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Answer, Divert And Record

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We have a specific application for VoiceGuide and would like to know if it is possible before we purchase. We have VoiceGuide 5.11 (Demo), Dialogic D/41JCT-LS card & PC running Windows 2000 and we have been able to sucessfully run the demo scripts. We are using 4 analogue lines through our Ericsson PABX.


Our requirement is to set up a call distribution system where;


1. the system accepts a call from the caller and asks for a postcode input.

2. the system checks the database and finds a number to be called.

3. the system speaks to the caller via text to speach "connecting your call to XXXX"

3. the system calls the found number and connects the caller.

4. on a successful connect only, the system records the converstation between the caller and the dialled number.

5. if the call is not sucessfully connected after x time, the system offers the caller alternatives such as hang up, retry, retry another number or leave a message.


We can do everything except for the record on a successful connect and offer the options when the number is busy.


We would also like to be able to have the caller hear the system dialling the number so they don't have a period hearing nothing - the "Oh Hold sound file to play caller, while dialing on 2nd line" doesn't seem to work.

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We can do everything except for the record on a successful connect and offer the options when the number is busy.

Are you using "Dial and Conference" option or the "Announced Transfer" option?

"Announced Transfer" relies on explicit call acceptance to transfer the call, whereas the "Dial and Conference" does just that - without monitoring what happens on the line after the number has been dialed and the calls connected together.


The version of VoiceGuide written for Dialogic API (currently available for ISDN system only) has a few more options for handling "Dial and Conference" and upgrades to that version will be available to registered users for the difference in price when that version becomes available.

We would also like to be able to have the caller hear the system dialing the number so they don't have a period hearing nothing - the "Oh Hold sound file to play caller, while dialing on 2nd line" doesn't seem to work.

Could you please post a copy of VoiceGuide's Debug Printout which captures the problem, this will allow us to see what is going wrong.

(When running the script click on VoiceGuide's View menu and select 'Event Trace Log' option - any log information will then appear in this window. You must open the trace window before making the call.)

record on a successful connect

Recording both sides of the conversation is not possible right now using VoiceGuide as it is sold. Our script design team can however create a script for you which can do this - using some customized extensions to VoiceGuide which are available to them. You will need to contact sales@voiceguide.com to get a quote on this work.

Edited by SupportTeam

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