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Rv_callednumber Have Not My Caller Number

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I have voiceguide 5.2.1011 installed with a dialogic D/4pci


I am using an script similar to collections, where dialler id is searched in a database.


But the variable $RV_CALLEDNUMBER have not caller phone number so i get always same answer: "We have been unable to find the entry for telephone number"


This is the trace:



102450,89 14 linedevstate 2048 0 0

102450,89 14 callstate OFFERING 66203 0 4

102450,90 14 Answer the call at 26/04/2004 10:24:50

102450,91 14 lineAnswer(66203) => 66169

102450,91 14 callinfo CALLEDID

102450,92 14 callinfo ORIGIN

102450,92 14 ring 0

102451,44 14 callstate CONNECTED 66203,1,0

102451,44 14 WorkingModeTAPI@Connected=

102451,45 14 WorkingModeScript@Connected=

102451,48 14 Inband detection not enabled

102451,49 14 StartLoadedVgs at 26/04/2004 10:24:51

102451,49 14 rv add [$RV_STARTTIME]{26/04/2004 10:24:51}

102451,49 14 rv add [$RV_DEVICEID]{14}

102451,50 14 rv add [$RV_CIDNAME]{}

102451,50 14 AddRVns [PathApp]{C:\apps\voiceguide\}

102451,50 14 rv add [$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

102451,51 14 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66169 0

102451,51 14 TimeoutClear

102451,52 14 [GetClientRecord] DB Query

102451,52 14 callinfo MONITORMODES

102451,53 14 db Jet mode used (To use ODBC mode specify ODBC Connect string)

102451,54 14 RVreplace start: [sELECT Name, AccountBalance FROM Clients WHERE PhoneNumber=$RV_CALLEDNUMBER]

102451,55 14 RVns [PathSysVoice]{C:\apps\voiceguide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\apps\voiceguide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\apps\voiceguide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\apps\voiceguide\system\}[$RV_STARTTIME]{26/04/2004 10:24:51}[$RV_DEVICEID]{14}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\apps\voiceguide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

102451,56 14 RVreplace end: [sELECT Name, AccountBalance FROM Clients WHERE PhoneNumber='']

102451,57 14 db About to execute a Retrieve type operation [sELECT Name, AccountBalance FROM Clients WHERE PhoneNumber='']

102451,58 14 db [GetClientRecord] movelast err : No hay ningún registro activo.

102451,61 14 TimeoutClear

102451,61 14 [ClientNotFound] Playing

102451,62 14 RVreplace start: [We have been unable to find the entry for telephone number $RV_CALLEDNUMBER]

102451,63 14 RVns [PathSysVoice]{C:\apps\voiceguide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\apps\voiceguide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\apps\voiceguide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\apps\voiceguide\system\}[$RV_STARTTIME]{26/04/2004 10:24:51}[$RV_DEVICEID]{14}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\apps\voiceguide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

102451,64 14 RVreplace end: [We have been unable to find the entry for telephone number ]

102451,65 14 tts generate start[We have been unable to find the entry for telephone number ]

102451,66 14 tts generate wait

102451,67 14 RunModule PLAY end

102451,74 14 tts generate finish

102451,74 14 [ClientNotFound] Playing (C:\apps\voiceguide\data\tts14.wav)

102451,77 14 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\apps\voiceguide\data\tts14.wav]

102451,77 14 TimeoutClear

102451,78 14 wa(3759,37335000)

102451,79 14 callinfo MONITORMODES

102455,55 14 wb(37335000)

102455,61 14 Play End line[14] (id=373350)

102455,62 14 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1100

102455,62 14 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

102455,63 14 TimeoutSet 5 EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

102457,14 14 callstate DISCONNECTED 66203,0,0

102457,14 14 ScriptEventCode 9250 iLineState=1101

102457,15 14 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_REMOTEPARTY_DISCONNECT

102457,16 14 rv add [Hangup Time]{26/04/2004 10:24:57}

102457,17 14 Hanging up call...

102457,17 14 RecSoundStop ok

102457,18 14 PlaySoundStop err=0


102457,20 14 fnHangupCall end

102457,23 14 linedevstate 2048 0 0

102457,24 14 callstate IDLE 66203 0 0

102457,25 14 WorkingMode@Idle=

102457,26 14 TimeoutClear


102457,27 14 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66152 0

102458,20 14 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

102458,20 14 ScriptEventCode 9008 iLineState=900

102458,21 14 LsAwaitingCalls EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

102458,22 14 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE

102458,23 14 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:66203) 0

102458,39 14 lineOpen(14)=>

102458,39 14 Waiting for a call...

102458,40 14 LineHandle=66135

102458,41 14 TimeoutSet 3 EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

102501,41 14 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

102501,41 14 ScriptEventCode 9013 iLineState=900

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Is Caller ID information sent by the telephone company?

