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Cannot Use Dialler With .txt Or .xml Files

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Hello Guru's


I have been trying to have my VG 5.2 dial from an entry in the

OutDial_New.txt and OutDial_New.xml in the VG data directory.

The strange thing is that as soon as I create any of theses files in

the directory they are deleted. I assume that is because VG dialler is reading

it in and then deleting thew file. Although the files are read in, the dialler never

dials a number from the file. I only use one at a time to test. However, as soon as

I enter a number manually it begins to dial it. I never uses my .txt or xml files

although it deletes then right away. Here are my .xml and .txt files




6:30 AM 06/10/04,7863578736, 2, 10, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\incomimr.wav, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs, [RemNum]{7863578736}[MessType]{1} [CallName]{J1130157}[Message]{K1130157}[RemAccNm]{7863578736}[CallTime]{0157}





<OnAnswer>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs</OnAnswer>

<RV>[RemNum]{7863578736}[MessType]{1} [CallName]{J1130157}[Message]{K1130157}[RemAccNm]{7863578736}[CallTime]{0157} </RV>



I cannot seen to find the problem. Can you help. What am I doing wrong.




Constantine Hinds



PS my email address is copper1968@yahoo.com

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as soon as I create any of theses files in the directory they are deleted. I assume that is because VG dialler is reading it in and then deleting thew file.



The XML file looks fine, and indeed when copied works OK on our test system. Here is the extract from the trace log showing it being read in OK and then dialing:

203732.70  0 Loading from C:\test\vg5.2.2\data\OutDial_New.xml

203732.70  0 dial  callque insert tel:7863578736 scr:C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs time:406132037 esc:none

203732.72  0 Loaded 1 entries.

203733.72  6 dial  [9,7863578736,406132037,0,2359,MoTuWeThFrSaSu,,,,0,,C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs,C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs,[RemNum]{7863578736}[MessType]{1} [CallName]{J1130157}[Message]{K1130157}[RemAccNm]{7863578736}[CallTime]{0157} ,60,2,5,none,none]

203733.72  0 dial  callque update id=9 next call time 0406132042

203733.72  0 dial  callque DB update returned

203733.72  6 dial  found entry: tel[7863578736] ann[] vgs[C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs] am[C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs]

203733.72  6 Dialing: 7863578736

203733.72  6 MakeCall => 65826


203733.72  6 TapiCbTrigSet 65826 7002

203734.33  6 tapi  Reply (LineEvReply) ok 65826 0

203734.33  6 TapiCbTrigClear

203734.33  6 linedevstate 2048 0 0

203734.33  6 callstate DIALTONE 65792 0 0

203734.33  6 callstate DIALING 65792 0 0

Could you please post a copy of VoiceGuide's Debug Printout from your system which captures the problem, this will allow us to see what is going wrong.

(When running the script click on VoiceGuide's View menu and select 'Event Trace Log' option - any log information will then appear in this window. You must open the trace window before making the call.)


(the OutDial_New.txt support is only included for backward compatibility so I won't cover it - please use the XML format)

as soon as I enter a number manually it begins to dial it.

I assume that you are using the 'Telephone Number Loader' application here?

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Here is the event trace log after I created the .xml file ( twice ):


180831.25 0 Loading from C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\OutDial_New.xml

180831.27 0 dial callque insert tel:7863578736 scr:C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs time:406131808 esc:none

180831.30 0 Loaded 1 entries.

180832.14 0 sys cleanup Start

180832.14 0 sys cleanup End

181055.84 0 Loading from C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\OutDial_New.xml

181055.85 0 dial callque insert tel:7863578736 scr:C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs time:406131810 esc:none

181055.88 0 Loaded 1 entries.


By the way - despite not dialling out, The information does end up in the

DIALLIST.TXT file when I create the OutDial_New.txt. ( What is it for anyway ?):


6:30 AM 06/10/04,7863578736, 2, 10, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\incomimr.wav, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs, [RemNum]{7863578736}[MessType]{1} [CallName]{J1130157}[Message]{K1130157}[RemAccNm]{7863578736}[CallTime]{0157}

6:30 AM 06/10/04,3055761100, 2, 10, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\incomimr.wav, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs, [RemNum]{7863578736}[MessType]{1} [CallName]{J1130324}[Message]{K1130324}[RemAccNm]{7863578736}[CallTime]{0324}

6:30 AM 06/10/04,3055761100, 2, 10, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\incomimr.wav, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs, [RemNum]{7863578736}[MessType]{1} [CallName]{J1131825}[Message]{K1131825}[RemAccNm]{7863578736}[CallTime]{1825}


Thank you for responding so soon.



