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What Is The Data Fromat Of Result Variables

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I am trying to get a date out of a VBS program and write it to a Access database.

in a long integer field then the result is 0.

in a text field the result is 1.66333998669328E-04

in a date field the result is 12/30/1899 (short date format)


my vbs program is below


Dim vardate

Dim vartime

Dim varhour

Dim varmin

Dim int_min

Dim int_year

Dim int_month

Dim int_day

Dim int_hour

Dim Date1


int_hour = $RV_Hour

int_day = $RV_Date

int_month = $RV_Month

int_year = $RV_Year


Select Case $RV_Minute ' the case statement below converts the minutes to the 15 minute interval minutes

Case 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

varmin = "0"

int_min = 0

Case 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22

varmin = "15"

int_min = 15

Case 23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37

varmin = "30"

int_min = 30

Case 38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52

varmin = "45"

int_min = 45

Case 53,54,55,56,57,58,59

varmin = "0"

int_min = 0

int_hour = $RV_hour + 1

End Select

If int_hour = 24 Then

int_hour = 0

int_day = int_day + 1

End If


Date1 = DateSerial(int_year,int_month,int_day) 'DateSerial is a built in VBS function - it adjusts to the new date if int_day has changed


varhour = cstr(int_hour)

varmin = cstr(int_min) ' will need to update the database with int_min, which is the adjusted minute amount; int_hour and Date1


wscript.echo varhour

wscript.echo varmin


set vg = CreateObject("VoiceGuide.CommandLink")

vg.RvSet $RV_LINEID, "NewHour", varhour

set vg = Nothing


set vg = CreateObject("VoiceGuide.CommandLink")

vg.RvSet $RV_LINEID, "NewDate", Date1

set vg = Nothing


set vg = CreateObject("VoiceGuide.CommandLink")

vg.RvSet $RV_LINEID, "NewMin", varmin

set vg = Nothing


The log is below ( i only included what I think is important)


124601.49 7 [RunVb] Running VB Script...

124601.49 7 RVreplace start (strlen>500)

124601.51 7 RVns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptsPath]{U:\My Documents\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_STARTTIME]{6/18/2004 12:45:37 PM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{7}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{9018697787}[CallerID_Input]{9018697787}[CallerID]{9018697787}



JORGCM }[CheckForValidSSN_3_1]{111111111}[CheckForValidSSN_4_1]{xxxxxxxxx }[CheckForValidSSN_5_1]{xxxxxx x. }[CheckForValidSSN_6_1]{2/11/2002}[CheckForValidSSN_7_1]{HELP DESK/PROGRAMMER }[CheckForValidSSN_8_1]{FT }[CheckForValidSSN_9_1]{}[CheckForValidSSN_10_1]{F}[CheckForValidSSN_11_1]{C}[Ch

ckForValidSSN_12_1]{9016858923}[CheckForValidSSN_13_1]{xxx xxxxxxxxx- HUSBAND }[CheckForValidSSN_14_1]{6/24/1961}[CheckForValidSSN_15_1]{S}[CheckForValidSSN_16_1]{S}[MakeSureNotTerminated_

nput]{=""}[MakeSureNotTerminated]{=""}[RecordName]{U:\My Documents\VoiceGuide\RecordedVoicesAtClockInOut\0618124549_7_9018697787.wav}[RecordName_RecLen100ms]{31}[RecordName_EndRecC


eryForStatusIn_Out_2_1]{118}[Eval_IfComingToWork_Input]{"OUT" ="OUT"}[Eval_IfComingToWork]{True}[ifYouAreComingToWork]{1}[setClockinStatusToIN_


124601.51 7 eng copy of script ran: vbs_7_1.vbs

124601.54 7 Run Script waiting... (shellid=2372, process=1556)

124601.54 7 TimeoutSet 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

124602.55 7 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

124602.55 7 ScriptEventCode 9007 iLineState=1501

124602.55 7 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

124602.57 7 task still running (shellid=2372, process=1556)

