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Transfer Problem

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I can't get announce transfer to work with D/4PCI on Win XP Pro. The caller hears nothing then the line drops. The extension does not ring.


Here's the log:


180833.85 0 dial start any summary:|5:rdy=0|

180834.88 0 dial start any summary:|5:rdy=0|

180835.18 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

180835.19 5 ScriptEventCode 9013 iLineState=900

180910.70 5 linedevstate 2048 0 0

180910.70 5 callstate OFFERING 65877 0 4

180910.70 5 Answer the call at 10/6/2004 6:09:10 PM

180910.71 5 lineAnswer(65877) => 65860

180910.73 5 callinfo CALLEDID

180910.73 5 callinfo ORIGIN

180910.74 5 ring 0

180911.30 5 callstate CONNECTED 65877 1 0

180911.30 5 callstate CONNECTED 65877,1,0

180911.30 5 WorkingModeTAPI@Connected=

180911.30 5 WorkingModeScript@Connected=

180911.32 5 Inband detection not enabled

180911.32 5 StartLoadedVgs at 10/6/2004 6:09:11 PM

180911.32 5 AddRVns [scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\}

180911.32 5 AddRVns [scriptPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server}

180911.34 5 rv add [$RV_STARTTIME]{10/6/2004 6:09:11 PM}

180911.34 5 rv add [$RV_DEVICEID]{5}

180911.34 5 rv add [$RV_CIDNAME]{}

180911.34 5 AddRVns [PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}

180911.36 5 rv add [$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

180911.36 5 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 65860 0

180911.38 5 callinfo MONITORMODES

180911.39 5 timer clear

180911.39 5 [Determine work hours] Evaluate [($RV_DAY < 6) and (($RV_HOUR >= 9) and ($RV_HOUR < 20))]

180911.39 5 rv replace start: [($RV_DAY < 6) and (($RV_HOUR >= 9) and ($RV_HOUR < 20))]

180911.41 5 rv ns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\}[scriptPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server}[$RV_STARTTIME]{10/6/2004 6:09:11 PM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

180911.41 5 rv replace end: [(3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20))]

180911.43 5 .Eval((3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20)))

180911.44 5 AddRVns [Determine work hours_Input]{(3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20))}

180911.44 5 AddRVns [Determine work hours]{True}

180911.45 5 AddRVns [time]{True}

180911.46 5 Eval Expr result:[True] stored in $RV[time]

180911.46 5 timer clear

180911.48 5 [Welcome Office Hours] Playing

180911.48 5 [Welcome Office Hours] Playing (Office hours.wav)

180911.48 5 play set playid=515741

180911.61 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\Office hours.wav]

180911.62 5 timer clear

180911.63 5 RunModule PLAY end

180911.64 5 wa(13538,51574100)

180911.66 5 callinfo MONITORMODES

180912.93 5 dtmf 1 (65877,49,2)

180912.94 5 ScriptEventCode 49 iLineState=1100

180912.95 5 LsPlayMsg 1

180913.03 5 PlaySoundStop err=0

180913.04 5 rv add [Welcome Office Hours]{1}

180913.09 5 timer clear

180913.10 5 [Get Extension] Number Input

180913.10 5 [Get Extension] Playing (ExtensionNum.wav)

180913.11 5 play set playid=517363

180913.22 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\ExtensionNum.wav]

180913.23 5 timer clear

180913.25 5 wa(2558,51736300)

180913.26 5 callinfo MONITORMODES

180914.61 5 dtmf 1 (65877,49,2)

180914.61 5 ScriptEventCode 49 iLineState=1300

180914.62 5 LsGetNbrsPlayWelcMsg 1

180914.71 5 PlaySoundStop err=0

180914.72 5 [Get Extension] Number Input 1

180914.73 5 path {1} not found

180914.74 5 timer set 5 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

180914.84 5 dtmf 6 (65877,54,2)

180914.86 5 ScriptEventCode 54 iLineState=1301

180914.86 5 LsGetNbrsRxDigits 6

180914.88 5 [Get Extension] Number Input 16

180914.88 5 path {16} not found

180914.89 5 timer set 5 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

180915.13 5 dtmf 4 (65877,52,2)

