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After its in the sql table

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The calls  are in the que to run .. but the system does not make the call. What can be stoping it from making the call.  is there a place where i have to start  the process ?



sql Log 080524.jpg

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Please .ZIP up all the files in VoiceGuide's \log\ subdirectory and post them here. We can then see what is happening on the system.

Screenshot shows that this is a VoIP system. Note that the "+" and "-" characters are often not valid characters when placing calls to telephone numbers over VoIP connections. You need to confirm with your VoIP provider to see if they accept those characters when placing calls to numbers through them.

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Traces show that there was a successful outgoing call placed today at 13:48:59. Call was made to the same number as shown in your originally provided screenshot (in the Outbound Call Loader's SQL tab in oyur screenshot). The call was answered, and after about 12 seconds the call recipient hung up. (note that the callflow script used when this outgoing call is answered is designed to record first after answer before playing the "0123456789" sound files).

from CallEvents log:

{ "call": {
  "crn": "8000001",
  "port": "1",
  "direction": "out",
  "callcounter": "1",
  "time_start": "2024-08-05 13:48:59",
  "callflow": "C:\katalina\ivr_scripts\record_only\rec_play_rec.vgs",
  "events": "
    134907.186|state|Human answer. Start [C:\katalina\ivr_scripts\record_only\rec_play_rec.vgs]|||||0|0|0|0
    134907.347|state|[rec_welcome] Recording C:\katalina\ivr_scripts\record_only\0805134907_3_1_+12124448574@technologiasoft-trunk-ivr.pstn.ashburn.twilio.com.wav|||||0|0|0|0
    134912.552|state|[Play 0123456789] Playing wav (0.wav,1.wav,2.wav,3.wav,4.wav,5.wav,6.wav,7.wav,8.wav,9.wav)|||||0|0|0|0
  "length": "19.990"

Your original screenshot also still shows that call's End Time. It's same as the end time in the log file.


vgDialListLoad trace shows that this call was loaded using VoiceGuide's Outbound Call Loader:

134858.523     1       dial  Db_Insert_List cmd callque   [INSERT INTO callque (GUID, PhoneNumber, PhoneNumberPrefix, ActivateTime, TimeStart_Mon, TimeStart_Tue, TimeStart_Wed, TimeStart_Thu, TimeStart_Fri, TimeStart_Sat, TimeStart_Sun, TimeStop_Mon, TimeStop_Tue, TimeStop_Wed, TimeStop_Thu, TimeStop_Fri, TimeStop_Sat, TimeStop_Sun, CampaignName, Scheduler, Priority, OnAnswerLive, OnAnswerMachine, OnAnswerFax, OnNotAnswered, OnRetriesExhausted, AnswerTimeout, RetriesLeft, RetriesDelay,  RV, CallOptions, EscalationCalls) VALUES (@guid, @strNbrToDial, @strPhoneNumberPrefix, @dateActivateTime, @iTimeStart_Mon, @iTimeStart_Tue, @iTimeStart_Wed, @iTimeStart_Thu, @iTimeStart_Fri, @iTimeStart_Sat, @iTimeStart_Sun, @iTimeStop_Mon, @iTimeStop_Tue, @iTimeStop_Wed, @iTimeStop_Thu, @iTimeStop_Fri, @iTimeStop_Sat, @iTimeStop_Sun, @strCampaignName, @iScheduler, @iPriority, @strOnAnswerLive, @strOnAnswerMachine, @strOnAnswerFax, @strOnNotAnswered, @strOnRetriesExhausted, @iAnswerTimeout, @iRetriesLeft, @iRetriesDelay, @strRV, @strOptions, @strEscalationCalls); SELECT LASTVAL();]
134858.523     1       dial  Db_Insert_List cmd porttouse [INSERT INTO porttouse (CallID, CallGUID, PortNumber, ActivateTime, CampaignName, Scheduler, Priority, TimeStart_Mon, TimeStart_Tue, TimeStart_Wed, TimeStart_Thu, TimeStart_Fri, TimeStart_Sat, TimeStart_Sun, TimeStop_Mon, TimeStop_Tue, TimeStop_Wed, TimeStop_Thu, TimeStop_Fri, TimeStop_Sat, TimeStop_Sun ) VALUES (@iCallID, @guid, @iPortNumber, @dateActivateTime, @strCampaignName, @iScheduler, @iPriority, @iTimeStart_Mon, @iTimeStart_Tue, @iTimeStart_Wed, @iTimeStart_Thu, @iTimeStart_Fri, @iTimeStart_Sat, @iTimeStart_Sun, @iTimeStop_Mon, @iTimeStop_Tue, @iTimeStop_Wed, @iTimeStop_Thu, @iTimeStop_Fri, @iTimeStop_Sat, @iTimeStop_Sun );]
134858.527     1       dial  cmd_callque_Insert_ExecuteReader [+12124448574@technologiasoft-trunk-ivr.pstn.ashburn.twilio.com,,3eeb2217-5cd8-4c9e-a553-63b150df4db0,]
134858.548     1       dial  cmd_callque_Insert_ExecuteReader [+12124448574] returned, some data FieldCount=1
134858.548     1       dial  cmd_callque_Insert_ExecuteReader  dr.GetValue(0) iID_JustInserted=175
134858.548     1       dial  cmd_callque_Insert_ExecuteReader (tel=+12124448574) ID_JustInserted=175
134858.548     1       dial  calltrack is used. PortToUse_LinkField=[Disabled]


