nate Report post Posted 06/01/2005 07:27 PM I am working on using VG as a call reminder system and so far it is performing very well, but I am stumped when it comes to busy signals. If VG makes a call and experiences either a busy signal or no one picks up the phone, it removes the call from the OutDialQue and moves to the next call. Is there anyway within VG for me to log this lack of answer in a DB or keep it in the queue? I am using a Dialogic card, and I am handling AM vs Real person calls inside my scripts rather than using the cards detection. I thought about trying the "Start Script before answering" script option, but my first module is a RECORD module that I then evaluate length of to determine if a person or AM is on the line. If I run the record method before someone/somthing picks up the line it will realy mess up my evalution expression. Any thoughts on how I can either re-enter the call in OutDialQue from outside my script, or enter into my DB that the call was not answered/Busy Signal. Share this post Link to post
MannyTC Report post Posted 06/02/2005 12:09 AM I do reminders with VoiceGuide and I track the recipients responses as well as busy and no answer results into a SQL database for my customer to view on a website. When I load the numbers to be dialed into VG I specify a VBscript to be run in the OnNotConnected section of the OutDial_New.xml. I also have it pass the Dial Result information as commandline parameters to the VBScript. The VBscript then handles updated the database with the No Answer or Busy conditions. Here is a sample: Dim ArgObj, RECID, cnApptReminders Dim ResultInfo Dim DialResult Set ArgObj = WScript.Arguments RECID = ArgObj(0) DialResult = ArgObj(1) if DialResult = "SIT_Unknown" then ResultInfo="Bad Number" else ResultInfo=Mid(DialResult,15,len(trim(DialResult))-14) end if 'ResultInfo="No Answer" 'msgbox(ResultInfo) set cnApptReminders = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") cnApptReminders.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=SQLSERVERNAME;Initial Catalog=ApptReminders;Integrated Security=SSPI;" cnApptReminders.Open cnApptReminders.Execute "UPDATE [Transaction_Master] SET [Transaction_Master].IVR_Response = '" + ResultInfo + "' WHERE ((([Transaction_Master].RecordID)= '"+ RECID + "'));" cnApptReminders.Close Here is an example of a typical OutDial_New.xml file that is loaded into VG. Note the <OnNotConnected> section. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata"> <OutDialEntry> <PhoneNumber>*82,(555) 438-8503</PhoneNumber> <DayTimeStart>1000</DayTimeStart> <DayTimeStop>2030</DayTimeStop> <DaysCallAllowed>MoTuWeThFrSaSu</DaysCallAllowed> <LineSelection>dxxxB1C1</LineSelection> <OnAnswer>C:\ApptRem\Human.vgs</OnAnswer> <OnAnswerMachine>C:\ApptRem\Ans_Mach.vgs</OnAnswerMachine> <CallRetries>2</CallRetries> <RetryDelay>30</RetryDelay> <RV>[RecordID]{20040923110518707545KATHRYN103104}[PatFirstName]{Linda}[Appt_Date] Wednesday, November 3}[Appt_Time]{9:00 AM}[Dr_LastName]{Deadrick}</RV> <OnNotConnected>C:\ApptRem\No_Ans.vbs $RV[RecordID] $RV[OutDial_Result]</OnNotConnected> </OutDialEntry> <OutDialEntry> <PhoneNumber>*82,(555) 955-1716</PhoneNumber> <DayTimeStart>1800</DayTimeStart> <DayTimeStop>2030</DayTimeStop> <DaysCallAllowed>MoTuWeThFrSaSu</DaysCallAllowed> <LineSelection>dxxxB1C1</LineSelection> <OnAnswer>C:\ApptRem\Human.vgs</OnAnswer> <OnAnswerMachine>C:\ApptRem\Ans_Mach.vgs</OnAnswerMachine> <CallRetries>2</CallRetries> <RetryDelay>30</RetryDelay> <RV>[RecordID]{20041020091538010381MARIBEL103104}[PatFirstName]{Alana}[Appt_Date] Wednesday, November 3}[Appt_Time]{9:30 AM}[Dr_LastName]{Davey}</RV> <OnNotConnected>C:\ApptRem\No_Ans.vbs $RV[RecordID] $RV[OutDial_Result]</OnNotConnected> </OutDialEntry> </dataroot> Share this post Link to post