180915.13 5 ScriptEventCode 52 iLineState=1301

180915.14 5 LsGetNbrsRxDigits 4

180915.15 5 [Get Extension] Number Input 164

180915.16 5 path {164} not found

180915.16 5 timer set 5 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

180915.32 5 dtmf 3 (65877,51,2)

180915.32 5 ScriptEventCode 51 iLineState=1301

180915.34 5 LsGetNbrsRxDigits 3

180915.34 5 [Get Extension] Number Input 1643

180915.36 5 path {1643} not found

180915.36 5 timer set 5 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

180915.38 5 timer clear

180915.39 5 rv add [Get Extension]{1643}

180915.39 5 path {1643} not found

180915.41 5 AddRVns [Get Extension_PathTaken]{success}

180915.41 5 timer clear

180915.43 5 [DB Query] DB Query

180915.43 5 db Jet mode used (To use ODBC mode specify ODBC Connect string)

180915.50 5 rv replace start: [sELECT IsInOffice FROM IsInOffice WHERE Ext = $RV[Get Extension]]

180915.50 5 rv ns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\}[scriptPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server}[$RV_STARTTIME]{10/6/2004 6:09:11 PM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}[Determine work hours_Input]{(3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20))}[Determine work hours]{True}[time]{True}[Welcome Office Hours]{1}[Get Extension]{1643}[Get Extension_PathTaken]{success}

180915.52 5 rv replace end: [sELECT IsInOffice FROM IsInOffice WHERE Ext = 1643]

180915.52 5 db About to execute a Retrieve type operation [sELECT IsInOffice FROM IsInOffice WHERE Ext = 1643]

180915.54 5 db [DB Query] row count=1

180915.55 5 rv add [DB Query_RowCount]{1}

180915.55 5 db get RecordsetGetRowsMax

180915.57 5 db get 999 records. (row count=1)

180915.57 5 db update RVs

180915.59 5 db about to close dbDbqDatabase

180915.61 5 db going down path [True]

180915.61 5 timer clear

180915.63 5 [Evaluate In or Out] Evaluate [$RV[DB Query_1_1] = 1]

180915.64 5 rv replace start: [$RV[DB Query_1_1] = 1]

180915.64 5 rv ns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\}[scriptPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server}[$RV_STARTTIME]{10/6/2004 6:09:11 PM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}[Determine work hours_Input]{(3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20))}[Determine work hours]{True}[time]{True}[Welcome Office Hours]{1}[Get Extension]{1643}[Get Extension_PathTaken]{success}[DB Query_RowCount]{1}[DB Query_1_1]{1}

180915.66 5 rv replace end: [1 = 1]

180915.66 5 .Eval(1 = 1)

180915.68 5 AddRVns [Evaluate In or Out_Input]{1 = 1}

180915.68 5 AddRVns [Evaluate In or Out]{True}

180915.70 5 Eval Expr result:[True]

180915.70 5 timer clear

180915.71 5 [Play Tnf to Extension] Playing

180915.73 5 [Play Tnf to Extension] Playing (TransferCall.wav)

180915.73 5 play set playid=519987

180915.85 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\TransferCall.wav]

180915.86 5 timer clear

180915.87 5 RunModule PLAY end

180915.89 5 wa(2031,51998700)

180915.91 5 callinfo MONITORMODES

180917.99 5 wb(51998700)

180918.02 5 play end current play (playid=519987)

180918.03 5 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1100

180918.04 5 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

180918.05 5 timer set 10 EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

180918.06 5 timer set 0 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

180918.07 5 ScriptEventCode 9002 iLineState=1101

180918.08 5 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

180918.09 5 timer clear



180918.50 5 ScriptEventCode 9012 iLineState=1900



180918.53 5 rv replace start: [$RV[Get Extension]]

180918.54 5 rv ns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\}[scriptPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server}[$RV_STARTTIME]{10/6/2004 6:09:11 PM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}[Determine work hours_Input]{(3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20))}[Determine work hours]{True}[time]{True}[Welcome Office Hours]{1}[Get Extension]{1643}[Get Extension_PathTaken]{success}[DB Query_RowCount]{1}[DB Query_1_1]{1}[Evaluate In or Out_Input]{1 = 1}[Evaluate In or Out]{True}

180918.55 5 rv replace end: [1643]

