SupportTeam Report post Posted 02/25/2006 11:13 PM Nicol wrote: Dear Katalina Technologies, I'm already your customer from two years and I've already acquired 3 licences of the "voiceguide" program, enterprise version + 4 dialer lines. Although I tried to configurate the program and I talked about it to other Italian "voiceguide" customer, my company's technicians couldn't solve some problematics. I preput I use : - windows 2000 professional - dialogic D4CIU - voiceguide 5.x I don't use PBX phone lines because in Italy we've got direct phone lines, called ISDN, which are made of 2 couples of analogic direct lines getting out from a "box" attacked to the wall, which are directly connected to the dialogic card. PROBLEM NUMBER 1: the frequency of disconnecting tone (remote hang up) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First, in Italy disconnect frequency does not exist: if voiceguide composes a telephone call towards a customer and this one interrupts the telephone call, voiceguide will only feel a "silent" signal, and not a signal similar to that one of busy. Consequently voiceguide continues to reproduce the script even if from the other part of the telephone the telephone call already has been interrupted. I would like to know if this it's possible to set dialogic card (D4PCIU) in such way the "silent" signal could be effectively recognized like a disconnect tone from the customer who has received the telephone call. I have tried to shape the frequency of the tone of logoff using PBXPERT but obviously the test fails because all the values are set up you to 0, es: FREQ1: 0 + - 0 FREQ2: 0 + - 0 I have tried to insert these "null" values in the configuration panel of the TSP, but telephone call turns out and voiceguide does not succeed in carring out one. It's important for me being able to solve this problem because I must give to my customers the exactly duration of the call before who has received the telephone call interrupts it. This must happen because my job consists in carrying out advertising and informative telephone campaigns for accounts of customers and give them sure results about the listen. PROBLEM NUMBER 2 :anomalous busy signal ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately in Italy telephone companies have introduced a strange method in order to signal that the called customer is busy. Instead of reproducing a busy frequency, they reproduce an answering machine that says "The customer you've contacted is engaged in an other conversation, try to call back later". This message is reproduced endured after the composition of the telephone number, and it is not anticipated from some marks of frequency. This message is cyclical and it is continuously reproduced. Consequently the system instead of recognizing busy signal (which doesn't exist) recognizes an answering machine having a welcome message that lasts to the infinite. Voiceguide waits until this welcome massage ends (that is a voiceguide's predefined timeout of the duration of the welcome message). Probably this problem is not solvable because not depending from voiceguide. Personally I think that the solution of the problem can be: setting up the maximum time of duration of the welcome message of the ansering machine; in such way we can contain the excessive time of wait. I know that it is not possible to set up the durations of the welcome message but I need a personalized voiceguide software, of course paying for having it. I have also tried to disactivate the answering machine setting up "Disabled" in vg.ini, but strangely the acknowledgment of answering machine equally is continuing to work. Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 02/25/2006 11:39 PM I would like to know if this it's possible to set dialogic card (D4PCIU) in such way the "silent" signal could be effectively recognized like a disconnect tone from the customer who has received the telephone call. Silence detection is only used during recording. If timing out awaiting user input is not an option then you should see if the ISDN-Analog converter can be set to either a). play a tone, or . perform a 'loop-current drop'. when the call ends. Only these two methods can be used to indicate end of call on analog lines. I have also tried to disactivate the answering machine setting up "Disabled" in vg.ini, but strangely the acknowledgment of answering machine equally is continuing to work. Try using "ignore" or "hangup" and see if either of these options are more suitable. Also, we'd really recomend using VG for Dialogic instead of v5.x The maximum time the answering machine message can be is right now hard-set at 120 seconds. To have this made configurable contact Share this post Link to post