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Can't Play Msg

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See attached file.

I used the following XML file to trigger an outdial. The phone rang and was answered. The log indicates an answer, but then something happens and it goes to Uncontactable_Error. What happened?








<OnAnswer>"c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs"</OnAnswer>

<OnAnswerMachine>"c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\ans_mach.vgs"</OnAnswerMachine>





<OnNotConnected>"c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\no_ans.vbs" "$RV[Cust_ID]" "$RV[OutDial_Result]" "$RV_CALLEDNUMBER" "$RV_LINEID" </OnNotConnected>



125057.18 0 Loading from C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\OutDial_New.xml

125057.20 0 dial callque insert tel:19724756676 scr:"c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs" time:406131250 esc:none

125057.20 0 Loaded 1 entries.

125058.21 5 dial [250,19724756676,406131250,1,2359,MoTuWeThFrSaSu,,,,0,,"c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs","c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\ans_mach.vgs",[Cust_ID]{99999},60,0,0,"c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\no_ans.vbs" "$RV[Cust_ID]" "$RV[OutDial_Result]" "$RV_CALLEDNUMBER" "$RV_LINEID" ,none]

125058.21 0 dial callque update id=250 next call time 0406131252

125058.21 0 dial callque DB update returned

125058.23 5 dial found entry: tel[19724756676] ann[] vgs["c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs"] am["c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\ans_mach.vgs"]

125058.23 5 Dialing: 19724756676

125058.23 5 MakeCall => 65774


125058.23 5 TapiCbTrigSet 65774 7002

125058.98 5 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 65774 0

125058.98 5 TapiCbTrigClear

125058.99 5 linedevstate 2048 0 0

125058.99 5 callstate DIALTONE 65740 0 0

125058.99 5 callstate DIALING 65740 0 0

125058.00 5 callstate PROCEEDING 65740 0 0

125058.00 5 callinfo CALLEDID

125058.00 5 callinfo REASON

125059.01 5 Lev_CallerID [0000,]

125059.01 5 callinfo ORIGIN

125104.02 5 callstate CONNECTED 65740,1,0

125104.02 5 WorkingModeTAPI@Connected=

125104.02 5 WorkingModeScript@Connected=

125104.05 5 rv add [Cust_ID]{99999}

125104.05 5 rv add [OutDial_RetriesLeft]{0}

125104.05 5 rv add [$RV_STARTTIME]{6/13/2004 12:51:04 PM}

125104.05 5 rv add [$RV_DEVICEID]{5}

125104.05 5 rv add [$RV_CIDNAME]{}

125104.05 5 AddRVns [PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}

125104.05 5 rv add [$RV_CALLEDNUMBER]{19724756676}

125104.05 0 dial callque delete id=250

125104.07 5 AddRVns [OutDial_Result]{Contacted_Human}

125104.07 5 Live person answered, starting "c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs"

125104.07 2 tr NewVgsVgm_Goto "c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs",,,,,0

125104.07 5 rv add [scriptEnd_Time]{6/13/2004 12:51:04 PM}

125104.07 5 rv add [scriptEnd_Goto_Script]{"c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs"}

125104.09 5 rv add [scriptEnd_Goto_Module]{}

125104.09 5 rv add [scriptStart_Time]{6/13/2004 12:51:04 PM}

125104.09 5 eng SetVgsVgm: file not found ["c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs"]["c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs"]

125104.09 5 Connected_OutgoingCall NewVgsVgm_Goto=>Error: NewVgsVgm_Goto_Setup failed

125104.09 0 dial callque delete id=250

125104.09 5 AddRVns [OutDial_Result]{Uncontactable_Error}

125104.11 5 RVreplace start: ["c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\no_ans.vbs" "$RV[Cust_ID]" "$RV[OutDial_Result]" "$RV_CALLEDNUMBER" "$RV_LINEID" ]

125104.11 5 RVns [Cust_ID]{99999}[OutDial_RetriesLeft]{0}[OutDial_Result]{Contacted_Human}[script

nd_Time]{6/13/2004 12:51:04 PM}[scriptEnd_Goto_Script]{"c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs"}[scriptEnd_Goto_Module]{}[scriptStart_Time]{6/13/2004 12:51:04 PM}[OutDial_Result]{Uncontactable_Error}

125104.11 5 RVreplace end: ["c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\no_ans.vbs" "99999" "Uncontactable_Error" "19724756676" "5" ]

125104.16 5 dial no escalation info

125104.16 5 TimeoutSet 1 EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

125105.05 5 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

125105.05 5 ScriptEventCode 9001 iLineState=5200

125105.05 5 LsWaitAfterDialingOut EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

125105.07 5 rv add [Hangup Time]{6/13/2004 12:51:05 PM}

125105.07 5 Hanging up call... [LsWaitAfterDialingOut]

125105.07 5 RecSoundStop ok

125105.07 5 PlaySoundStop err=0


125105.07 5 Waiting for a call...

125105.09 5 fnHangupCall end

125105.13 5 linedevstate 2048 0 0

125105.14 5 callstate IDLE 65740 0 0

125105.14 5 WorkingMode@Idle=

125105.14 5 TimeoutClear

125105.14 5 LineState(iLineId).iVgsIdx = 0


125105.14 5 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 65723 0


125106.09 5 ScriptEventCode 9008 iLineState=900


125106.10 5 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE

125106.10 5 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:65740) 0

125106.28 5 lineOpen(5)=>

125106.28 5 Waiting for a call...

125106.28 5 LineHandle=65706


125109.29 5 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

125109.29 5 ScriptEventCode 9013 iLineState=900


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then something happens and it goes to Uncontactable_Error.

Trace shows that VoiceGuide cannot find the file "c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs". Does this file exist on your system?


125104.09 5 eng SetVgsVgm: file not found ["c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs"]["c:\program Files\VoiceGuide\data\test.vgs"]

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After further testing, this is what I discovered.

Because I was using c:\Program Files as part of the path, I had to put quotes around the path in my XML. But then it complains that it can't find >"c:\program files\VoiceGuide\data\pgm.vgs"<. In other words it is including the quotes as part of the path name. I created another directory not under Program Files and put my scripts there and removed the quotes. It is working better, but this is a work around. Is there a better solution?

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Because I was using c:\Program Files as part of the path, I had to put quotes around the path in my XML.

Why? What error happened if you did not have any quotes?


Have you tried 'single quotes' instead of "double quotes"?

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Why? What error happened if you did not have any quotes?

>>> With out quotes is said something like "Cannot find c:\program"


Have you tried 'single quotes' instead of "double quotes"?

>>>I have not tried single quotes.


I was running 5.2.2000. I have since downloaded 5.2.2003, but I am still using my alternative directory.

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