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Human And Answering Machine Detection?

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Hi there,


We have VoiceGuide and dialogic card. When we call the same phone number, we get different result of human or answering machine detection, sometimes it says it's human, sometimes it says it's answering machine.


How come this happens to the same phone line?




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When running the tests are you always answering with a normal 'Hello' like a normal person answering the phone would?


Is the destination telephone number a mobile phone or a land line?


How good is the line quality? Poorer quality lines will have a higher false detection of answering machines ratio.


Is there any background noise near the handset used to answer calls?

See: http://voiceguide.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1269


Detection of Answering Machines is something that is done solely by the Dialogic card and not by the VoiceGuide software, so really all the questions concerning this should be directed to Intel or to the Dialogic distributors - they should be able to shed more light on why the detection is not performing well in your situation.


Ultimately the card could also be faulty...

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