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Calling a Web Service

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Thanks support.


kindly ASSIST,
for outgoing calls,  we seek to play a sound, and upon pressing a digit per the sound , a web service is called to run aa program,  and return success with a text message and or a call back into the VG  to play a sound .
1, do we need to use the "play sound model" ,  or the "web service model",  or do we need to use both models for this project.?
thank you .


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Given that you want to first play a sound file and get some keypress from the caller first then you will need to first use a "Play" module, and then after getting the keypress then goto a "Web Service" module... and then when the Web Service module returns then you can use another Play module to play out the Result Variables set by the Web Service module.

The general approach would be something like this:


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thanks support ,

above looks perfect , our issue is,


1, from the play model, how do we call the web service. do we do it under properties @ play model window ,using paths ? can you show us how its 

2, please does the arrow  between the models , represent paths or the branch ?



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Please see these Help file topics:

Paths: https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/paths.htm

Play Module: https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/modplay.htm


Actually, it sounds like you need to read the introduction to the script/callflow design first:





and when you get to the stage of playing back the data returned by the Web Service module please read the "Returned Result Variables" section of the "Web Service Module" help file entry, and you may also want read this help file topic:

Result Variables: https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/resultvariables.htm


From the "Paths" help file:



Paths is the name given to the transitions between the Script Modules.

To create a new path, press the Properties button on the module from which the path will start, and go to the Paths tab.



In your original post you say: "and upon pressing a digit per the sound , a web service is called to run a program,"

What digit do you want the user to press?

Lets say you want that digit to be "1".

To have the callflow go from module "Play 1" to module "Web Service 2" when key "1" is pressed:

  1. Create a new .vgs callflow
  2. Create a Play type module. Lets say it's title is "Play 1"
  3. Create a Web Service type module. Lets say it's title is "Web Service 2"
  4. Open the module "Play 1" Properties page.
  5. Select "Digit 1" in the bottom left drop-down box (the "On:" selection),
  6. Select the "Web Service 2" module name in the second drop-down box (the "Goto:" selection),
  7. Press the "+" button to add the path.
  8. Save the .vgs callflow.


Screenshot with "Digit 1" and "Web Service 2" selected int he dropdown boxes.


and after pressing the "+" button you will see the path listed in the "Paths" tab:


click "OK" to save and you will see the path arrow on the callflow screen.

nb: You can also just type the path direct into to main text box on the "Paths" property tab.

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