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Can't Detect Hand Up

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The system can't detect hand up on outband or inband calls, is there any config in my D/4PCI or VG i missed?

Please help.


Thank you very much



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Use Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ to find out the frequencies and cadence.


Open the sound file in Audacity, then highlight the section when tone is playing and then goto "View"->"Plot Spectrum" menu.


Audacity also displays the interval lengths of highlighed sections, so you just need to highlight the entire section when tone is ON and check the interval, and hightlight entire section whern tone is OFF and chect that interval.


For allowed variances (frequency and time) it's usually appropriate to use about 10% of the value for variance.


For 'cadence' usually a value of 2 is OK.

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