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transfer call whispering

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Using the call transfer module options, I want to use an announcement for the receiving party before connecting the call. Is it possible to use TTS (Text-to-Speech) or something like a prompt for the recipient in the "announce message"?
The announcement for the recipient needs to be variable, with information coming from the CRM.

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The 'Announce Message' to play to the receiving party is set on the "Announce Message" tab of the 'Transfer Call' module's 'Property Dialog'. Please see the screenshot below:



The announce message is played on both the "Monitored" and "Announced" transfer types.

On the "Announced" transfer types the call recipient can accept the call or decline the call, and on the "Monitored" transfer types the call recipient is just played the announce message before the call is automatically connected.

The 'Announce Message' setting can have 'Result Variables' used in the  filename. So you can specify the filename like this:


And the


will be replaced by its value, and the resulting file will be the one used as the announce message. 

eg. if  $RV[myid] holds the value of "channel" then this sound file will be played:


For more information on 'Result Variables' please see: https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/resultvariables.htm

The above approach can be used with pre-recorded sound files. So if there is a known pre-determined set of different announce messages that you want to play to call recipient, then you can use this approach to select which of those pre-recorded announcements is played.

Note that you can also specify a list of sound files to play, so you can play a number of different 'keyword' sound files to alert call recipient of nature of call, and you can also specify such a list in a Result Variable.

eg. you can have $RV[keywords] hold a value of:

C:\mydir\indebt.wav, C:\mydir\3months.wav, C:\mydir\code.wav, 4.wav, 5.wav, 6.wav

and you can specify the announce message to be:

C:\mydir\announce_$RV[myid].wav, $RV[keywords]

and these 7 sound files will be played to call recipient before call is connected. (in example above the numbers 4, 5, 6 would be the played using VoiceGuide's 'system' sound files from C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\System\voice).


Usually the 'announce' messages are constructed from concatenating pre-recorded 'keyword' sound files using approach like above.

The 'announce message' in call transfer module is not set up to accept text (for TTS) as input at this stage, but there is a workaround - see below:


If you need true TTS as using pre-recorded sound files would just not work in your case, then you can have the VoiceGuide callflow use TTS to generate the sound file, save the filename of that generated sound file in a Result Variable, and then specify that Result Variable as the announce message.

How the sound file is generated depends on the TTS that you are using. Can you advise which TTS you are using? Most TTS engines come with an .exe that you can call to generate the TTS sound file. You can call this .exe from VoiceGuide's 'Run VBScript' / 'Run JavaScript' module, or from the 'Run Program' module. Please see:




If using the 'Run VBScript' / 'Run JavaScript' module then you would probably also want to look at the following VoiceGuide APIs :





If you need more assistance on how to generate the sound file using 'Run VBScript' / 'Run JavaScript' or the 'Run Program' module then please make a new Support Forum post with that question and we can assist.

If you really need for VoiceGuide to support TTS for the 'announce message' without using the workaround as described above, then please get in touch directly with sales@voiceguide.com VoiceGuide is being continually developed, and if you really need a certain feature added in then we can look into it.

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So there is no possibility of using TTS to generate such a message?

Do we have to use a pre-generated one?

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In this build of VoiceGuide 7.7.5 you can specify TTS direct in the 'Announce Message' field:


to use: put the text to be TTS'd in a .txt file, and then specify that .txt file as the file to be played as the announcement.

Any Result Variables in the file text, or in the filename itself, will be replaced as usual before the file is read in and the TTS generated.

This basically gives you the same functionality like the TTS text that you can specify in a 'Play' type module.

Please see version change instructions below, and let us know if you still have any questions.


To change to a different version of VoiceGuide:

  1. Stop VoiceGuide Service. VoiceGuide can be stopped by clicking on the VoiceGuide Service Monitor in the Windows's Icon Tray on bottom right of the taskbar and selecting "Stop".
  2. Exit all VoiceGuide programs. This  includes the Service Monitor applet in the Icon Tray area in bottom right of the screen,  as well as the Script Designer, Line Status Monitor, etc.
  3. Do NOT uninstall the previous VoiceGuide installation.
  4. Stop the Dialogic service using the Dialogic Configuration Manager (DCM), or Windows' Services Applet.
  5. Run the VoiceGuide install and install into same directory as existing installation.
  6. Start VoiceGuide service.

Note: Running a VoiceGuide install over the top of an existing install will NOT overwrite existing configuration or license files (Config.xml, ConfigLine.xml, VG.INI, etc) and will not remove any of users script or sound files, and will not remove any log files etc.


and of course the previously advised 'Realtime TTS' approach can also still be used with this new build:


Most TTS engines come with an .exe that you can call to generate the TTS sound file. You can call this .exe from VoiceGuide's 'Run VBScript' / 'Run JavaScript' module, or from the 'Run Program' module. Please see:



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