180918.56 5 [Tnf to Extension] Announced Transfer to 1643 (TAPI)

180918.57 5 lineSetupTransfer(65877,0) in LsXferStart => 65843

180920.60 5 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 65843 0

180920.62 5 linedevstate 2048 0 0

180920.63 5 callstate DIALTONE 65809 2 0

180920.65 5 callstate ONHOLDPENDTRANSFER 65877 0 0


180948.66 5 ScriptEventCode 9021 iLineState=1900


180948.68 5 Transfer timed out

180948.69 5 lineDrop(65809) in DropConsultingCall_Fail => 65792

180948.70 5 TapiCbTrigSet 65792 7004

180949.36 5 linedevstate 2048 0 0

180949.38 5 callstate IDLE 65809 0 0

180949.39 5 WorkingMode@Idle=DroppingConsultCall

180949.40 5 ignoring this IDLE

180949.44 5 callstate CONNECTED 65877 1 0

180949.45 5 callstate CONNECTED 65877,1,0

180949.46 5 WorkingModeTAPI@Connected=DroppingConsultCall

180949.47 5 WorkingModeScript@Connected=

180949.48 5 original call re-connected

180949.50 5 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 65792 0

180949.51 5 lineDeallocateCall(65809) => 0

180949.52 5 timer clear

180949.53 5 [Play Goodbye] Playing

180949.54 5 [Play Goodbye] Playing (goodbye.wav)

180949.55 5 play set playid=553776

180949.71 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\goodbye.wav]

180949.72 5 timer clear

180949.73 5 RunModule PLAY end

180949.74 5 TapiCbTrigClear

180949.76 5 wa(3711,55377600)

180949.77 5 callinfo MONITORMODES

180953.52 5 wb(55377600)

180953.56 5 play end current play (playid=553776)

180953.57 5 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1100

180953.58 5 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

180953.59 5 timer set 10 EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

180953.60 5 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

180954.51 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

180954.51 5 ScriptEventCode 9002 iLineState=1101

180954.52 5 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

180954.54 5 timer clear

180954.55 5 rv add [Hangup Time]{10/6/2004 6:09:54 PM}

180954.56 5 Hanging up call... [Hangup Module]

180954.58 5 RecSoundStop ok

180954.61 5 PlaySoundStop err=0


180954.68 5 fnHangupCall end

180954.72 5 linedevstate 2048 0 0

180954.74 5 callstate IDLE 65877 0 0

180954.75 5 WorkingMode@Idle=

180954.76 5 timer clear

180954.78 5 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

180954.80 5 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 65791 0

180955.71 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

180955.73 5 ScriptEventCode 9008 iLineState=900


180955.75 5 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE

180955.75 5 tapic lineDeallocateCall(hConsultCall_OriginalCallHandleBeforeTransferAttempted:65877) 0

180955.77 5 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:65877) LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE [80000018]

180956.04 5 lineOpen(5)=>

180956.05 5 Waiting for a call...

180956.05 5 LineHandle=65774

180956.07 5 timer set 3 EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

180956.37 0 dial start any summary:|5:rdy=0|

180957.38 0 dial start any summary:|5:rdy=0|

180958.38 0 dial start any summary:|5:rdy=0|

180959.11 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

180959.11 5 ScriptEventCode 9013 iLineState=900


*** It also does not work with blind transfer, all the caller hears is the extension dial tone then the call drops.


Here's the log:


181501.43 5 linedevstate 2048 0 0

181501.45 5 callstate OFFERING 65672 0 4

181501.45 5 Answer the call at 10/6/2004 6:15:01 PM

181501.46 5 lineAnswer(65672) => 65655

181501.47 5 callinfo CALLEDID

181501.47 5 callinfo ORIGIN

181501.48 5 ring 0

181502.02 5 callstate CONNECTED 65672 1 0

181502.03 5 callstate CONNECTED 65672,1,0

181502.03 5 WorkingModeTAPI@Connected=

181502.05 5 WorkingModeScript@Connected=

181502.05 5 Inband detection not enabled

181502.05 5 StartLoadedVgs at 10/6/2004 6:15:02 PM

181502.05 5 AddRVns [scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\}

181502.05 5 AddRVns [scriptPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server}

