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I try to install a VG test version according to the instructions but no line is found.
See pictures
What is wrong?

Kind regards
Frank Schwarz


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Is the VoiceGuide Service started? Do you have the VoiceGuide IVR icon in the "icon tray" area? What is that icon showing?

Please .ZIP up and post the contents of VoiceGuide's /log/ subdirectory.

We can then see what is happening on the system and advise.

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the VoiceGuide Service is not started and the IVR icon is red (service is stopped).

When we try to start the service, we get the error "service could not be started. Erro 0xfffffff6".




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0222_ktTel trace shows that the Dialogic HMP could not actually start:

078 085242.752  6304         ERROR gc_start hmp
079 085242.752  6304         ERROR StartDialogicGlobalCall returned -1

vgEngine trace suggests that this Windows is running on a VMware WORKSTATION :

085234.813    9                     Win32_BIOS Name : VMW71.00V.18227214.B64.2106252220

Are you running this Windows on a VMware WORKSTATION or on a VMware ESXi ?

VMware WORKSTATION is not supported by Dialogic HMP. The VMware ESXi is supported by Dialogic HMP.

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the windows server 2019 is runing on an vmware esx server - not on a workstation version.

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Please do the following:

1. Stop the VoiceGuide service.
2. Stop the Dialogic service.

3. Set the VoiceGuide service to start Manually. This can be set in Windows' "Services" Applet.

4. Make the hidden directory C:\ProgramData visible.
5. Go to C:\ProgramData\Dialogic\HMP\cfg
( for older versions of windows go to C:\Program Files\Dialogic\cfg )

6. Backup existing RtfConfigWin.xml,
7. Replace it with attached RtfConfigWin.xml (if it is .ZIPed then unzip it first)
8. Shutdown and restart Windows.

9. Start Dialogic HMP
10. After the Dialogic HMP service has started then start the VoiceGuide service
11. .ZIP up Dialogic RTF logs in Dialogic's \log\ subdirectory.
12. Please post the .ZIPed up logs here, along with the latest ktTel log file from the VoiceGuide's log subdirectory.


Click link below to download the RtfConfigWin file:



This new RtfConfigWin.xml file will result in more logging being performed by Dialogic HMP. These extra logs may show us the cause of issue.

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Also, is anything else installed on this system apart from Windows and Dialogic HMP and VoiceGuide?

Are there any anti-virus type programs?

Are there any other communications type programs?

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On the windows system is only dialogic hmp and voiceguide installed.

No anti-virus program an no other communications type program.


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The Dialogic RTF log files were not included in the uploaded log.zip file.

Please .ZIP up Dialogic RTF logs in Dialogic's \log\ subdirectory, and then post those log files here.

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The extended trace does not tell us much as to why gc_Start function call failed on this Win2019 / VMware ESXi system.

You are using HMP SU 548.

Can you please try using the slightly older SU540 - which is also available from our Downloads page.

If SU540 errors in similar way I'd try using SU393 after that...


To change to a different version of Dialogic HMP:

1.    Stop the Dialogic service. You can use the Dialogic Configuration Manager (DCM) to stop the service.
2.    Uninstall Dialogic HMP drivers fully (do not save configuration).
3.    Reboot machine.
4.    Install the new version of Dialogic HMP. (You need to run the installer "As Administrator". Right click on the installer .exe to bring up menu that has that option).
5.    Reboot machine.
6.    Open the Dialogic Configuration Manager (DCM) and start the Dialogic service.


