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how to increase the web service call time out value

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Dear Support,

We encountered some issue of the web service call time out, and noticed the default time out value for web service call is 5 sec. Then we tried to increase the value globally by setting the value "EV_TIMEOUT_GOMOUDLE" in the function node like in attached screen shot. But it does not work out, could advise how could we adjust the web service time out value?


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You can set your own timeout in a 'Call Web Service' type module by creating a 'Timeout' type path in that module.

The value of the timeout in that 'Timeout' path will then be the amount of time (in seconds) that the module will wait for the Web Service to return data before that path is taken.

If you still have issues then please post a vgEngine trace capturing the call and we can then see what is happening on the system and advise.


BTW: "EV_TIMEOUT_GOMOUDLE" is a name for the timeout event, not a variable that can hold a value.

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Hi Support, 

As we have many node for calling the web service, and we would like to adjust the global time out value for whole call-flow, how can we do that?

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A timeout path needs to be explicitly set in each case where you want to go to another module in case of a timeout.

Note that a 'Fail' path in a 'Web Service' module is not taken after the default timeout. The 'Fail' path in a 'Web Service' module is taken if a web service returns a HTTP error. eg. 404 etc.

If you want the callflow to go to another module when no response is received from the web service then a Timeout path must be defined.

Note that you can edit the .VGS file in a text editor (eg: Notepad++). This sometimes makes modifying many entries in callflow easier.

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