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Using Vg With Laptop Internal Modem...

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VG 5.2.3010, Gateway Windows 2K Laptop, ActionTec internal v.90 56.6 modem.


Hello all. Very new to IVR, Telephony. Downloaded VG two days ago, and love it. For some reason, when playing any voice files (ie credit card example), I only hear the first 1 or 2 seconds of each step. That is, I hear the initial greeting that prompts for the Client ID, but I only hear "Please enter" and nothing else, I enter a few digits and press #, then it prompts me "Please enter your" and nothing else. I know the script is running because the State column (in VG) changes as it the scripts progresses.


Basically, I'm only hearing the first few words of each prompt, then the modem statics out and goes quite. What's funny, though, is that I can play the messages in entirety while in Script Designer when I click the blue "Play" button.


Can anyone shed some light on what's wrong?




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Sounds like there is something wrong with the modem... I'd recommend trying another modem (or better yet just getting a Dialogic card).

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