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Can't Play Wav File On Outdial

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Trying to schedule an outdial, putting the following xml file into data directory





<OnAnswer>C:\ttstemp1.wav </OnAnswer>

<OnAnswerMachine>C:\ttstemp1.wav </OnAnswerMachine>

<AnnounceMessage>none </AnnounceMessage>




VoiceGuide dials the number, but never plays the wav file. Looking at trace, it looks like it's expecting a script file, not a wav file. Your documentation seems to indicate either a wav or a script file will do. Any ideas? Thanks


101430.05 8 rv add [$RV_CALLEDNUMBER]{2146190990}

101430.05 0 dial callque delete id=37

101430.05 8 AddRVns [OutDial_Result]{Contacted_Human}

101430.06 8 Live person answered, starting C:\ttstemp1.wav

101430.06 2 tr NewVgsVgm_Goto C:\ttstemp1.wav ,,,,,0

101430.06 8 rv add [scriptEnd_Time]{1/11/2005 10:14:30 AM}

101430.06 8 rv add [scriptEnd_Goto_Script]{C:\ttstemp1.wav }

101430.08 8 rv add [scriptEnd_Goto_Module]{}

101430.08 8 rv add [scriptStart_Time]{1/11/2005 10:14:30 AM}

101430.08 8 rv add [scriptStart_CalledFrom_Module]{Hangup the Call 127}

101430.09 0 Script Load C:\ttstemp1.wav

101430.13 -1 ERROR 5.2.3018 VgsScriptLoad [C:\ttstemp1.wav ] line:0, 62:Input past end of file

101430.13 8 Loaded C:\ttstemp1.wav into:-9

101430.14 8 AddRVns [scriptPath]{}

101430.14 8 ERROR 5.2.3018 Could not load script C:\ttstemp1.wav

101430.16 8 Connected_OutgoingCall NewVgsVgm_Goto=>Error: NewVgsVgm_Goto_Setup failed

101430.17 0 dial callque update id=37 next call time 0501111019

101430.19 0 dial callque DB update returned

101430.20 8 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

101431.20 8 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

101431.20 8 ScriptEventCode 9001 iLineState=5200

101431.22 8 LsWaitAfterDialingOut EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

101431.22 8 rv add [Hangup Time]{1/11/2005 10:14:31 AM}

101431.23 8 Hanging up call... [LsWaitAfterDialingOut]

101431.25 8 RecSoundStop ok

101431.27 8 PlaySoundStop err=0


101431.28 8 fnHangupCall end

101431.31 8 linedevstate 2048 0 0

101431.33 8 callstate IDLE 66016 0 0

101431.33 8 WorkingMode@Idle=

101431.34 8 timer clear

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We'll look into this problem. In the meantime can you please specify a VoiceGuide script for both the <OnAnswer> and <OnAnswerMachine> fields.


To just play a single sound files just use a script which had a single play module, and specify the sound file from within that module.


As an alternative you could specify a Result Variable in the Play module, and then specify the contents of that Result Variable in the <RV> field when loading the file.

This will allow you to select the sound file to be played from within the OutDial_New.xml

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thanks - that's exactly what I did - threw a baby script together, passed it the name of the wav file in the RV field of the xml file, and every thing works as required.

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