and the attached script below.


Then instead of "c:\projects\outdial\wav\wav6912875.wav" specify that script in the loaded outbound call.

When call is detected as answered that script will record a sound file of what the system hears on the line.

That recording may be useful in determining  what happened to that outgoing call.


Also: is this an analog system? If yes then what do you hear when you attach a telephone to the line that VoiceGuide is using to make the outgoing call and dial that same number?




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