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Looks like the OutDial_New.xml file has been loaded OK by your system.


Are you lines on your system still enabled for Dialing out? You can see this by going to the View->Line Device Config menu. The "Allow dialing on this line" should be checked.


Are you using an evaluation version or a registered version of VoiceGuide? If registered could you please post a screenshot of the "About VoiceGuide" screen showing the registration info.


Please also post the VG.INI file (in VoiceGuide directory)

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No, I am NOT registered. I am evaluating the product for my company. I did not

think it mattered. Is there a limitation on the evaluation - beside the time allowed to run and the 30 module limit ? You guys have helped me before. I was the guy who could not get VG or any Dialogic card to dial out , detect touch tone , or play wav files, but passed all the Dialogic test and went off hook. Maybe you remember. By the way , that turned out to be a BAD power supply. GO GIGURE !!.


Anyway, I am still evaluating and am not registered yet. Please help. My company

is very interested and I need to show them that it can work fot us.


Please reply quickly.

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Please answer the other questions in our previous post:


Are you lines on your system still enabled for Dialing out? You can see this by going to the View->Line Device Config menu. The "Allow dialing on this line" should be checked.


Please also post the VG.INI file (in VoiceGuide directory)

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Yes , it IS checked off on all of my Dialogic Lines. I have 4 lines. They were all checked off by default. Sorry I did not answer the question earlier.

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After loading the entries to be dialed please .ZIP up and post here:


1. the VG.INI file (in VoiceGuide directory)

2. OutDialQue.mdb file (in VoiceGuide's \data\ subdirectory)

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Here is the zip file:


By the wat, I do not have MS access. I hope I do not need it. It never mentioned taht I needed it in any docmentation.


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I downloaded the zip and extracted it. I renamed the originals in the VG directory and copied the extracted ones there. All three files. I was then asked to re-setup the lines, I did so and it loaded and started dilaling, ( I assume from the queue ), One problem fixed !!. However, as soon as it dials the number, I get a Microsoft error saying the "Progam has encountered errors and will be terminated" and asks if I want to report it or not. I then shuts down. Nothing I have tried has helped. I must syy that the New .exe did the trick to fix the dialling from queue problem, but has created an even bigger error. What do you think is the problem now ? I hope I am not testeing your patience !! I am waiting eagerly for your reply. Thank you.

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Hello Guys:


Well, the new TAPI OCX fixed the micosoft error. You Guys really know your stuff !!. Thanks. Queued dialling from .txt and .xml files is still working ok. BUT, I now have a new problem. When VG dialled out using our outgoing script, all goes fine until it tries to use the SAY NUMBER module. At that point is suddenly hangs up. I checked the log and noticed these lines:


003937.27 6 RVreplace start: [$RV[CallTime]]

003937.33 6 RVns [OutDial_RetriesLeft]{2}[OutDial_Result]{Contacted_Human}[scriptEnd_Time]{6/16/2004 12:39:19 AM}[scriptEnd_Goto_Script]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs}[scriptEnd_Goto_Module]{}[scriptStart_Time]{6/16/2004 12:39:19 AM}[scriptStart_CalledFrom_Module]{Hangup}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\}[setError_Input]{0}[setError]{0}[ECnt]{0}[Run Program 7]{1}

003937.40 6 RVreplace end: []

003937.46 6 [say Numbers 14] Say numbers: as Time am/pm - HHNN

003937.52 6 fn PlaySoundStartNumbers , , , Time am/pm - HHNN

003937.59 6 sVbsFunctionToUse=TimeHHNN

003937.68 6 Shell run Failed, err[53] Shell parameter = [ "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\vbs_6_SayNumber.vbs" //I //T:10]

003937.74 6 VBScript run Failed, dShellId=0, Shell parameter = [ "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\vbs_6_SayNumber.vbs" //I //T:10]

003937.80 6 rv add [Hangup Time]{6/16/2004 12:39:37 AM}

003937.87 6 Hanging up call... [say Number could not start VBScript]


I have included the entire log from dial out began to hang up. I hope you can help me once again. I am running XP - I do not know if that is the reason I have these strange problems.