If it is you should wait till after second ring to answer the call - Caller ID information is sent from phone company between the first and the second ring.


also: you should be using $RV_CIDNUMBER.


$RV_CALLEDNUMBER is defined only on outbound calls. (see http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/html/Resu...ltVariables.htm )


you can see in the trace what RVs are defined by looking at the contents of the trace lines which begin with "RVns".

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Yes phone number is sent by phone company, i am using an isdn line.


I have used $RV_CIDNUMBER too and i put wait 3 rings still not work


155517,08 14 linedevstate 2048 0 0

155517,08 14 callstate OFFERING 66413 0 4

155517,10 14 callinfo CALLEDID

155517,11 14 callinfo ORIGIN

155517,11 14 ring 0

155523,19 14 ring 2

155529,21 14 ring 3

155529,22 14 Answer the call at 28/04/2004 15:55:29

155529,22 14 lineAnswer(66413) => 66430

155529,77 14 callstate CONNECTED 66413,1,0

155529,77 14 WorkingModeTAPI@Connected=

155529,77 14 WorkingModeScript@Connected=

155529,81 14 Inband detection not enabled

155529,81 14 StartLoadedVgs at 28/04/2004 15:55:29

155529,82 14 rv add [$RV_STARTTIME]{28/04/2004 15:55:29}

155529,82 14 rv add [$RV_DEVICEID]{14}

155529,83 14 rv add [$RV_CIDNAME]{}

155529,83 14 AddRVns [PathApp]{C:\apps\voiceguide\}

155529,84 14 rv add [$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

155529,84 14 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66430 0

155529,85 14 callinfo MONITORMODES

155529,86 14 TimeoutClear

155529,86 14 [GetClientRecord] DB Query

155529,87 14 db Jet mode used (To use ODBC mode specify ODBC Connect string)

155529,89 14 RVreplace start: [sELECT Name, AccountBalance FROM Clients WHERE PhoneNumber=$RV_CIDNUMBER]

155529,89 14 RVns [PathSysVoice]{}[PathApp]{C:\apps\voiceguide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\apps\voiceguide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\apps\voiceguide\system\}[$RV_STARTTIME]{28/04/2004 15:55:29}[$RV_DEVICEID]{14}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\apps\voiceguide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

155529,90 14 RVreplace end: [sELECT Name, AccountBalance FROM Clients WHERE PhoneNumber='']

155529,91 14 db About to execute a Retrieve type operation [sELECT Name, AccountBalance FROM Clients WHERE PhoneNumber='']

155529,92 14 db [GetClientRecord] movelast err : No hay ningún registro activo.

155529,93 14 TimeoutClear

155529,93 14 [ClientNotFound] Playing

155529,94 14 RVreplace start: [We have been unable to find the entry for telephone number $RV_CALLEDNUMBER $RV_CIDNUMBER]

155529,95 14 RVns [PathSysVoice]{}[PathApp]{C:\apps\voiceguide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\apps\voiceguide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\apps\voiceguide\system\}[$RV_STARTTIME]{28/04/2004 15:55:29}[$RV_DEVICEID]{14}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\apps\voiceguide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

155529,96 14 RVreplace end: [We have been unable to find the entry for telephone number ]

155529,97 14 tts generate start[We have been unable to find the entry for telephone number ]

155529,97 14 tts generate wait

155529,98 14 RunModule PLAY end

155530,09 14 tts generate finish

155530,09 14 [ClientNotFound] Playing (C:\apps\voiceguide\data\tts14.wav)

155530,12 14 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\apps\voiceguide\data\tts14.wav]

155530,13 14 TimeoutClear

155530,14 14 wa(3764,9369900)

155530,15 14 callinfo MONITORMODES

155533,96 14 Play End line[14] (id=93699)

155533,97 14 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1100

155533,97 14 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

155533,98 14 TimeoutSet 5 EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

155536,87 0 sys cleanup Start

155536,87 0 sys cleanup End

155538,90 14 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

155538,91 14 ScriptEventCode 9005 iLineState=1101

155538,91 14 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

155538,92 14 tts generate reuse

155538,93 14 [ClientNotFound] Playing (C:\apps\voiceguide\data\tts14.wav)

155538,94 14 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\apps\voiceguide\data\tts14.wav]

155538,95 14 TimeoutClear

155538,95 14 wa(3764,10253100)

155538,96 14 callinfo MONITORMODES

155540,27 14 callstate DISCONNECTED 66413,0,0

155540,28 14 ScriptEventCode 9250 iLineState=1100


155540,29 14 rv add [Hangup Time]{28/04/2004 15:55:40}

155540,30 14 Hanging up call...

