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bot - client two channel recording

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How to record a conversation between a client and a bot (a prompt generated by VoiceGuide) in such a way that the client is in a separate file and the bot is in a separate file, and later combine these two tracks into an MP3 file.

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Recording all 3 such files at same time is supported. Note that you would need extra Dialogic 'voice' resources on the system to allow this.

After recordings are completed you can just convert the main 2-line recording .WAV file to .MP3 using converter command of your choice.


From https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/com_record_2lines_start.htm :


Example : Record a bridged call into the 3 separate files: Main, A-Side, B-Side.

A "Pool" of voice resources must be set up in order to use this functionality. Two "Pool" voice resource are used for this call.

vgo.Record_2Lines_Start $RV_LINEID, $RV_LINEID, $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "c:\newfile.wav", "ab_split"


Note : To create a "Pool" of voice resources the <Pools> section would need to be placed inside the node of the Config.xml file.
Voice devices then must be allocated to the pool. Voice devices allocated to the pool cannot be assigned to any line/channel.


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The conversation is between the client and the bot generated by VoiceGuide.

Unfortunately, we tested two versions, and in the first:
vg.Record_2Lines_Start $RV_LINEID, $RV_LINEID, $RV[Conf_LineId_2], "D:\calls\$RV_YY$RV_MM$RV_DD_$RV_HH$RV_NN$RV_SS_2channel.wav", "ab_split"

vg.Record_2Lines_Start 5, 5, , "D:\calls\241210_121743_2channel.wav", "ab_split"

the variable $RV[Conf_LineId_2] has no value.

and if we used:
vg.Record_2Lines_Start $RV_LINEID, $RV_LINEID, $RV_LINEID, "D:\calls\$RV_YY$RV_MM$RV_DD_$RV_HH$RV_NN$RV_SS_2channel.wav", "ab_split"

the recording is in one WAV file, mono, containing the entire conversation.

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OK, so you want to have the a constant recording of the entire voice stream for each 'direction' of a call between caller and IVR. (ie. the caller->IVR and IVR->caller directions), and then either combine those two recordings yourself, or optionally have a 3rd recording performed as well that records both directions into one file.

We could modify the Record_2Lines_Start API call to do that.

There probably would be a cost associated with doing this.

Please contact sales@voiceguide.com and include a link to this Support Forum thread in your email.

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