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How To Connect To An Online Database

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I just uploaded my MS Access database to an online hosting service. I need to know how to connect my VG program (which is located in another different country) to the database, so that my VG program can read and write to it.


Is there a sample script or VB script that I can modify for my use?





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Hello Friend,

To access any data base on the remote machine, First of all you have to establish a network connection by any mean e.g. dialup or LAN, WAn etc. in between the machines. Now Machine running VG must be configured a Data Source Name. In the configuration window select the network drive (not the local drive) and brows the folder of the network drive up to the location of database file. Now the database is vertually on your local machine. Run the cammand through VG whatever you want to do e.g. add, edit,delete, etc..



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