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Can This Software Work Like This

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I need very simple office attendant. It should work like this:


"ring ring


hello, you have called to ....

If you want information about ... press 1

If you want information about ... press 2

If you want information about ... press 3

if you want chat live press 9"


If 1-3 buttons are pressed custumer will listen to recorded messages.

If 9, then he will be farwarded to live support.


Can this sowtware work this way?


Look farward hearing from you.


Regards, Matas

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VoiceGuide can do what you describe.


Please see the WWW Downloads page from where you can download the fully working evaluation version of the software.

The demonstrations supplied will get you running in a matter of minutes.

There is a demo script of exactly what you want (a simple Auto Attendant).

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