155540,31 14 RecSoundStop ok

155540,36 14 PlaySoundStop err=0


155540,38 14 fnHangupCall end

155540,43 14 linedevstate 2048 0 0

155540,43 14 callstate IDLE 66413 0 0

155540,44 14 WorkingMode@Idle=

155540,45 14 TimeoutClear


155540,46 14 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66379 0

155541,39 14 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

155541,41 14 ScriptEventCode 9008 iLineState=900

155541,41 14 LsAwaitingCalls EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

155541,41 14 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE

155541,43 14 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:66413) 0

155541,59 14 lineOpen(14)=>

155541,59 14 Waiting for a call...

155541,59 14 LineHandle=66396

155541,61 14 TimeoutSet 3 EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

155544,62 14 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

155544,62 14 ScriptEventCode 9013 iLineState=900

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Yes phone number is sent by phone company, i am using an isdn line.


I have used $RV_CIDNUMBER too and i put wait 3 rings still not work


155517,08 14 linedevstate 2048 0 0

155517,08 14 callstate OFFERING 66413 0 4

155517,10 14 callinfo CALLEDID

155517,11 14 callinfo ORIGIN

155517,11 14 ring 0

155523,19 14 ring 2

155529,21 14 ring 3

How can you be using an ISDN when you are using a D/4PCI card? D/4PCI is for analog lines.


It looks like the D/4PCI is not picking up the CallerID information - how have you confirmed that CallerID id sent on the line? Do you have another device attached to this line which is picking up the CallerID?


Which country are you in and in what format does your phone company send the CallerID?

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Oh sorry i forgot!


I am using ISDN but i am using analog lines of my PBX.

So what should i do to get caller number?


Change my dialogic card? what is the cheaper card that can i use? can i change configuration of my pbx to allow send caller id?


I am at Spain.

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PBXs do not send the CallerID info between the 1st and 2nd ring like phone companies do.


Does your PBX support Inband Signaling or some other form of CTI interfaces? you should speak with your PBX supplier and ask them how PBX can send Caller ID to IVR and see what they say.


(What PBX are you using?)

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My PBX name is neris 2, it have not many technical details in the manual, but i have check that it supports CTI, i dunno about inband signaling, but can you tell me how can i trace this information to study and check what pattern is being sent to program properly voiceguide and get called id.


THank you!

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From VG Help file:


Inband Signaling is sent using a series of DTMF tones immediately after the call is answered. It is only sent to the recipient of the call and it does not matter after how many rings the call is answered - the signaling tones are sent immediately after call answer.


It is easy to check if Inband Signaling is sent on the line: place an extension headset against your ear and keep the 'handset on hook' switch depressed so that that handset can accept calls, then make a call to that extension and when the call arrives lift the hand off the 'handset on hook' switch - if there is any Inband Signaling sent you will hear it then a quick series of DTMF tones.

(You will not be able to hear the tones usually if you just normally pick up the handset as the playing of the tones would have finished by the time you raise the handset to your ear...)


To capture what tones are being sent on the line just set up a VoiceGuide script whose first module is a "Get Numbers" type module - that module will then capture the sent digits and what it captures will be stored in the Log File.

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What is ACD software that you recomend to have a best integration with VG?

I'm using VG 5.2.1, Dialogic D4/PCI and Panasonic PBX's / Siemen Hicom 3000





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I have made that script with the getnumber module and log files is this, but where is located the tones:


143347,56 14 linedevstate 2048 0 0

143347,56 14 callstate OFFERING 65967 0 4

143347,58 14 callinfo CALLEDID

143347,58 14 callinfo ORIGIN

143347,59 14 ring 0

143347,59 14 Answer the call at 29/04/2004 14:33:47

143347,59 14 lineAnswer(65967) => 65968

143348,13 14 callstate CONNECTED 65967,1,0

143348,13 14 WorkingModeTAPI@Connected=

143348,14 14 WorkingModeScript@Connected=

143348,17 14 Inband detection not enabled

143348,17 14 StartLoadedVgs at 29/04/2004 14:33:48

143348,17 14 rv add [$RV_STARTTIME]{29/04/2004 14:33:48}

143348,18 14 rv add [$RV_DEVICEID]{14}

143348,18 14 rv add [$RV_CIDNAME]{}

143348,19 14 AddRVns [PathApp]{C:\apps\voiceguide\}

143348,19 14 rv add [$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

143348,20 14 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 65968 0

143348,20 14 callinfo MONITORMODES

143348,21 14 TimeoutClear

143348,21 14 [Get Numbers 2] Number Input

143348,22 14 [Get Numbers 2] Playing ()

143348,23 14 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1300

143348,23 14 LsGetNbrsPlayWelcMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