181502.06 5 rv add [$RV_STARTTIME]{10/6/2004 6:15:02 PM}

181502.09 5 rv add [$RV_DEVICEID]{5}

181502.09 5 rv add [$RV_CIDNAME]{}

181502.09 5 AddRVns [PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}

181502.10 5 rv add [$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

181502.11 5 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 65655 0

181502.13 5 callinfo MONITORMODES

181502.13 5 timer clear

181502.13 5 [Determine work hours] Evaluate [($RV_DAY < 6) and (($RV_HOUR >= 9) and ($RV_HOUR < 20))]

181502.14 5 rv replace start: [($RV_DAY < 6) and (($RV_HOUR >= 9) and ($RV_HOUR < 20))]

181502.16 5 rv ns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\}[scriptPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server}[$RV_STARTTIME]{10/6/2004 6:15:02 PM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

181502.16 5 rv replace end: [(3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20))]

181502.17 5 .Eval((3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20)))

181502.17 5 AddRVns [Determine work hours_Input]{(3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20))}

181502.18 5 AddRVns [Determine work hours]{True}

181502.20 5 AddRVns [time]{True}

181502.20 5 Eval Expr result:[True] stored in $RV[time]

181502.21 5 timer clear

181502.21 5 [Welcome Office Hours] Playing

181502.23 5 [Welcome Office Hours] Playing (Office hours.wav)

181502.23 5 play set playid=866145

181502.35 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\Office hours.wav]

181502.36 5 timer clear

181502.38 5 RunModule PLAY end

181502.38 5 wa(13538,86614500)

181502.39 5 callinfo MONITORMODES

181503.80 5 dtmf 1 (65672,49,2)

181503.82 5 ScriptEventCode 49 iLineState=1100

181503.83 5 LsPlayMsg 1

181503.91 5 PlaySoundStop err=0

181503.91 5 rv add [Welcome Office Hours]{1}

181503.97 5 timer clear

181503.98 5 [Get Extension] Number Input

181503.98 5 [Get Extension] Playing (ExtensionNum.wav)

181503.98 5 play set playid=867897

181504.11 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\ExtensionNum.wav]

181504.12 5 timer clear

181504.14 5 wa(2558,86789700)

181504.15 5 callinfo MONITORMODES

181506.21 5 dtmf 1 (65672,49,2)

181506.21 5 ScriptEventCode 49 iLineState=1300

181506.22 5 LsGetNbrsPlayWelcMsg 1

181506.31 5 PlaySoundStop err=0

181506.32 5 [Get Extension] Number Input 1

181506.33 5 path {1} not found

181506.33 5 timer set 5 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

181506.58 5 dtmf 6 (65672,54,2)

181506.58 5 ScriptEventCode 54 iLineState=1301

181506.59 5 LsGetNbrsRxDigits 6

181506.60 5 [Get Extension] Number Input 16

181506.61 5 path {16} not found

181506.63 5 timer set 5 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

181506.83 5 dtmf 5 (65672,53,2)

181506.84 5 ScriptEventCode 53 iLineState=1301

181506.85 5 LsGetNbrsRxDigits 5

181506.85 5 [Get Extension] Number Input 165

181506.86 5 path {165} not found

181506.88 5 timer set 5 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

181507.04 5 dtmf 9 (65672,57,2)

181507.05 5 ScriptEventCode 57 iLineState=1301

181507.06 5 LsGetNbrsRxDigits 9

181507.07 5 [Get Extension] Number Input 1659

181507.08 5 path {1659} not found

181507.09 5 timer set 5 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

181507.10 5 timer clear

181507.11 5 rv add [Get Extension]{1659}

181507.13 5 path {1659} not found

181507.13 5 AddRVns [Get Extension_PathTaken]{success}

181507.14 5 timer clear

181507.16 5 [DB Query] DB Query

181507.16 5 db Jet mode used (To use ODBC mode specify ODBC Connect string)

181507.18 5 rv replace start: [sELECT IsInOffice FROM IsInOffice WHERE Ext = $RV[Get Extension]]

181507.20 5 rv ns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\}[scriptPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server}[$RV_STARTTIME]{10/6/2004 6:15:02 PM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}[Determine work hours_Input]{(3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20))}[Determine work hours]{True}[time]{True}[Welcome Office Hours]{1}[Get Extension]{1659}[Get Extension_PathTaken]{success}

