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I am writing a test callback. The application is very simple, the caller calls in the system. The CallerID is detected, once the ringing stops, the application calls back the customer and starts a script.


How do you tell VG to dial back ONCE THE RINGING STOPS ?? and which module do you use for that ??

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No way to detect when the ringing stops at this time.


The usual way to set up these scripts is to introduce a set delay (about 10 seconds) before loading the outgoing call to be made. The caller usually would hang up after hearing a couple of rings and then the outgoing call would be able to call them back OK.


Maybe it's possible to use an "OnHangup" script - and load the call from within that script... not too sure if the "OnHangup" script will start when the ringing stops if the call was not answered in the first place... will need to test this on our test system first. Are you using an Analog line or a Digital ISDN line? (T1/E1 ISDN lines are usually used for callback services).

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I am using a voice modem for testing, but the application will eventually be migrated to a Dialogic D/41JCT-LS board.

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