143348,24 14 TimeoutSet 5 EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

143353,16 14 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

143353,16 14 ScriptEventCode 9005 iLineState=1301

143353,17 14 LsGetNbrsRxDigits EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

143353,18 14 [Get Numbers 2] Playing ()

143353,18 14 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1300

143353,19 14 LsGetNbrsPlayWelcMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

143353,20 14 TimeoutSet 5 EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

143358,20 14 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

143358,20 14 ScriptEventCode 9005 iLineState=1301

143358,21 14 LsGetNbrsRxDigits EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

143358,23 14 [Get Numbers 2] Playing ()

143358,23 14 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1300

143358,23 14 LsGetNbrsPlayWelcMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

143358,25 14 TimeoutSet 10 EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

143358,25 14 TimeoutSet 6 EV_TIMEOUT_ENTERDATA

143358,82 14 callstate DISCONNECTED 65967,0,0

143358,82 14 ScriptEventCode 9250 iLineState=1301

143358,82 14 LsGetNbrsRxDigits EV_REMOTEPARTY_DISCONNECT

143358,84 14 rv add [Get Numbers 2]{}

143358,84 14 rv add [Hangup Time]{29/04/2004 14:33:58}

143358,85 14 Hanging up call...

143358,86 14 RecSoundStop ok

143358,86 14 PlaySoundStop err=0


143358,88 14 fnHangupCall end

143358,92 14 linedevstate 2048 0 0

143358,93 14 callstate IDLE 65967 0 0

143358,94 14 WorkingMode@Idle=

143358,95 14 TimeoutClear


143358,96 14 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66189 0

143359,89 14 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

143359,89 14 ScriptEventCode 9008 iLineState=900

143359,90 14 LsAwaitingCalls EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

143359,91 14 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE

143359,92 14 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:65967) 0

143400,08 14 lineOpen(14)=>

143400,08 14 Waiting for a call...

143400,09 14 LineHandle=66224

143400,10 14 TimeoutSet 3 EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

143403,10 14 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

143403,11 14 ScriptEventCode 9013 iLineState=900

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... looks like no Inband Signalling is sent.


It is easy to check if Inband Signaling is sent on the line: place an extension headset against your ear and keep the 'handset on hook' switch depressed so that that handset can accept calls, then make a call to that extension and when the call arrives lift the hand off the 'handset on hook' switch - if there is any Inband Signaling sent you will hear it then a quick series of DTMF tones.


Do you hear any tones sent by the PBX when you do the above?

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But you that in addition to inband signalling its possible to get that dtmf codes using the CTI.


So please tell me the another alternative to inband signalling to get codes that have caller id.


Thank you

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... you should really speak to your PBX supplier to see what options are available on your PBX.

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Inband signalling is not available at my PBX but it support CTI and TAPI.


Please tell me how can investigate by myself what protocol is using my PBX to send caller id.


THank you

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You should speak to your PBX supplier to see what type of CTI interface is available on your PBX. As each PBX has slightly different CTI the PBX people should also supply you with some documentation on how to use the CTI interface.

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I called to my PBX supplier and told me that my PBX Netcom neris 2 is not sending this information throught analog extensions, only throught digital extensions, but i think this information can not very accurate, so i would like to know if there is any application to trace this dtmf codes and check whats going on and if this information is really not sent by my PBX.


In case my PBX is not sending that information i think i have to buy another dialogic or telefony cards that accept digital lines, can you recommend me the cheaper option, because i have already waste 500 US$ with a Dialogic D/4PCI.


THank you

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Inband Signalling is only used on analog lines...

It sounds like your PBX does not have any CTI or Inband Signaling capability...

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Ok then it looks that i have to buy another dialogic or telefony cards that accept digital lines because if i use digital line, called id is available, so can you recommend me the cheaper option, because i have already waste 500 US$ with a Dialogic D/4PCI.

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Please see: http://www.voiceguide.com/suppRecomHardware.htm


There are no cards that attach to PBX 'digital extensions' as digital extensions run on propriety protocols. (can the PBX supplier tell you what is the communication protocol used on your PBX's digital extension?)


If you have a T1 or an E1 ISDN line then you could attach D/240 or D/300 card to that line. If you have a BRI ISDN line then you could attach one of the CAPI compatilbe cards to that line (see: http://www.voiceguide.com/suppRecomHardware.htm )

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My PBX supplier is an spanish telecom company where technicians are not very qualified and can not give this information. I have tried already to ask about that with no luck.

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... I'd suggest speaking to the PBX manufacturer then to see what this PBX does and does not support...

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There care a couple of Dialogic cards that are specifically made to integrate with various PBX systems. Search intel's site for D/82JCT-U. That will work great with a wide variety of phone systems.

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