124602.57 7 TimeoutSet 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

124603.68 7 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

124603.68 7 ScriptEventCode 9007 iLineState=1501

124603.68 7 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

124603.70 7 task still running (shellid=2372, process=1556)

124603.70 7 TimeoutSet 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

124604.27 7 cl RvSet NewHour, 12

124604.27 7 rv add [NewHour]{12}

124604.29 7 cl RvSet NewDate, 6/18/2004

124604.29 7 rv add [NewDate]{6/18/2004}

124604.29 7 cl RvSet NewMin, 45

124604.29 7 rv add [NewMin]{45}

124604.80 7 Timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

124604.80 7 ScriptEventCode 9007 iLineState=1501

124604.80 7 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

124604.80 7 task completed (shellid=2372, process=1556)

124604.82 7 No information returned from program to VG (no VGRUNRESULT_7.TXT or SHLRESLT.TXT)

124604.82 7 TimeoutClear

124604.82 7 [updateVoiceguideLogClockingIn] DB Query

124604.84 7 db Jet mode used (To use ODBC mode specify ODBC Connect string)

124605.10 7 RVreplace start (strlen>500)

124605.10 7 RVns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptsPath]{U:\My Documents\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_STARTTIME]{6/18/2004 12:45:37 PM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{7}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{9018697787}[CallerID_Input]{9018697787}[CallerID]{9018697787}



Jxxxxxxx }[CheckForValidSSN_3_1]{111111111}[CheckForValidSSN_4_1]{xxxxxxxx }[CheckForValidSSN_5_1]{aaaaaaaaa a. }[CheckForValidSSN_6_1]{2/11/2002}[CheckForValidSSN_7_1]{HELP DESK/PROGRAMMER }[CheckForValidSSN_8_1]{FT }[CheckForValidSSN_9_1]{}[CheckForValidSSN_10_1]{F}[CheckForValidSSN_11_1]{C}[Ch

ckForValidSSN_12_1]{1234567899}[CheckForValidSSN_13_1]{xxx xxxxxxxx - HUSBAND }[CheckForValidSSN_14_1]{6/24/1961}[CheckForValidSSN_15_1]{S}[CheckForValidSSN_16_1]{S}[MakeSureNotTerminated_

nput]{=""}[MakeSureNotTerminated]{=""}[RecordName]{U:\My Documents\VoiceGuide\RecordedVoicesAtClockInOut\0618124549_7_9018697787.wav}[RecordName_RecLen100ms]{31}[RecordName_EndRecC


eryForStatusIn_Out_2_1]{118}[Eval_IfComingToWork_Input]{"OUT" ="OUT"}[Eval_IfComingToWork]{True}[ifYouAreComingToWork]{1}[setClockinStatusToIN_


124605.12 7 db About to execute a Modify type operation [insert into voiceguide_log (ssn,calldatetime,calldate,callstat,cid,calltime,seq,calldate_new,calltime_hour,

alltime_min,calltime_time,channel_no,ssnseq,wavefilename,New_date) values ('111111111','6/18/2004 12:45:37 PM','6'+"/"+'18'+"/"+'2004','IN','9018697787','12'+":"+'46',118,6/18/2004,12,45,6/18/2004,7,'111111111'+cstr(118),'U:\My Documents\VoiceGuide\RecordedVoicesAtClockInOut\0618124549_7_9018697787.wav',6/18/2004)]

124606.46 7 db Modify operation returned OK

124606.46 7 rv add [updateVoiceguideLogClockingIn_RowCount]{1}

124607.76 7 TimeoutClear




note the date is listed correctly in the values part of the insert statement

calltime is the long integer field

calldate_new is the text field

and New_date is the short date field

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What is your actual problem/question?


Is it that you cannot get your SQL statement correct to insert a date/time field into the database?


I'd suggest reading your database manual to find out how to specify the date/time in the SQL statement so that it is correctly read in by the database.


For MS Access a date/time field specified like this will work:


strDateTime = "#" & FormatDateTime(Now, vbShortDate) & " " & FormatDateTime(Now, vbLongTime) & "#"

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