02/22/2024 12:04:11.185   2760        5580 gc                      APPL         gclib                           <:::: gc_Start()
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_MGR     DEBG         sm_main.cpp:293       !     0 ! >> h3r_Start: gc_start_structp=0x11097318 , CCLibp=0x6acb0750
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_MGR     DEBG         sm_main.cpp:297       !     0 ! >> Build For 3PCC : Library GC_H3R_LIB.
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580                                      sm_main.cpp:340       !     0 ! gc_h3r:>> h3r_Start : gc_start_structp->version=513, media_operational_mode=EmbeddedMedia
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_MGR     DEBG         sm.cpp:2780           !     0 ! SharonMgr::SharonMgr: STARTUP - Initialized m_StartupSem to 00000000
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_IPC     DEBG         sm.cpp:2719           !     0 ! OpenLocalUDPPort [SHARON] : SO_RCVBUF = 500000, sockFd = 3736
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_IPC     DEBG         sm.cpp:2727           !     0 ! OpenLocalUDPPort [SHARON] : SO_SNDBUF = 140000, sockFd = 3736
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_IPC     DEBG         sm.cpp:2719           !     0 ! OpenLocalUDPPort [SHARON] : SO_RCVBUF = 32768, sockFd = 3740
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_IPC     DEBG         sm.cpp:2727           !     0 ! OpenLocalUDPPort [SHARON] : SO_SNDBUF = 32768, sockFd = 3740
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r                  ERR1         util.cpp:235          !     0 ! *ERROR* IGLUtil::resetMutex() : NULL == pMutex
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_MGR     DEBG         sm.cpp:3295           !     0 ! SharonMgr::performLicenseAndParameterValidation :App reqested -1 Sip Channels and -1 H323 Channels and 1 IP Channels on 1 Virt Board in media_mode 0.
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_MGR     DEBG         sm.cpp:4274           !     0 ! >> Sending cmd [4]=>0XD1A10518   count [0]=>0XD1A1051C
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_MGR     DEBG         sm.cpp:4274           !     0 ! >> Sending cmd [3]=>0XD1A1051F   count [0]=>0XD1A1051C
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_MGR     DEBG         sm.cpp:3339           !     0 ! SharonMgr::performLicenseAndParameterValidation :TLS feature is not licensed
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_MGR     DEBG         sm.cpp:4274           !     0 ! >> Sending cmd [1]=>0XD1A1051D   count [-1]=>0X2E5EFAE3
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r                  ERR1         sm.cpp:3364           !     0 ! << SharonMgr::performLicenseAndParameterValidation: Could not perform checkout Feature not supported or FlexLM license file is not active
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r                  ERR1         sm.cpp:2821           !     0 ! IPCCLIB License Validation Failed [6].
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r                  ERR1         util.cpp:213          !     0 ! *ERROR* IGLUtil::isMutexExist() : NULL == *pMutex
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_IPC     DEBG         sm.cpp:2745           !     0 ! CloseLocalUDPPort [SHARON] : sockFd = 3740
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_IPC     DEBG         sm.cpp:2745           !     0 ! CloseLocalUDPPort [SHARON] : sockFd = 3736
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r       SH_MGR     DEBG         sm.cpp:273            !     0 ! << SharonMgr::freeResources()
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc_h3r                  ERR1         sm_main.cpp:356       !     0 ! >> h3r_Start : caught exception 6 while creating Sharon Manager
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc                      ERR1         gcprod                           ---  _gp_StartAllCCLibs() - Library libgch3r.dll start procedure returned error: 29
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc                      WARN         gcprod                           ---  _gp_StartAllCCLibs() - libgch3r.dll Library failed to load.
02/22/2024 12:04:11.414   2760        5580 gc                      ERR1         gclib                           ::::> gc_Start() - _gp_StartAllCCLibs() failed:-1

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We can see that you are now using HMP Service Update 540.

Not sure why SU548 would not start on this VMware system when SU540 started ok. Guess that's a question to Dialogic.

For purposes of testing which SU does start on your VMware system you could just download any HMP version direct from Dialogic. Current latest is SU556. Pretty much all of the basic features will work in VoiceGuide regardless of which Service Update version of HMP you have installed.


We can see that you are now trying to register a SIP extension with a PBX or similar. If you continue having issues in getting this working please start a new thread on that topic.

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