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Sending Fax Problems

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I am trying to send fax through VBscript and although it works perfectly on Excel and Word macros, it doesn't work on Voiceguide.

Here's the code i'm using:


Dim sendObj

Set sendObj = CreateObject("WinFax.SDKSend8.0")

sendObj.SetTypeByName "Fax"

sendObj.ShowSendScreen (0)

sendObj.SetSubject ("Test Faxing")

sendObj.SetCoverText ("Test of cover Page")

sendObj.SetNumber ("74685861")


sendObj.Send (1)



Set sendObj = Nothing


The code does invoke winfax but it doesn't send anything.


Any idea?


P.S. the code on your examples using sendfax method doesn't work at all on my machine.



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The script you posted at no time specifies which document Winfax should be sending.

Maybe when ran in Excel/Word it sends the 'current' document but from VoiceGuide you will need to somehow specify the document...

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I've finaly found out what the problem was, apparently the script is too quick for the send method so all you need to do is add this method



Case anyone will have the smae problem.

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Dear sir

I want to thank with a personal mail to SK , the person who posted this solution. Can you help me establish contact with him/her please?

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How can I write email to this person who has postd this topic? Please help me in establishing contact with him. Or else can you let me know as to what statment will be used in the vbscript below to fax a document named myletter1.doc stored in drive c:? The following vbscript works well to send some document.


Dim sendObj

Set sendObj = CreateObject("WinFax.SDKSend8.0")

sendObj.SetTypeByName "Fax"

sendObj.ShowSendScreen (0)

sendObj.SetSubject ("Test Faxing")

sendObj.SetCoverText ("Test of cover Page")

sendObj.SetNumber ("172233")


sendObj.Send (1)




urgent help will be greatly appreciated

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KB posted anonymously, without supplying contact details...


Not familiar with WinFax COM interface, but I think there are some examples in the Run VBScript section of the Help file.

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Here is a VBScript example supplied to us by another user (Thanks Bill!)

Dim objWinfaxSend
Set objWinfaxSend = CreateObject("WinFax.SDKSend8.0")
objWinfaxSend.SetTypeByName "Fax"
objWinfaxSend.ShowSendScreen (0)
objWinfaxSend.SetSubject ("Property Information")
objWinfaxSend.SetNumber ("$RV[DestFaxNumber]")
objWinfaxSend.Send (0)
Set objWinFaxSend = Nothing

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