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Can't Get Results From Run Program Module

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I setup a run program module to return some results based on caller ID.

The program created a file VGRUNRESULT_5.txt (where 5 is the right device id, I used the $RV_DEVICEID as param to the program) under the same folder as my VGS script. like this




the next module is a say numbers module, in which I put the number to say

as $RV[MyNum]


however, no matter what I try the $RV[MyNum] is simple empty


Pleas help

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Could you please post a copy of VoiceGuide's Debug Printout which captures the problem, this will allow us to see what is going wrong.


When running the script click on VoiceGuide's View menu and select 'Event Trace Log' option - any log information will then appear in this window. You must open the trace window before making the call.


Also please post the script which you are using.


Which version of VoiceGuide are you running?

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I made it work by letting the external program write to the text file, then in next module, a VB script to read the file and set the $RV variables.

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Iit still should be reading in the file within the same Run Program module instead - if you get a chance in future to post the trace from your system we'd be then able to assist.

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I think the run program module is rather unreliable.

I tried using the VGRUNRESULT_.txt file, which was created in the $RV[scriptsPath] folder and appending with the $RV_DEVICEID number,

but VG never picked up the file.


Then I used the SHLRESLT.txt file, this time, VG was able to pickup the variables, but occasionally it failed to get the result. I changed the external program to delete the shlrslt.txt.last file before writing the shlrslt.txt file, it seems to improve the reliability a bit.


When it failed to get the result, the trace just says no result file.

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What sort of application is writing out the result file?


Applications which don't ensure the operating system closes the file properly before exiting can cause such problems.


We've found however that most apps are pretty reliable so we'd be interested to find out why you are experiencing such problems...


It is worth noting that the best way to send the result back to VoiceGuide is to use the Run_ResultReturn COM function.

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