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Globally-defined Com Access & Buffered Keypresses

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Hi there,


Many thanks for you earlier help with my VoiceGuide application. I am nearly there now!


I have moved onto performance testing and found my application to be a little slow particularly when there are a few callers using the system simultaneously. This, I have discovered, is in no way due to the VoiceGuide application itself.


My application makes extensive use of COM calls into a back-end database to verify the strings of keys entered by the users. E.g. We might say to the user 'enter a number between 1 and 100', which is captured with a Get Numbers script module, then passed to a VB Script module which creates the COM call to the database and gets a reply back as to whether the user's answer is valid.


The application might ask the user anything up to 100-200 questions in a single phone call, meaning that I have identified two key factors that contribute towards the perceived performance of my application.


1) As there are so many questions that require validation, there are also many corresponding COM calls. I have found that a lot of the processor time is spent in VBScript doing the initialisation and de-initialisation of the Objects. Is there any way I can initialise the Objects on a global scale (i.e. when the call is first set-up and when hung-up), rather than doing it each time I validate the keypresses?


2) The users typically anticipate most of the questions in advance, and so often try to 'type-ahead' of themselves expecting the application to catch-up towards the end of the call. Amazingly, many of them can type faster than VoiceGuide can validate the keypresses using the COM calls. At the moment, VoiceGuide can often miss keypresses if they are entered during the VBScript execution meaning the user gets confused and sometimes enters data against the wrong question. My question is if there is any way we can 'buffer' the keypresses entered by the user and process them at a speed that the server can handle without missing anything entered?


Sorry so lengthy, but I hope I have explained myself well enough! Many thanks once again!

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