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Can't Get Db Query Module To Work

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I can't get the DB Query Module to work when I try to write to the CallQue table in the OutDialQue Access database. I've successfully written to a SQL Server database via an ODBC DSN, but can't seem to write to Access. I've tried specifying the filename of the db and also tried using a DSN, but each one fails. I'm also not sure how to troubleshoot/debug it. (If I knew how to debug it, I wouldn't have to ask this forum.)


Anyway, here is the info:


Database or ODBC Data Source: C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\OutDialQue.mdb

Connect String: **blank**

SQL Query: INSERT INTO CallQue (PhoneNumber, ActivateTime, DayTimeStart, DayTimeStop, DaysCallAllowed, LineSelection,

Priority, AnnounceMessage, Script,

OnAnswerMachine, RV, AnswerTimeout, CallRetriesLeft,

DelayBetweenRetries, OnNotConnected, EscalationCalls)

VALUES('$RV_CIDNUMBER', $RV[callTime], 1, 2359, 'MoTuWeThFrSaSu', '',

5, 'C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\AcceptAutoCall.wav', '$RV[theMessage]', 'retry', '', 30, 40, 1, '', '')


Any help would be appreciated.


Brian Barnett

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Are you able to insert values into OutDialQue if using VBScript? (See some examples in the VG Help file)


Which version of VG are you using?


In VG for Dialogic it's possible to use MSSQL instead of Access for OutDialQue.

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I downloaded the eval version a week or so ago, so I assume I've got the latest version of VG.


I tried using the VBS module but it errored out there also. How can I see what the error code is? Here is the VBScript I used. I copied it from the help file and tweaked it a bit.


Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\OutDialQue.mdb"

cn.Execute "INSERT INTO CallQue (PhoneNumber, ActivateTime, DayTimeStart, DayTimeStop, DaysCallAllowed, LineSelection, Priority, AnnounceMessage, Script, OnAnswerMachine, RV, AnswerTimeout, CallRetriesLeft, DelayBetweenRetries, OnNotConnected, EscalationCalls) VALUES('$RV_CIDNUMBER', $RV[callTime], 1, 2359, 'MoTuWeThFrSaSu', '', 5, 'C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\AcceptAutoCall.wav', '$RV[theMessage]', 'retry', '', 30, 40, 1, '', '');"


Set cn = Nothing


We may eventually go to the Dialogic solution, but for now, I'd like to get it working with the eval version.



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Maybe one of the $RVs you're using is not set correcltly?


Does it work if you just try:


INSERT INTO CallQue (PhoneNumber, ActivateTime, DayTimeStart, DayTimeStop, DaysCallAllowed, LineSelection, Priority, AnnounceMessage, Script, OnAnswerMachine, RV, AnswerTimeout, CallRetriesLeft, DelayBetweenRetries, OnNotConnected, EscalationCalls) VALUES ('5551234', 0, 1, 2359, 'MoTuWeThFrSaSu', '', 5, '1.wav', '2.wav', 'retry', '', 30, 40, 1, '', '');

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Thanks for your help. I was able to determine that the problem was indeed in the SQL insert. The EscalationCalls column does not allow zero-length strings. I was able to do an Alt-Print Screen as an error dialog flashed on the screen for about one second and saw the message.

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Apparently VG for Dialogic currently does allow NULL values in EscalationCalls field, but current version of VG v5.x does not.


v5.x will be updated to allow NULL values as well.

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