181507.20 5 rv replace end: [sELECT IsInOffice FROM IsInOffice WHERE Ext = 1659]

181507.21 5 db About to execute a Retrieve type operation [sELECT IsInOffice FROM IsInOffice WHERE Ext = 1659]

181507.23 5 db [DB Query] row count=1

181507.23 5 rv add [DB Query_RowCount]{1}

181507.24 5 db get RecordsetGetRowsMax

181507.25 5 db get 999 records. (row count=1)

181507.27 5 db update RVs

181507.27 5 db about to close dbDbqDatabase

181507.30 5 db going down path [True]

181507.30 5 timer clear

181507.31 5 [Evaluate In or Out] Evaluate [$RV[DB Query_1_1] = 1]

181507.32 5 rv replace start: [$RV[DB Query_1_1] = 1]

181507.34 5 rv ns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\}[scriptPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server}[$RV_STARTTIME]{10/6/2004 6:15:02 PM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}[Determine work hours_Input]{(3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20))}[Determine work hours]{True}[time]{True}[Welcome Office Hours]{1}[Get Extension]{1659}[Get Extension_PathTaken]{success}[DB Query_RowCount]{1}[DB Query_1_1]{1}

181507.34 5 rv replace end: [1 = 1]

181507.35 5 .Eval(1 = 1)

181507.36 5 AddRVns [Evaluate In or Out_Input]{1 = 1}

181507.38 5 AddRVns [Evaluate In or Out]{True}

181507.38 5 Eval Expr result:[True]

181507.39 5 timer clear

181507.41 5 [Play Tnf to Extension] Playing

181507.41 5 [Play Tnf to Extension] Playing (TransferCall.wav)

181507.42 5 play set playid=871332

181507.55 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\TransferCall.wav]

181507.55 5 timer clear

181507.56 5 RunModule PLAY end

181507.59 5 wa(2031,87133200)

181507.59 5 callinfo MONITORMODES

181509.70 5 play end current play (playid=871332)

181509.70 5 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1100

181509.72 5 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

181509.73 5 timer set 10 EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

181509.73 5 timer set 0 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

181509.75 5 ScriptEventCode 9002 iLineState=1101

181509.76 5 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

181509.77 5 timer clear



181510.17 5 ScriptEventCode 9012 iLineState=1900



181510.21 5 rv replace start: [$RV[Get Extension]]

181510.22 5 rv ns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server\}[scriptPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Setcom Switchboard Server}[$RV_STARTTIME]{10/6/2004 6:15:02 PM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}[Determine work hours_Input]{(3 < 6) and ((18 >= 9) and (18 < 20))}[Determine work hours]{True}[time]{True}[Welcome Office Hours]{1}[Get Extension]{1659}[Get Extension_PathTaken]{success}[DB Query_RowCount]{1}[DB Query_1_1]{1}[Evaluate In or Out_Input]{1 = 1}[Evaluate In or Out]{True}

181510.23 5 rv replace end: [1659]

181510.23 5 [Tnf to Extension] Blind Transfer to 1659 (TAPI)

181510.27 5 lineBlindTransfer(65672,1659,0) in LsXferStart => 65638

181512.80 5 callstate ONHOLDPENDTRANSFER 65672 0 0

181513.41 5 linedevstate 2048 0 0

181513.42 5 callstate IDLE 65672 0 0

181513.44 5 WorkingMode@Idle=BlindTransfer

181513.45 5 timer clear

181513.52 5 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

181513.55 5 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 65638 0

181514.45 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

181514.47 5 ScriptEventCode 9008 iLineState=1900


181514.48 5 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE

181514.49 5 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:65672) 0

181514.79 5 lineOpen(5)=>

181514.80 5 Waiting for a call...

181514.81 5 LineHandle=65621

181514.83 5 timer set 3 EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

181515.29 0 dial start any summary:|5:rdy=0|

181516.30 0 dial start any summary:|5:rdy=0|

181517.31 0 dial start any summary:|5:rdy=0|

181517.84 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

181517.85 5 ScriptEventCode 9013 iLineState=1900



Thanks for any help.

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I think your hookflash length is set too high...


What length hookflash does your PBX expect?

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