003905.07 6 Dialing: 7863578736

003905.13 6 MakeCall => 66049


003905.24 6 TapiCbTrigSet 66049 7002

003905.71 6 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66049 0

003905.78 6 TapiCbTrigClear

003905.85 6 linedevstate 2048 0 0

003905.90 6 callstate DIALTONE 66083 0 0

003905.97 6 callstate DIALING 66083 0 0

003906.05 6 callstate PROCEEDING 66083 0 0

003906.11 6 callinfo CALLEDID

003906.17 6 callinfo REASON

003906.23 6 Lev_CallerID [0000,,7863578736]

003906.29 6 rv add [DNIS]{7863578736}

003906.34 6 callinfo ORIGIN

003918.38 6 callstate CONNECTED 66083 1 0

003918.43 6 callstate CONNECTED 66083,1,0

003918.49 6 WorkingModeTAPI@Connected=

003918.54 6 WorkingModeScript@Connected=

003918.61 6 rv add [OutDial_RetriesLeft]{2}

003918.67 6 rv add [$RV_STARTTIME]{6/16/2004 12:39:18 AM}

003918.73 6 rv add [$RV_DEVICEID]{6}

003918.79 6 rv add [$RV_CIDNAME]{HINDS NORDIA}

003918.84 6 AddRVns [PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}

003918.90 6 rv add [$RV_CALLEDNUMBER]{7863578736}

003918.95 0 dial callque delete id=8

003919.05 6 AddRVns [OutDial_Result]{Contacted_Human}

003919.11 6 Live person answered, starting C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs

003919.17 2 tr NewVgsVgm_Goto C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs,,,,,0

003919.24 6 rv add [scriptEnd_Time]{6/16/2004 12:39:19 AM}

003919.30 6 rv add [scriptEnd_Goto_Script]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs}

003919.36 6 rv add [scriptEnd_Goto_Module]{}

003919.42 6 rv add [scriptStart_Time]{6/16/2004 12:39:19 AM}

003919.47 6 rv add [scriptStart_CalledFrom_Module]{Hangup}

003919.54 0 Script Load C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs

003919.71 6 Loaded C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs into:2

003919.77 6 AddRVns [scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\}

003919.83 6 cl NewVgsVgm_RunModule module not found:

003919.91 6 TimeoutClear

003919.97 6 [setError] Evaluate [0]

003920.03 6 .Eval(0)

003920.09 6 AddRVns [setError_Input]{0}

003920.14 6 AddRVns [setError]{0}

003920.20 6 AddRVns [ECnt]{0}

003920.26 6 Eval Expr result:[0] stored in $RV[ECnt]

003920.32 6 path {0} not found

003920.40 6 TimeoutClear

003920.46 6 [Run Program 7] Run Program

003920.52 6 RVreplace start: [c:\dos\testbat9.bat $RV[CallName] $RV[Message]]

003920.58 6 RVns [OutDial_RetriesLeft]{2}[OutDial_Result]{Contacted_Human}[scriptEnd_Time]{6/16/2004 12:39:19 AM}[scriptEnd_Goto_Script]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs}[scriptEnd_Goto_Module]{}[scriptStart_Time]{6/16/2004 12:39:19 AM}[scriptStart_CalledFrom_Module]{Hangup}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\}[setError_Input]{0}[setError]{0}[ECnt]{0}

003920.65 6 RVreplace end: [c:\dos\testbat9.bat ]

003920.70 6 running:[c:\dos\testbat9.bat ] WindowMode:[NormalFocus]

003920.78 6 Run Program waiting... (shellid=2968, process=1560)

003920.95 6 [Run Program 7] Playing (incomimr.wav, WaitProc.wav)

003921.49 6 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\incomimr.wav,C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\WaitProc.wav]

003921.57 6 TimeoutClear

003921.61 6 TimeoutSet 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003921.69 6 wa(14050,69058801)

003921.79 6 callinfo MONITORMODES

003922.82 6 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003922.85 6 ScriptEventCode 9007 iLineState=1501

