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Vbs Com Interface Fails

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vbs scripts found in the COM interface examples fail.


Specifically... CreateObject("VoiceGuide.CommandLink") fails

A pop up dialog is generated with the message

Error: ClassFactory cannot supply requested class

Code: 80040111


I am using VoiceGuide Trial Version 5.2.4000 on Windows XP.

I am able to make and receive calls and the associated VoiceGuide scripts run properly. It successfully plays both wav files and TTS txt files.


I would like to be able to access the ActiveX/COM interface through vb scripts.

Any help would be appreciated.

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The Trial version does not really let you use the COM interface.


I think you are only allowed to make one COM call and then VG needs to be restarted...

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I am not able to create even a single instance of the VoiceGuide.CommandLink object.


As an aside, your www states . . .

Trial version limitations: Needs restarting every 1 hour. VG Dialer will only call up to 10 telephone numbers. 20 module script limit. Can control 4 lines. Apart from the just stated, all features of Enterprise+Dialer version available.


From this statement it seems that access to the ActiveX object should be available.


I have uninstalled and reinstalled with no success.


Do you have any other suggestions.



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You should be able to create VoiceGuide.CommandLink - nothing stops that from happening - it’s just the functions will return errors on the trial version (after 1st call) - you will still be able to call functions but they will return errors.


Have you tried using the VBScript samples in VG's Help file section on COM interface?



Is VoiceGuide installed and working fine on that machine?

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Thanks for quick response.


I have tried VBScript samples, they all fail at create VoiceGuide.CommandLink.


VG is running fine on this machine.

I am able to make calls, receive calls, play various TTS messages, retrieve keypad input from called party, etc.


Hope you can steer me in the right direction.


Again, thanks for your help

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Have you tried re-installing VG?


Can we get acess to this machine using PCAnywhere or WinVNC?

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I had previously uninstalled and reinstalled vg and still had no success with creating VoiceGuide.CommandLink.


I uninstalled again and noticed that the ActiveX components were not unregistered. I reinstalled and ran vgmulti.exe /unregserver. There was still a partial entry in the OLE/COM object viewer.


So, I uninstalled again. This time I manually cleaned out all registry entries.

When vg was reinstalled, every thing worked as advertised.


Hope this helps if anyone else encounters similar difficulty.

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