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Caller Id Callerid Not Appearing D4pciu Dialogic

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Hello, we have 4 lines where the caller id shows in a regular caller id device but is not coming across to VG, we use 5.2 and worked fine in a regular modem/fax using version 5.2. We are in USA in Iowa using analog lines. What can I do to help determine why caller id is not being detected.



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Do you know in what format the CallerID information is sent by the phone company?


You may want to try using VG for Dialogic and see if you get better results - that versions also has better debug tracing letting you better see what information is actually sent by the phone company.

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I am not sure the format it is in. What is VG for Dialogic, I tried looking under downloads but did not find it, only some patch for it. After you tell me where it is, since I have VG 5.2 installed and working ok for months, how do I install the VG for dialogic in that PC properly from 5.2 to the new version you are suggesting.


Thank You

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Download the "VG for Dialogic" patch.

This will convert an existing v5.2 install into "VG for Dialogic".

After unzipping the patch read the Readme.txt file.

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