003922.89 6 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003922.92 6 task still running (shellid=2968, process=1560)

003922.96 6 TimeoutSet 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003924.00 6 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003924.05 6 ScriptEventCode 9007 iLineState=1501

003924.12 6 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003924.20 6 task still running (shellid=2968, process=1560)

003924.28 6 TimeoutSet 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003925.36 6 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003925.43 6 ScriptEventCode 9007 iLineState=1501

003925.51 6 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003925.60 6 task still running (shellid=2968, process=1560)

003925.66 6 TimeoutSet 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003926.74 6 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003926.80 6 ScriptEventCode 9007 iLineState=1501

003926.87 6 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003926.94 6 task still running (shellid=2968, process=1560)

003927.03 6 TimeoutSet 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003928.25 6 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003928.31 6 ScriptEventCode 9007 iLineState=1501

003928.37 6 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

003928.43 6 task completed (shellid=2968, process=1560)

003928.50 6 Found result file: C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\SHLRESLT.TXT

003928.57 6 rv add [Run Program 7]{1}

003928.63 6 Run Result [sUCCESS, 1]

003928.75 6 PlaySoundStop err=0

003928.84 6 TimeoutClear

003928.89 6 [Play 3] Playing

003928.95 6 [Play 3] Playing (silence.wav , silence.wav , holdname.wav, sentames.wav)

003929.06 6 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\silence.wav,C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\silence.wav,C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\holdname.wav,C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\sentames.wav]

003929.13 6 TimeoutClear

003929.18 6 RunModule PLAY end

003929.25 6 wa(1098,69861001)

003929.31 6 callinfo MONITORMODES

003930.27 6 wa(3873,69861002)

003930.33 6 callinfo MONITORMODES

003934.25 6 wa(2477,69861003)

003934.31 6 callinfo MONITORMODES

003936.79 6 Play End line[6] (id=698610)

003936.85 6 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1100

003936.91 6 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

003936.96 6 TimeoutSet 10 EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

003937.02 6 TimeoutSet 0 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

003937.08 6 ScriptEventCode 9002 iLineState=1101

003937.13 6 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

003937.21 6 TimeoutClear

003937.27 6 RVreplace start: [$RV[CallTime]]

003937.33 6 RVns [OutDial_RetriesLeft]{2}[OutDial_Result]{Contacted_Human}[scriptEnd_Time]{6/16/2004 12:39:19 AM}[scriptEnd_Goto_Script]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\outgo3.vgs}[scriptEnd_Goto_Module]{}[scriptStart_Time]{6/16/2004 12:39:19 AM}[scriptStart_CalledFrom_Module]{Hangup}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\imr\}[setError_Input]{0}[setError]{0}[ECnt]{0}[Run Program 7]{1}

003937.40 6 RVreplace end: []

003937.46 6 [say Numbers 14] Say numbers: as Time am/pm - HHNN

003937.52 6 fn PlaySoundStartNumbers , , , Time am/pm - HHNN

003937.59 6 sVbsFunctionToUse=TimeHHNN

003937.68 6 Shell run Failed, err[53] Shell parameter = [ "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\vbs_6_SayNumber.vbs" //I //T:10]

003937.74 6 VBScript run Failed, dShellId=0, Shell parameter = [ "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\vbs_6_SayNumber.vbs" //I //T:10]

003937.80 6 rv add [Hangup Time]{6/16/2004 12:39:37 AM}

003937.87 6 Hanging up call... [say Number could not start VBScript]

003937.93 6 RecSoundStop ok

003937.99 6 PlaySoundStop err=0


003938.12 6 fnHangupCall end

003938.18 6 Started SayNumber VBScript OK. (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\vbs_6_SayNumber.vbs)

003938.27 6 linedevstate 2048 0 0

003938.33 6 callstate IDLE 66083 0 0

003938.39 6 WorkingMode@Idle=

003938.45 6 TimeoutClear


003938.62 6 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66117 0


003939.65 6 ScriptEventCode 9008 iLineState=900


003939.78 6 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE

003939.85 6 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:66083) 0

003940.03 6 lineOpen(6)=>

003940.09 6 Waiting for a call...

003940.15 6 LineHandle=66134


003945.28 6 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

003945.34 6 ScriptEventCode 9013 iLineState=900



After seeing the above, I decided to make a very simple script with two modules.