But the vgDialListLoad traces and vgEngine traces do not show the loading of the two calls in your screenshot, so looks like you must have loaded those two calls yourself into the database using your own software.

VgEngine trace shows that the SQL queries VgEngine sends to that database to check for new calls did on return those entries that you inserted using your own software.

Recommend you stop the VoiceGuide service and then just insert a call into the database using VoiceGuide's Outbound Call Loader - in the same way as you did at 13:48:59. And then look at the entries in the various tables (callque, porttouse, calltrack) and see how the entries that you inserted into the database differ from the entries that the VoiceGuide's Outbound Call Loader inserts. Stopping the VoiceGuide service beforehand ensures that the entries inserted into the database using VoiceGuide's Outbound Call Loader will stay in the database - so you can examine them.

More information on using external databases and loading calls into to external databases can be found here: https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/dial_vgdb_external_config.htm

There are other ways of loading outgoing calls as well. eg: the 'outdial file' method is often used as it is a pretty simple way for 3rd party apps to load outgoing calls into the Dialer queue. see: https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/outbound-ivr-dialer-introduction.htm#outdialfile


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Ok I found something .


The test number you setup for calling which it calls has the phone number inthis format :   +12124448574@technologiasoft-trunk-ivr.pstn.ashburn.twilio.com

The phone number format  when it pulls the data from ou  table is just                                     : 212-444-8574  this is the way you set it up . 


So I think that can be the issue :  how can i set it up were when i import my phone number its like the first format ?


Do you think this could be the issue ?



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If you want to insert data yourself into the Dialer queue (ie. VoiceGuide's "outdial" database table) instead of using VoiceGuide provided ways of doing it, then you should as a minimum examine closely how VoiceGuide does it, and then replicate the approach to have your process insert new calls in exactly the same way.

The data in those database tables needs to be created exactly in the way that VoiceGuide Dialer software expects it.

If you input incorrect data, or omit data, then VoiceGuide Dialer will not have the data it needs to make the call, or data it needs to be forwarding to other systems that it is making the call to.


You posted an XLSX file which seems to show two table rows. One looks to be inserted by VoiceGuide (Outbound Call Loader app?), and the other one must be the one inserted by whatever process you have set up to do the database insertions. And differences can clearly be seen right there ... the phone number expression is different - it does not even contain any IP or domain information... and the 'CallOptions' field - that needs to have the <CallerId> setting in it - is not even set in the row inserted by your process...

Also the documentation to which we supplied links previously contains some notes about the "calltrack" table. You may want to set up entries in that table as well. (again - best to examine closely how VoiceGuide inserts entries into that table as well - after reading the documentation comments).

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