1) a SAY NUMBER MODULE - to say the time in HHNN


2) A HANG UP Module


I set up the new script and called in. The system simply answered and then hung up. But again, I saw the same line in the log:


004441.72 6 Hanging up call... [say Number could not start VBScript]



Below is the entire log for that simple script.



011434.35 6 linedevstate 2048 0 0

011434.36 6 callstate OFFERING 66338 0 4

011434.37 6 Answer the call at 6/16/2004 1:14:34 AM

011434.39 6 lineAnswer(66338) => 66321

011434.40 6 Lev_CallerID [7863578736,HINDS NORDIA,0000]

011434.41 6 rv add [DNIS]{0000}

011434.51 6 Lev_CallerID [7863578736,HINDS NORDIA,0000]

011434.52 6 callinfo CALLEDID

011434.53 6 callinfo ORIGIN

011434.54 6 ring 0

011434.93 6 callstate CONNECTED 66338 1 0

011434.94 6 callstate CONNECTED 66338,1,0

011434.96 6 WorkingModeTAPI@Connected=

011434.98 6 WorkingModeScript@Connected=

011435.02 6 Inband detection not enabled

011435.04 6 StartLoadedVgs at 6/16/2004 1:14:35 AM

011435.06 6 AddRVns [scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Imr\}

011435.08 6 rv add [$RV_STARTTIME]{6/16/2004 1:14:35 AM}

011435.11 6 rv add [$RV_DEVICEID]{6}

011435.13 6 rv add [$RV_CIDNAME]{HINDS NORDIA}

011435.22 6 AddRVns [PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}

011435.30 6 rv add [$RV_CIDNUMBER]{7863578736}

011435.39 6 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66321 0

011435.47 6 callinfo MONITORMODES

011435.59 6 TimeoutClear

011435.68 6 [say Numbers 2] Say numbers: 0246 as Time am/pm - HHNN

011435.77 6 fn PlaySoundStartNumbers holdname.wav, Thankyou.wav, 0246, Time am/pm - HHNN

011435.87 6 sVbsFunctionToUse=TimeHHNN

011435.98 6 Shell run Failed, err[53] Shell parameter = [ "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\vbs_6_SayNumber.vbs" //I //T:10]

011436.07 6 VBScript run Failed, dShellId=0, Shell parameter = [ "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\vbs_6_SayNumber.vbs" //I //T:10]

011436.16 6 rv add [Hangup Time]{6/16/2004 1:14:36 AM}

011436.25 6 Hanging up call... [say Number could not start VBScript]

011436.34 6 RecSoundStop ok

011436.42 6 PlaySoundStop err=0


011436.61 6 fnHangupCall end

011436.70 6 Started SayNumber VBScript OK. (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\vbs_6_SayNumber.vbs)

011436.96 6 linedevstate 2048 0 0

011437.05 6 callstate IDLE 66338 0 0

011437.13 6 WorkingMode@Idle=

011437.22 6 TimeoutClear


011437.40 6 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66304 0


011438.46 6 ScriptEventCode 9008 iLineState=900


011438.64 6 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE

011438.73 6 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:66338) 0

011438.96 6 lineOpen(6)=>

011439.05 6 Waiting for a call...

011439.13 6 LineHandle=66303


011444.31 6 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

011444.39 6 ScriptEventCode 9013 iLineState=900


I do not know much, but there seems to be some thing wrong with the



Please let me know what you find. I am eagerly waiting. I hope you guys are

not tired of me yet.

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I downloaded and installed the "scripten.exe" file form Microsoft and installed it.

NO DIFFERENCE. This is supposed to be the new VBSCRIPT engine. I think I got the right file. However the scrip still crashes and gives the same vbscript error.

Any more Ideas ? I'm at my wits end. Is there anyway to test the VBscript engine outside of Voice Guide. ?

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You wouldn't happen to have any anti-Virus software running on this machine?

Some anti-virus software tries to block VBScripting commands.

If you have any running please turn them off and try again.


Can you try re-installing Windows?

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Well, I reloaded Windows and now all is OK. Thank you all for your time and patience. I have another question, but I think it should be addressed in a separate

thread. Again, thank you. Look out for my new question.

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